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New tires= upset wife. Why?

basalt51 said:
HI. What is this post about. I'm too lazy to read all 30 pages. You'ld some please be a Flower and summarize it for me?
basalt51 said:
HI. What is this post about. I'm too lazy to read all 30 pages. You'ld some please be a Flower and summarize it for me?
Basically, if you just read all the thread titles in the Off Topic Forum, this thread has a little bit of all of that.
I just bargain with her, if I want $1000 for the Jeep I give her $100 to spend on something (and no, I didn't miss a "0").
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black, yea, my 127 gt score and my 76 asvab score tended to help in my ambition to be a blackhawk mechanic....especially when you score very high in the mechanical section. lucky me, huh?:)

hopefully all the lovely wrench time i have on helos will somehow transpose over to wrenching on jeeps (prolly not unless i somehow figure out a completely hydraulic power steering system and everything else lol.
My overall was a 97, which got me into where I am. (electronics) I wanted to be a helo mech but they "bribed" me with a bonus to go into avionics, which now I don't even come near anything that flies...
What you need to do is be the man of the household and tell her to mind her own! If that doesn't work pull out the bible and quote some scripture that explains her place in the world.
nuff said!


Okie Terry said:
Just curious who out there has brought home a new set of tires, or something else of equal importance, only to recieve a less than pleasant reaction. :gonnablow

When we talked about it last night, I said that I'm going to be needing new tires for the trail rig soon. :rtm: She understood and agreed. :cool:

Well, I came home from a day out tire shopping and didn't get the reaction I thought I would get. :doh: Turns out, her agreeing and understanding didn't mean that I was given the green light on a tire purchase. :nono:

Appearantly, when you move up to 35"s from 33"s there's quite a jump in price that she wasn't aware of. :eek: And when you buy MTRs instead of the usual small off-brand tire company, there's a price hike that she didn't know about as well. :scared:

After some smoothing over and major ass kissing, she seems to have surrendered to the fact that these tires were a necessary purchase. :smootch:

I may have dodged a bullet here, but who else has accidently missread the signs of a woman and was blinded by enthusiasm? :dunce:

Let this be a warning to the newlyweds of NAXJA. Women's messaging systems are skewed and things aren't always what they may seem. But take heart, that is one thing you know will never change. ;)
ChEwBaCcA said:
What you need to do is be the man of the household and tell her to mind her own! If that doesn't work pull out the bible and quote some scripture that explains her place in the world.
nuff said!

the first part of 1 Corinthians 7 is great for this :D

(unfortuneately for us guys, when you put that passage in context and read all the rest of what the Bible says about husband/wife relationships, it's not as "good" as 1 Corinthians 7 sounds)
BrettM said:
the first part of 1 Corinthians 7 is great for this.
(unfortuneately for us guys, when you put that passage in context and read all the rest of what the Bible says about husband/wife relationships, it's not as "good" as 1 Corinthians 7 sounds)
ChEwBaCcA said:
pull out the bible and quote some scripture that explains her place in the world.
Save it. :rolleyes:
pullin out the bible won't help you "put her in her place", it'll tell you that you are to lay down your life for her, i.e: your wants and needs are nothing you live to take care of her and please her, just as she is supposed to yield to you and live her life for you. I think that's a great to do it, but most of you with the 50/50 would disagree
You have a really old butt, and the horribleosity that must have developed over the course of the past 3000-4000 years (remember TP is a fairly new creation) terrifies me and the thought of such a thing shall haunt me for the rest of my life.
BlackSport96 said:
You have a really old butt, and the horribleosity that must have developed over the course of the past 3000-4000 years (remember TP is a fairly new creation) terrifies me and the thought of such a thing shall haunt me for the rest of my life.
