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Look in to Square, that is what I use to process CC payments. Quicken also has a CC processing service. Pay Pal has security issues.
Like I said, I tried square but they suspended my account and won't let me overturn the ruling. The sent me an email after I processed a few payments and basically said I was probably a fake business and was probably committing cc fraud so they shut me down forever. It's dumb...I'm trying to find a customer service number to talk to a real person but its not going well
Do you pay for the actual cc service so someone doesn't need PayPal or do you just make them go through PayPal? I've always just invoiced through PayPal

I use paypal to process all cc payments. My store front goes directly to paypal where people can enter their own info. I pay 3% for transaction fees....
Huh...just sent myself a dummy invoice to see what they payer side looks like. I didn't realize there was an option to just pay with a cc...that's an easy solution
I use paypal to process all cc payments. My store front goes directly to paypal where people can enter their own info. I pay 3% for transaction fees....

I assume you have done tons of homework on this topic, But I am considering expanding my business into online retail, is 3% about the norm? is there any annual service fees or anything?

I currently don't preform online sales, but here at the shop I only get juiced for 1% if I swipe the card, and 3% is only If a have to punch it in manually (because the card is wore out or something to that effect)...There is also a 2% stipulation....but I cannot remember the conditions. It doesn't happen a whole lot.

my only real issue with what I have is that it doesn't take AmEx. no one really uses it anyway, and if they do have an AmEx card, typically they have another because apparently AmEx isn't accepted a bunch of places.
my only real issue with what I have is that it doesn't take AmEx. no one really uses it anyway, and if they do have an AmEx card, typically they have another because apparently AmEx isn't accepted a bunch of places.

as a buyer for my job, we only have an AMEX card for on line purchases. so it really sucks when places cant take it.
I assume you have done tons of homework on this topic, But I am considering expanding my business into online retail, is 3% about the norm? is there any annual service fees or anything?

I currently don't preform online sales, but here at the shop I only get juiced for 1% if I swipe the card, and 3% is only If a have to punch it in manually (because the card is wore out or something to that effect)...There is also a 2% stipulation....but I cannot remember the conditions. It doesn't happen a whole lot.

my only real issue with what I have is that it doesn't take AmEx. no one really uses it anyway, and if they do have an AmEx card, typically they have another because apparently AmEx isn't accepted a bunch of places.

I have not done a TON of background on it but I have compared it to other retailers, around 3% is the norm. There are no other fees associated with it. I am sure I have lost a couple sales because people refuse to use paypal for some reason or another, but if they want to be a bitch about it I probably don't want them as a customer anyway.
I need a research assistant to monitor the flow/smell as I use different seasonings....
anyone done research on asparagus to pee smell?

if you think its bad you never had a betus high blood sugar pee. makes asparagus pee smell like spring water fresh glade.
I have not done a TON of background on it but I have compared it to other retailers, around 3% is the norm. There are no other fees associated with it. I am sure I have lost a couple sales because people refuse to use paypal for some reason or another, but if they want to be a bitch about it I probably don't want them as a customer anyway.

agreed. I find some people are literally looking for an excuse to buy something somewhere else....I don't know why....you don't need to prove anything to anyone, just go somewhere else.

anyone done research on asparagus to pee smell?

google. asparagus doesn't have this effect on everyone. it isnt that you cant smell it, its just that your pee doesn't smell. Sean, I suggest you go in the s***house and flush for me after about a pound of the stuff, it'll make your toes curl.
I need a snow removal business, we paid out about 5k for last month's snow events. Snow is pretty, but don't eat the yellow snow. I heard this one time and band camp, a girl shoved a flute up her puss. I never did understand band, and how the people who participated thought it was a sport. It snowed again today. Our college band has a guy on the flag squad. It is going to be really cold the next few days here, I need to get the salt off my truck. I am thinking about getting another jeep because I hear making the mud fly is fun. Oh my.