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New tires= upset wife. Why?

Donny was a good bowler, and a good man. He was... He was one of us. He was a man who loved the outdoors, and bowling, and as a surfer explored the beaches of southern California from Redondo to Calabassos. And he was an avid bowler. And a good friend. He died--he died as so many of his generation, before his time. In your wisdom you took him, Lord. As you took so many bright flowering young men, at Khe San and Lan Doc and Hill 364. These young men gave their lives. And Donny too. Donny who... who loved bowling.
bgcntry72 said:
Donny was a good bowler, and a good man. He was... He was one of us. He was a man who loved the outdoors, and bowling, and as a surfer explored the beaches of southern California from Redondo to Calabassos. And he was an avid bowler. And a good friend. He died--he died as so many of his generation, before his time. In your wisdom you took him, Lord. As you took so many bright flowering young men, at Khe San and Lan Doc and Hill 364. These young men gave their lives. And Donny too. Donny who... who loved bowling.
Just sounds like you don't have your wife trained right. I got my wife thinking that I buy upgrades becouse it will make it safer to take the family with me on trail runs.
Onkover said:
Just sounds like you don't have your wife trained right. I got my wife thinking that I buy upgrades becouse it will make it safer to take the family with me on trail runs.

compensating for lack of balls with lies and deceit
you train you dog, not your wife. personally i like women w. a little attitude, not a controlling mentality, but a little spunk is nice. i like my women fiesty and my dogs trained.
jeepmaster said:
you train you dog, not your wife. personally i like women w. a little attitude, not a controlling mentality, but a little spunk is nice. i like my women fiesty and my dogs trained.
Nobody's talking about Stepford wives. Fiesty is good. When a final word has to be made, however, someone's gotta be in charge. Every ship needs a captain.
kid4lyf said:
Nobody's talking about Stepford wives. Fiesty is good. When a final word has to be made, however, someone's gotta be in charge. Every ship needs a captain.

the captain is a dumbass.
PhunkadelicXJ said:
the captain is a dumbass.
That's Captain Dumbass, missy.
BTW Paula, how did I know that post would bring you back into this thread?
Beezil said:
no more thread hijacking.....

lets get back on topic.

we were discussing how bitches need to bake pies.


I don't make the pies in my house, or cook on the grill! Doesn't matter what your gender in my house, just who does the best job! In my case, "I bring home the bacon", and he "fries it up in the pan", because it works out best that way for us. By the way, some women in powerful positions take being called a "Bitch" as a compliment! To us it makes us think the people who call us that are a little intimidated and that's not due to our pie making abilities! :)
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ChEwBaCcA said:
What you need to do is be the man of the household and tell her to mind her own! If that doesn't work pull out the bible and quote some scripture that explains her place in the world.
nuff said!


Here's a little Bible verse for ya: Ephesians 5:28,29 & 31:
Verse 28: So ouhgt men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

Verse 29: For no man ever hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord of the Church.

Verse 31: For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, as they two shall be one flesh.

So, to me, if you put down and gender bash your wife, what does that say about you as a man, if you and your wife are to be like one flesh. If you call your wife a "Bitch", wouldn't that technically mean in the eyes of the Lord, that you are putting yourself down?

By the way, in the eyes of the U.S. government, I am listed as the head of household because I make the most money for our family.

Vacation Bible School session has now ended! :)
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Oh Beezil, you are just soo mean. I don't know if we poor girls can handle all of the abuse. :bawl: :roll:
Okie Princess said:
I don't make the pies in my house, or cook on the grill! Doesn't matter what your gender in my house, just who does the best job! In my case, "I bring home the bacon", and he "fries it up in the pan", because it works out best that way for us. By the way, some women in powerful positions take being called a "Bitch" as a compliment! To us it makes us think the people who call us that are a little intimidated and that's not due to our pie making abilities! :)

I cook 90% of the meals in this house, I do it well. I make her lunch when she travels, she is on the road min of 2 days a week and gone for a week at a time about once a month. I work out of the house.

When it comes to parts for the rig she enjoys driving it as much as I do just the other day I saw a good deal on beadlocks on PBB showed her a pic of em and she got excited and told me if I let those get away she'd kick my ass.

I think part of the difference is Ive made her a big part of the experience and share it all with her. I got the 35"s from Mr Hinkley last winter. the KLUNE V she paid for the burnt xj that it was in. Being a driver herself she has come to understand "crawl ratio". You gotta love a lady who understands "crawl ratio"

Well the beadlocks are on the way.

I guess I just got lucky.
xjnation said:
I cook 90% of the meals in this house, I do it well. I make her lunch when she travels, she is on the road min of 2 days a week and gone for a week at a time about once a month. I work out of the house.

When it comes to parts for the rig she enjoys driving it as much as I do just the other day I saw a good deal on beadlocks on PBB showed her a pic of em and she got excited and told me if I let those get away she'd kick my ass.

I think part of the difference is Ive made her a big part of the experience and share it all with her. I got the 35"s from Mr Hinkley last winter. the KLUNE V she paid for the burnt xj that it was in. Being a driver herself she has come to understand "crawl ratio". You gotta love a lady who understands "crawl ratio"

Well the beadlocks are on the way.

I guess I just got lucky.

You know, that's what I'm talking about here. It takes two to make a good relationship. I must say that I am just now starting to learn about jeeps, and I didn't say I didn't like it. I also didn't tell my husband he had to take his tires back to the store. I think that's what people have been missing during this whole thread. I never said don't buy anymore new tires, ever! I said, "Is now really the best time to do it?" Do you see what I'm saying? I am not trying to control the love Terry has for his jeep, but as I've said before, there is a time and a place for everything. :peace:

By the way, this is not Terry, This is Okie Princess. Just forgot to sign in! :star: