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I went to the liquor store three times on Saturday...

Today I added some stickers to the truck camper...



mac 'we had storms but nothing like what you boys are talking about' gyvr
Had a storm down here in Nashville, but nothing bad, didn't hear any sirens. Glad too since it rolled through at 3:30am.
My hometown of Joplin, Missouri got pounded by a tornado today. Many friends lost homes, family members and it looks like a war zone down there. My family is all OK and accounted for but damage is unassessed at this time and it is just sickening to see the videos and photos of it all. I am awaiting the calls back form a few of my childhood buds to make sure they survived. May be loading up the skikd steer and tractor w/ loader and heading south for a while to help on clean up if needed. Please keep these people and that town in your thoughts and prayers...it is a fawking disaster.

Just heard that and shot you a text, glad to hear your family is OK and its unfortunate that others didn't fare as well. You need anything bro, you know my number! :cheers:
North side of the Twin Cities had some unpleasant weather yesterday as well. A acquaintance has some unspecified house damage (she, her husband & cats are all fine,) and one of my co-workers had a tornado pass by a couple of blocks away (he's suspecting new shingles.)
the more photos I see it just sickens me...it is utter chaos down there. My brother helped as much as he could all night but it is just in shambles. Numerous YouTube videos being posted of the damage and some pulled due to previously overlooked corpses in the rubble. Last report was 89 dead and counting......

Camille and I had thought about going down last friday to spend the weekend and help my dad on a few projects...thank GOD we did not go down b/c the storm hit at the time we usually head back home. The big Man was def watching over us on that one...and no I am not talking about Randy "Macho Man" Savage this time :D
Sucks don't it Tyler. Glad to hear your family is okay. We have gotten ahold of all out club members but one. Wish I was in a position to do more for them.

Made me sick when I heard about it this morning. Prayers def going that way for everyone there and their families. Tyler, let us know if you get any info on how we can help. I would be willing to help fund your trip down there with gas money or whatever.
Did somethin, but it was deffently not mixing concrete witch is what I was supposed to be doing
After talking with some people that live in my building, I was lucky to be on the lake since we got some very decent sized hail and the xj sits outside. Still doesn't compare to the losses of those down south.
went to put my Yukon joints in last week and got the short side done, however the long side (that had the broken outter) inner is tweaked, so I call Randy's to see about the warrantee and come to find out Ultimate 4x4 from Wisconsin (which is out of business) NEVER bought any Yukon shafts for a Ford, EVER. So needless to say, several years ago when I bought these shafts I got more than shafts, I got 'The Shaft'.

another buck eighty six and a new long inner will be here Wednesday.

Fore 'not a good time to be spending more money' Wheeler
that sucks Dan, look up the old owner and pay him a visit...gently give him the old shaft back..if you catch my drift. :D