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I can honestly say its not my parents fault either. from 14-18 i didn't drink enough for them to even notice. moved out at 18 so they had no control over me. and that is how it should be. 18 just like the old days (long before i was born) if you are old enough to buy lottery tickets,cigarette,porn, and take out a loan you should be able to drink. drinking laws are retarded in my opinion.

Rew' iknow, i know kids get their porn off the internet these days'Ster

Speak for yourself, Mom caught me a few times completely shawasted.

I started drinking at 14 hard stuff, by 18 I was out of control. Then I stopped for about a year. Then I started up slowly, then I got out of control again, now I am pretty comfortable with the way I drink.
I probably have more young adults working for me that came from lousy family situations than most anyone else here.

Those young people inspect $80 million dollar airplanes to make sure they're safe for flight, they tear apart $2 million engines and put them back together again and they go to combat zones where the stress is unlike what your average American can contemplate.

There's plenty of messed up kids in the world that had really good parents and plenty that had really bad parents. What you do after you leave the house is on you, not on the people you grew up with. Some of us were lucky enough to have positive influences in our household when we were kids. Of course it shapes us, but just because that influence isn't there doesn't mean that you're automatically going the wrong way.

red 'treat them like adults and they'll act like adults' heep
Underage drinking laws in the US are dumb. I got an underage ticket when I was younger, Got picked up at a concert festival in downtown cincy. I wasn't hurting anyone or causing any trouble just hanging out listening to music. And it cost me a day in court and $700 in fines. For a beer, that is rediculous!
I suppose this makes the most sense to me... I remember a story that's likely true somewhere in the world, but mostly an example.

Two brothers grew up with an alcoholic father. One was asked why he became an alcoholic and he said because his father was. When the other was asked why he became a lawyer, his reply was the same.

It truly is what each individual makes of it, but ultimately the motivating factor is the same.

Statistically, I would imagine most trouble kids come from a less-than-stellar home, though I don't know.

And then there's what I call "Preacher's daughter syndrome." Locked up till they are given some freedom and they go apeshit. Like the Amish and their rumspringa.

You know what? I really don't know what makes kids do what they do...:dunce:
Underage drinking laws in the US are dumb. I got an underage ticket when I was younger, Got picked up at a concert festival in downtown cincy. I wasn't hurting anyone or causing any trouble just hanging out listening to music. And it cost me a day in court and $700 in fines. For a beer, that is rediculous!

Agreed. I got a ticket for drinking a beer after work at my own apartment at the age of 18.
I have three kids, three different personalities. All good kids. Good parents.

T has parents that are divorced, one an alcoholic, the other not playing with a full deck. She has turned out good, one sister is a missionary, one lives off the state and a brother that is a piece of shit.
Picked up the TJ today, all ready ordered new flares. also checked into my cost of 33's
I have two boys close in age.
Both had the same chances in life.
One served in the army for four years and is now going to school on the GI bill and the other is on prison for a long time.
It is their own choices and personallies.
Note to purchasers....if you dont read your PM's before you open a package I send you, you may have a suprise :D

Cheese "Just ask JakeWI" Man
Note to purchasers....if you dont read your PM's before you open a package I send you, you may have a suprise :D

Cheese "Just ask JakeWI" Man

There is a new TV show on AMC called "Owners Manual". The show is basically two guys try to do a job. One guy does it with a manual and the other does it without one. The first episode last night had them operating a train (after getting and coupling two train cars and a caboose) and then the next episode had them racing someone (who was only allowed to go 50mph) in a off road race.
Damn haters, why you gotta hate on me? 3rd time in 2 years there's been fraudulent activity on my MC... Good thing BoA always catches it, I just hate waiting for the new card.

Dr.Moab, me and some friends are going to stop by later and talk about some of your lifestyle choices :p
got my shackle relocation boxes...it was good and bad. good because they helped a tremendous amount. my shackle angle is better,and my jeep sits up higher so it doesn't bottom out shocks anymore on nasty nj highways...

bad because i found a spot on the frame that will need rust repair very soon. it was hiding under my hitch and i had not noticed it :( oh well. i have plans to drop the tank to add the rear stiffys, clean, paint, install different leaf packs and the d44...i guess i just added frame cleaning and reinforcement to that list. its not bad, it would survive a while longer, but if i don't fix it before it gets worse it would be a problem...d44 is painted and it will get delivered for the gear/arb install this weekend.

i think i may have also found a cheap front locker nib...project money is being reduced due to baby funding, but i think i have enough spare to get this locker. after that i think i have almost everything i need.
Does anyone else think it's wrong to own 4 Jeeps when you can only drive 1 at a time?