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Let's respect those posting here


NAXJA Forum User
Temecula, CA
Folks it has been happening more recently that when someone posts up things for sale another member chimes in with some disparaging remark about the price or the person selling the item. This kind of stuff is not going to be allowed by the mods. If you have some kind of issue with a person PM them and resolve it backchannel. If you don't like the price someone is asking for something then don't buy it. This has happened for quite some time and its time for it to stop. Everyone has a right to post items up for sale without another person raining on their parade. If there is a case like not too long ago when someone was straight up ripping people off, that is different. Let the mods know and we will deal with it. Thanks and happy selling.
A few other forums I frequent do not allow anyone else posting on the thread. All questions, comments, concerns are only allowed through pm.
The only person allowed in the thread is the OP. This rule cuts out so much bs. Helps everyone out.
Just a suggestion.
if you want to rape someone that doesnt know any better on the price of parts and make yourself a profit, take it to craigslist. i'm not one to typically call these people out, but it certainly don't mind when others do.
it keeps other people from doing the same, and keeps prices in check around here.
I have no problem calling people out on prices or questionable items being sold. I think it protects the community.

With that said it should be kept appropriate and respectful.
if you want to rape someone that doesnt know any better on the price of parts and make yourself a profit, take it to craigslist. i'm not one to typically call these people out, but it certainly don't mind when others do.
it keeps other people from doing the same, and keeps prices in check around here.

Im with dan on this one.
OP, how much respect do you have for sale and can I get a shipping quote to 91730?
how can one sell what one does not have?:D

sorry john... that was uncalled for.
if you want to rape someone that doesnt know any better on the price of parts and make yourself a profit, take it to craigslist. i'm not one to typically call these people out, but it certainly don't mind when others do.
it keeps other people from doing the same, and keeps prices in check around here.

I have no problem calling people out on prices or questionable items being sold. I think it protects the community.

With that said it should be kept appropriate and respectful.

Horrible attitude guys. It's called sticking your nose in someone else's business. Value is always in a range, and if someone posts in the high end of the range to test the market they shouldn't get slammed in their thread by self righteous do gooders trying to "protect the community".

I agree 100% with our SoCal president, keep the negative comments out of for sale threads if you have no interest whatsoever in buying the item. You can all it what you want, I call it common courtesy (which I guess isn't so common anymore).
so you guys are cool with people price gouging and taking advantage of people? thats cool.
so you guys are cool with people price gouging and taking advantage of people? thats cool.

It is not up to you to make that call. If there is a buyer at a certain price that may be too high, then it won't sell. If you don't like it, shut your pie hole and don't buy it.
I'm cool with if you don't like the price don't buy it, anyone is free to ask whatever price they want for their possessions. if you think it's too much don't buy it. an item is only worth what someone is willing to pay.
What about the guy a few years back who never owned a Jeep and was openly making fun of people who bought his overpriced axles he had just pulled from the JYs for that reason? He signed up so he and some of his friends could sell on the Jeep forums. Is that also cool?

Some for sale threads here are from new users, who probably only signed up to sell their stuff.

Also a lot of dreamers here too.
What about the guy a few years back who never owned a Jeep and was openly making fun of people who bought his overpriced axles he had just pulled from the JYs for that reason? He signed up so he and some of his friends could sell on the Jeep forums. Is that also cool?

Some for sale threads here are from new users, who probably only signed up to sell their stuff.

Also a lot of dreamers here too.

this is what I'm most concerned about. I've seen it happen.

I see no reason why posting a concern for the price or any other details shouldn't be allowed. as long as its respectful of course.

It is not up to you to make that call. If there is a buyer at a certain price that may be too high, then it won't sell. If you don't like it, shut your pie hole and don't buy it.
I have been scanning the by-laws, rules, and for-sale rules and have yet to find anything that says posting a concern in a for-sale thread is against the rules, so I don't really know where you get off telling me to shut my pie-hole.
What about the guy a few years back who never owned a Jeep and was openly making fun of people who bought his overpriced axles he had just pulled from the JYs for that reason? He signed up so he and some of his friends could sell on the Jeep forums. Is that also cool?

Some for sale threads here are from new users, who probably only signed up to sell their stuff.

Also a lot of dreamers here too.

No one has to buy them. If no one buys that stuff, then they won't post it anymore.

Should there be a repeated problem or someone constantly selling goods for profit then they would need be reported and possibly have to become a vendor.

Might I add that JeeperJohn has the authority to have users blocked from the ForSale forum for crapping on peoples threads or even people here for profit only.
Maybe non members shouldn't be able to sell here period. If you are not willing to pay for a membership you shouldn't be able to use it as your sale platform either.
This isn't CraigsList or is it?
I have been scanning the by-laws, rules, and for-sale rules and have yet to find anything that says posting a concern in a for-sale thread is against the rules, so I don't really know where you get off telling me to shut my pie-hole.

Read the first post...you have been warned. :nono:
Maybe non members shouldn't be able to sell here period. If you are not willing to pay for a membership you shouldn't be able to use it as your sale platform either.
This isn't CraigsList or is it?

That is up for the SoCal bod for decide but for now yes, it is open for anyone in SoCal
I love how the only place we have to treat people with respect on this site is in the Socal for sale forum. Everywhere else is "can't take the heat, take it to cherokeeforum". Way to draw that line in the sand guys :D