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Bryan C.

NAXJA Forum User
NAXJA Member
Antioch, CA
Due to lack of interest, SierraFest 2006 is officially cancelled.

To those few that sent money via paypal for this event, your money will be fully refunded shortly.

I would like to thank Letterman for his hard work on the t-shirt. I would also like to thank G Sequioa for getting the great raffle prizes from Tom Woods and BFGoodrich. I would also like to thank Simple Man for his help coordinating with the Rubicon Trail Foundation.
Major drag man, major drag.

Hopefully next year it'll work out well. In fact hopefully next year I can go!
Bryan C. said:
Due to lack of interest, SierraFest 2006 is officially cancelled.

To those few that sent money via paypal for this event, your money will be fully refunded shortly.

I would like to thank Letterman for his hard work on the t-shirt. I would also like to thank G Sequioa for getting the great raffle prizes from Tom Woods and BFGoodrich. I would also like to thank Simple Man for his help coordinating with the Rubicon Trail Foundation.
Wow, you're kidding? I thought that there were some people coming up for it from SoCal? That's too bad :(
So far only 2 of our finest members have sent in the money needed for camping fees and t-shirts, and 2 others pledged to pay in the future. I really want to thank those who took the time to help try to keep this run together. Unfortunately the point in time had come for us to start spending money for campsites and t-shirts. Without at least 10 rigs participating we were unable to recoup our expenses. I too am sad we won't be able to have this run become a reality. Maybe next year, maybe.......
Thanks for all your effort on this, BC. Sorry it didn't work out, must be bad timing, or web wheeling has actually become more popular than actual wheeling.
Bryan C. said:
So far only 2 of our finest members have sent in the money needed for camping fees and t-shirts.......

Atleast refunds will be easy to keep track of lol. If any of the T-shirts were made keep my money and send them my way. They'll be collectors items some day I'm sure, like one other infamous T-shirt from the last Sierrafest...
Bryan C. said:
So far only 2 of our finest members have sent in the money needed for camping fees ....

Thanks BC for all your time and effort, having it turn out this way sucks.

Anybody still up for getting together for something informal during the same date range?
But as Bryan said, Sequoia, thanks for your work on the raffle prizes., I'll see you at the Adopt-a-Trail meeting.

Crash said:
web wheeling has actually become more popular than actual wheeling.

Sad. Those that are truly dedicated WW's could load up a couple dozen CDs worth of forums and bring their laptop along. Of course they wouldn't be able to actually post, that's more likely than not a good thing.

basalt51 said:
If any of the T-shirts were made keep my money and send them my way...

Same here.
That sucks, I am one of the lame azzes that didn't get my money sent in in time. :banghead: I would definitely be up for a informal run through the Rubi. I am sure Michael (2xtreme)would be as well.

We both have put alot of work and planning to come down and running with you guys. So if we could setup an informal run then that would be great.
Were still going!Thanks for your efforts in planning the official event,and I hope to have some other XJ's on the trail with us.We planned on starting rubicon on Mon and Tues finishing then Fordyce thurs/fri is optional.
We've done to much prep not to go.Flexible dates for us.
87 white woody,33's member1660 Greg
Well that is too bad. Sorry I did not get my money in quicker but it doesn't sound like it would have made any difference. Either way, I still have that week open and will be Jeeping somewhere. I may still do the 'Con that week but will have to look at it as I'm also going in September with our local group.

Can't believe there wasn't more interest... :(
I too have the time off of work already and I plan on running something. Anyone up for all 3 trails in 5 days?

I don't want to give up completely on this run but we need 10 rigs to pay in full for camping for the week to pull it off in its current form.

So far I am assuming we have:

1. Me
2. Basalt51
3. Bent
4. Eric's XJ
5. canyonman
6. XJourney
7. 2extreme

A few other people have shown interest, but so far that is it. We need 3 more rigs, anyone else want to step up?
I'm sorry to hear of this, BC.
I can relate.
The MWC Big Dog Run was embarassing, with five rigs attending, one of them a non-naxja YJ, and two there to run the easier trails.
The owner of the park was real impressed.

Seems to be a sad trend in naxja, generally.
Here in the MWC it feels like the only time the "old guard" get together is for occasional cookouts.
We used to get together for runs or wrenchfests every couple weeks all summer.
I imclude myself in this problem. I've had to drop my own wheeling down to a small trickle due to real life intruding.

One bright note, there seems to be a group of younger guys, newer to naxja, that are organizing (and actually showing up for) small runs like we used to do.

Possibly a changing of the guard.
Bryan C. said:
I too have the time off of work already and I plan on running something. Anyone up for all 3 trails in 5 days?

I don't want to give up completely on this run but we need 10 rigs to pay in full for camping for the week to pull it off in its current form.

So far I am assuming we have:

1. Me
2. Basalt51
3. Bent
4. Eric's XJ
5. canyonman
6. XJourney
7. 2extreme

A few other people have shown interest, but so far that is it. We need 3 more rigs, anyone else want to step up?

I hate to do this, I guess I spoke too soon. 2xtreme and I are not going to come down. His rig is still in parts and completely unproven at this point and way too many "issues." We don't want to be "THAT GUY!" And I have a 6 month pregeant wife at home, so making a 1500 mile trip on my own would NOT be in the best interest of my family. (finiancally and marritaly) But we will try for next year.

Once again we are sorry it didn't work out. Thanks to all who planned and helped out with Sierra fest. Especially you BC.

Bryan C. said:
I too have the time off of work already and I plan on running something. Anyone up for all 3 trails in 5 days?

I don't want to give up completely on this run but we need 10 rigs to pay in full for camping for the week to pull it off in its current form.

So far I am assuming we have:

1. Me
2. Basalt51
3. Bent
4. Eric's XJ
5. canyonman
6. 2extreme

A few other people have shown interest, but so far that is it. We need 4 more rigs, anyone else want to step up?

Yup, I'm still wheelin somewhere the first weekend (was the fordyce or barret?) and then Rubicon mon-wedish. I'ld even head to fordyce or barrett Th and head home friday. Gotta get ready for my daughter 1 year birthday!!!
I'm still all in. All days, all trails.

I was planning on going, but never commited. I guess it was people like me that got this thing cancelled...

Anyway, I have been trying like crazy to get my new rig in order for this run, and it looks like everything will come together in time. If I have the new rig done, I should be okay to run whatever (no lift, 33's, f/r lockers, 4.88's, boatsides, in/out cage thing). Though I question the fordyce crossings sitting so low...

If I dont get it done, I am still down for the Rubicon in my old POS (2.5", 31's, f/r limited slips, been through the Rubicon twice...). Unfortunately, I would have to just run the Con, because there is no way this rig will tackle the harder trails.

Either way, I won't be available until Monday morning, so as long as we can find a reasonable place to meet then, count me in...
