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think a moderately twisted trans cross member would cause the jeep to feel like im sitting in a washing machine at 65-70mph?
think a moderately twisted trans cross member would cause the jeep to feel like im sitting in a washing machine at 65-70mph?

If its only at one speed range, my money is on driveshafts/pinions or tires...
I need a warm bed (no tent)

you have a PM...

3 hours and the driveway is cleaned off and the car is dug out...10 inches is now understood how much it really is...

my expensive f350 sits outside and here 600 dollar 5.9 is in the garage...with the rzr and my dad's 55 willys...

mac 'sometimes the f350 gets garage space...sometimes' gyvr
What exactly was done and what did they use? I wanna try it out on the tire I tore open... For fun...

Stainless wire, about the size of 20ga, it was "laced" across the slice. It worked long enough to finish the trail, it is not a long term fix.

You could lace it then use a patch on the inside and it may work for long term.

my brother called me this morning and told me that he ran into a family of about 8-756 (he said they were coming out of everywhere) Amish at the gas station and he asked one of the guys if they had seen 'Amish Mafia"...the guy mumbled something in Penn Dutch and the word ASSHOLE was in perfect english...I told my brother that hey dont have TV's or electricity, how the hell would they be able to watch that show?!?

Cheese "and he was the 4.0 student his whole life :rolleyes:" Man
In a foul mood this morning.... My students will suffer me during their finals...

99SJ 'Done being 'Minnesota Polite' ' Ex
In a foul mood this morning.... My students will suffer me during their finals...

99SJ 'Done being 'Minnesota Polite' ' Ex
I'm trying to stay out of a foul mood this morning.... but when you have a group of developers, who've had 10 flippin' years to fix an application and still haven't, it's sort of hard. This just came up due to an application migration/upgrade that's supposed to go live in 10 days..... and can't because they still haven't fixed a rather critical piece that's been using the wrong access method for 10 years. And they've known about.

Still don't understand how some of these people are employed in IT.
Working on the jeep tomorrow is going to suck. My brothers heater died. Tried to find one on craigslist but the price people want for torpedo heaters is rediculous. Good thing I have carhartt overalls and stuff.
lots to do today...have to finish most of the packing away into the shop this afternoon. subaru is SOLD! its bittersweet, but i'll be watching it go away on a trailer today. i won't miss having a car payment. this is my last full day in iowa :(
Working on the jeep tomorrow is going to suck. My brothers heater died. Tried to find one on craigslist but the price people want for torpedo heaters is rediculous. Good thing I have carhartt overalls and stuff.

you can use mine. All I ask is that you replace the kerosene, and I get it back Saturday

call me later
So...someone called and complained on my trailer...not sure if it was when it was parked out front in the driveway or in the back yard or even if its a neighbor...

they complain that its too long...and so they must be jealous...

currently its plated as a regular trailer, but if i plate it as an RV then the length doesn't matter where as a regular trailer its not supposed to be more than 20 ft long at a residence.


what a bunch of hoops to jump through...

mac 'maybe RV plates are cheaper?' gyvr