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I worked Loss Prevention for Famous Barr when I was going to school at SIU. Best job I ever had. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Hours of staring at monitors for 5 mins of excitement every so often. Loved it.

It always amazed me at what people thought they could get away with.

I'm wearing Baggy pants 5 sizes too big and walking like I have something in my pants, No I'm not stealing.......:D
the bank right next door to my job got robed this morning, my brother (samset on here) was siting at his desk which is in front of a big garage door that faces the bank saw 2 guys in ski masks run out the bank and through the ally we all park in with in 3 or 4 mins the cops swarmed the bank, not sure if they found them yet or if they got away with anything, no official word yet but a couple people here are saying one person from the bank got shot, there was an ambulance out front

When did you get transferred to Rockford?
Got the story
2 young punks ran up on the lady opening the door, pulled there guns out on her but she wrestled away and ran into the middle of the street yelling call the cops and they took off down the ally, nobody was hurt the ambulance was there cause the lady was shakin up and they needed to calm her down the cops called off the search cause they didnt have anything to go by

My greatest fear, I open four days a week at the Bank. Glad she is ok.

Sue, IMO, there is *NOTHING* more important in that situation than situational awareness. Always be aware of what's going on around you, don't get your attention fixed on what's immediately in front of you. Shoot, watch the reflections in the glass doors while you're opening.
just got in from working cattle..it started raining and made everything a mess and delayed us getting done for quite a while. Ended up using the headlighst on the ATVs and the truck to fnish....it was only 71 head but I am beat like it was 300.
Sue, IMO, there is *NOTHING* more important in that situation than situational awareness. Always be aware of what's going on around you, don't get your attention fixed on what's immediately in front of you. Shoot, watch the reflections in the glass doors while you're opening.

Truth! I have been working on my situational awareness since I began carrying.
My greatest fear, I open four days a week at the Bank. Glad she is ok.


Today I just read in the paper that a man dressed in an FBI shirt with a IU Hoosiers shirt underneath walked into the bank and handed the teller a note. The note said that he wanted her to hand him money. The teller handed the note back to the man and told him no she wouldnt do it. The man grabbed the note and ran back out the door. It's funny that I just read that story right after reading REW's story.
I'm wearing Baggy pants 5 sizes too big and walking like I have something in my pants, No I'm not stealing.......:D
sounds like 50% of the people I see in Worcester. Bonus if you're walking around holding your nuts/pants and wearing a tshirt long enough to be considered a robe.

Sue, IMO, there is *NOTHING* more important in that situation than situational awareness. Always be aware of what's going on around you, don't get your attention fixed on what's immediately in front of you. Shoot, watch the reflections in the glass doors while you're opening.
X2, hell, do this at all times anyways. If there is a reflection, use it to your advantage. Works while driving as well, at least if you have a flat vertical windshield and no roof/cab back.

Today I just read in the paper that a man dressed in an FBI shirt with a IU Hoosiers shirt underneath walked into the bank and handed the teller a note. The note said that he wanted her to hand him money. The teller handed the note back to the man and told him no she wouldnt do it. The man grabbed the note and ran back out the door. It's funny that I just read that story right after reading REW's story.
hahaha that's great. Some people just aren't cut out for bank robbery... luckily.
just got in from working cattle..it started raining and made everything a mess and delayed us getting done for quite a while. Ended up using the headlighst on the ATVs and the truck to fnish....it was only 71 head but I am beat like it was 300.

Just what do you do, when you "work cattle"?
Just what do you do, when you "work cattle"?

Please don't tell us, imagining the various possibilities is much more fun :D
haha..yuck it up guys :D yesterday we had to run this particular group through and give then a shot for a local strain of pink eye and we pour them for fly's. I had a few that I had to shoot with an additional 25cc of pennecillin due to bad eyes and infections. Camille was right in there with me and she was actually in the pen and sending them up to the alley so that I could run them into the squeeze chute and take care of the shots. Yippie Chi Yay!
Debating KM2's Cooper Discov STTs and Goodyear Duratracs......

Sorry not much else going on....

haha..yuck it up guys :D yesterday we had to run this particular group through and give then a shot for a local strain of pink eye and we pour them for fly's. I had a few that I had to shoot with an additional 25cc of pennecillin due to bad eyes and infections. Camille was right in there with me and she was actually in the pen and sending them up to the alley so that I could run them into the squeeze chute and take care of the shots. Yippie Chi Yay!

do you inject in the upper neck area.
I hate to bite into a steak and see an injection site.

Guess some guy in Terra Haute rode up to the drive through and put a note in the chute that said give me all your money. The teller laughed and said go away... She then locked the door. He rode away.
do you inject in the upper neck area.
I hate to bite into a steak and see an injection site.


yeah, about 8-12" behind the jaw line and these were all sub-q. I shoot all our animals in the same area to keep everything consistant and in some rare instances we have sold the hides to leather makers and it will bring a premium if they are not ran against a barbed fence or if they have a localized treatment area for injections. We have a few herds that run in only electric fenced cells or woven wire cells without any barbed wire at all. We are eyeing a few steers and debating on which one will end up in the freezer next year! :chef:
I heard it was a bull and you were eyeing him for somehting else...you're always talking about seed. And what's this about giving your herd hot flesh injections? YOU SICK FREAK!
Edit: I feel a little guilty picking on Tyler. If only Aaron were a confirmed sheep farmer and suspected sheep lover instead of a confirmed sheep lover and aspiring sheep farmer.
There was indeed a bull present the other day and he was a bit stubborn to say the least....when it was time to milk he was slow starting but once he got going..whoaaaaaa buddy . :farmer: