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NAXJA Forum User
Gardena, CA
for those of you who spoke to me earlier tonight thank you for the prayers and well wishes, they meant a lot to me. For those of you who did not, now that everything is OK i'll spill the beans. My 7.5 months preggo wife almost died of toxemia tonight. she spent all day in the ER getting worse and worse blood pressure off the charts and liver failure, kidney problems, you name it she had it. at 8pm they decided to induce early labor (1.5 months early) and by 1am the baby's heart rate dropped to almost nothing and my wife slipped into a comatose state.

at 1:15 they did an emergency C section hoping to save the baby's life and god willing my wife as well. well as soon as the baby was out my wife's vitals started to stabilize and thank god she's recovering now, and the baby is doing great for how premo he is. I will tell you right now i have never been more scared in my life than i was tonight.. I almost lost my wife and my son at the same time to something the docs can't explain.. but on to happier news:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you mini-Grimmy.. AKA Michael Ryan Vincent


4 pounds and he already kicked a nurse in the boob. He is so my son!
Sorry to hear bud, but glad they are both doing well. I have lost a child & it's one of the worst things you have live with.
SHIT! Yeah!

IM super stoked for you man! I can imagine the feeling of potentially losing your wife and new born son.

Glad it all turned out for the best! You are a lucky man ;)
thanks everyone, i got 4 hours of sleep, im going to get my 5 year old to her first day of school ever here in a little while then go see momma and baby again. so far so good, momma called me this morning and is groggy and sore but still improving.
thanks everyone, i got 4 hours of sleep, im going to get my 5 year old to her first day of school ever here in a little while then go see momma and baby again. so far so good, momma called me this morning and is groggy and sore but still improving.

All good stuff man. You're doing well now i take it?
I think you're gonna need a "It's a Boy" beer mug ;)
What a nightmare story. Glad to hear that it had a fairytale ending. Congrats on the new son and best wishes for a fast and complete recovery for your wife and your son.