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Supply will remain high as demand lessens all why lowering production, or at least run parallel...to a certain limit. To maintain a specific level of income/profit the companies would have to increase production and pump product out like crazy with a markdown price to meet their quota or fire employees and lower overhead. Either would work well as long as they maintain their elitist attitude.

And the Chevy Volt is an excellent answer. It uses the same propulsion platform design as modern locomotives. A battery/motor creates the movement and a generator recharges as necessary. Great available torque and minimal fuel usage which is why train is still one of the most fuel efficient ways to move large amounts of cargo.

Don't forget, we are not the only economy. Oil is sold on the world market; even oil which is pumped out of the earth on US soil. Oil Companies are whores; they will sell their wares to the highest bidder.
The projected demand world wide is expected to increase even as our thurst here becomes less.

Flex, no, not "Bullshit", you just didn't understand the statement. The Diesel is not really an "Alternative Fuel" for Gas. It is actually much closer on the refining scale to crude. Now if you want to talk "Biofuel", well that has made sense for a while. Unfortunately, it means converting food into fuel; the same issue that Alcohol has in the mind of many.

I think for a while, there will be a number of alternatives striving to make their mark. The high price of fuel makes exploring these options more and more economically feasible.

RedHeep, you are right. We did suck on that teet a long time. Unfortunately we need cheap energy to run our economy. It will balance out again, but it will take a bit. Service industries that have large fleets really have felt the sting. Yah, and I've come to expect that whatever the price is, I will pay it ;) That doesn't mean I didn't change the fleet abit to make it more fuel efficient ! Some synthetic here, abit more pressure in the tires, check the alignment there... it all adds up :D
Man, I need to find a 91/30. I'm going to do a sniper replica with a better scope. The 7.62x54r round is awesome. It'll kick the hell out of your shoulder without a buttpad but is surprisingly accurate coming out of a 60-80ish year old gun. The M44 will remain untouched, I don't mind putting holes in a 91/30 though.

i'd like to pick up a tula rifle and gunfawk my current 91/30 up....100yds on the paper with irons is pretty good right out of the box.

nothing like a a gun you can find food with that current prices let you pick up 440 rds for under 100 bucks
Eventually, this world will return to whoever has the biggest guns takes what they want. We won't be alive to see it, but it will happen.

I second that, take over canada and we will have all the resources we need. Close the borders for good and let everyone else fight it out.
I second that, take over canada and we will have all the resources we need. Close the borders for good and let everyone else fight it out.
meh, trade them for California and call it good.
The mistake that we continue to make as Americans is to think that any other country follows what we think are the rules.

Don't forget, we are not the only economy. Oil is sold on the world market; even oil which is pumped out of the earth on US soil. Oil Companies are whores; they will sell their wares to the highest bidder.
The projected demand world wide is expected to increase even as our thurst here becomes less.

Yah, and I've come to expect that whatever the price is, I will pay it ;) That doesn't mean I didn't change the fleet abit to make it more fuel efficient ! Some synthetic here, abit more pressure in the tires, check the alignment there... it all adds up :D
Yeah, I didn't take into account all the other countries that we are leaps and bounds ahead of, countries that will likely always have a dependency on oil.

And I've also taken steps to try and keep my fuel consumption and out of pocket expense down. I run synthetic oil (not sure if it really helps that much) but I can't argue with 21.5mpg on highway trips in my 97. I'm worried that once I get the rear leaf packs replaced that it will suck more air under the thing and bring mileage down. Need to do a tune up and would like to do a K&N. Not that I'm a huge believer that they will net significant gains but each little bit helps.
Man, I need to find a 91/30. I'm going to do a sniper replica with a better scope. The 7.62x54r round is awesome. It'll kick the hell out of your shoulder without a buttpad but is surprisingly accurate coming out of a 60-80ish year old gun. The M44 will remain untouched, I don't mind putting holes in a 91/30 though.
There is a really nice sporterizer stock out there for the Mosins. You get rid of all the wood, can easily mount the barrel bi-pod in a good position and maintain the reliability of the action. There are also nice kits for the down turned bolt knob and scope mount over the receiver. They're not the original type, but they work. Not to mention how difficult it is to find and retro fit an original type mount with a modern scope.
so you texted him at 12:30 AM and don't understand why he didn't answer? Have you ever heard of sleep?

He posted on here after I texted him...and he was going to call me at midnight...

Not everyone has bankers hours.

mac '70+ hours this week' gyvr
Fastest way to jump start the economy and get out of the recession.

cut gas prices in half

mac 'made up inflation has them high' gyvr
That was cool! Mac 'not a rookie at smokey burnouts' Gyvr...
By the law of supply and demand, it will again get cheaper. Once we get to a point of near no dependence on fossil fuels, the price will drop as demand drops. Later as gasoline burning vehicles become obsolete in the same way that rotary phones or collectables, people will either be giving gas away or charging a fortune in comparison to today's prices.

But it will go down. We likely won't see it, though. The progression of electric and alternative fueled vehicles isn't fast enough.

back to this.

the law of supply and demand works just fine, in a properly free market.

Unfortunately when you pay to get politicians put into office, and those politicians appoint people into powerful positions that have an agenda, you no longer have a free market.

When exactly did the cost of diesel double? When the EPA decided that we needed ULSD, and we started shipping all the "dirty" diesel out of this country, artificially limiting our supply.
It does no good in the global scale of emissions, because other countries are still burning tons of it, but it made us feel better at the expense to our wallets.

and thus we get to the crux of the problem. The progressive movement in this country wants to create laws that make everyone feel better about themselves and our society, unfortunately feel good laws are often detrimental to those that produce things.

You know what Nietzsche said about moral laws and morality?

That they would be used to keep the greatest in check by the masses, and that morality encourages mediocrity.
He was right. Why on earth would anyone strive to do anything great in our country, knowing that the masses will merely take it away, or take a large enough chunk of it that you should have just lived a mediocre life and not put in the effort, as the rewards would not be great enough to justify it.

You can see this happening right now, the campaign ads ran by the Democrats right now openly promote class warfare.
"We're just asking the rich to pay their fair share"
Well, it seems that asking successful people to pay more than everyone else is blatantly unfair. In a fair society everyone would pay an equal share. The top earners in this country already pay a disproportionate share of taxes. All we're going to do is chase them off. Ask MA how well the millionaire tax went, tax revenue dropped like a rock when all of the wealthy left the state.

overtax the productive and they will rebel, not with guns or violence, but with apathy, and then all of this falls apart. They will become the "last man".

I can't wait for the day we push the reset button on this progressive mess and give the power in this country back to those that produce, instead of saddling them with the responsibility of paying for everyone else's poor decisions in life.

and there's my rant for the day.
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