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Illegal People In America


NAXJA Forum User
I love my country as every generation before me has. My forefathers came here to seek a better life and became a part of what we know as the United States. They didnt come here seeking amnesty by sneeking across borders and stealing jobs ,making high wages tax free ,not fighting for the freedom they sought from the corrupt govmnt. they left. My forfathers came here from Europe to settle a new land and live a life of fredom a prosperity. No where Have I read about any of them sneaking across the border illegally then demanding amnesty and disrupting the economy causing harm to the country that they so which wished to escape to. IF the MEXICAN people want to show their strength in numbers and brag about their power then they should go back to Mexico and get rid of the corrupt govmnt. there and take back their country instead of trying to take over ours. They Have a great country there that could flourish greatly but thay are too lazy to take control and organize protest in their own country. They will be shot there..so they comre here to disrupt our country and seek equal rights because they know the american public is weak to whine baggers..... Bravo to anyone comming here and becomming an american citizen..learning english ...and becomming a productive part of society...Freeloaders!! can get the hell out!
I bet the Illegals have better grammar, and can type better than you.

It isn't Mexicans only, knucklehead.

An informed and intelligent opinion would suit you much better.
athenian71 said:
I love my country as every generation before me has. My forefathers came here to seek a better life and became a part of what we know as the United States. They didnt come here seeking amnesty by sneeking across borders and stealing jobs ,making high wages tax free ,not fighting for the freedom they sought from the corrupt govmnt. they left. My forfathers came here from Europe to settle a new land and live a life of fredom a prosperity. No where Have I read about any of them sneaking across the border illegally then demanding amnesty and disrupting the economy causing harm to the country that they so which wished to escape to. IF the MEXICAN people want to show their strength in numbers and brag about their power then they should go back to Mexico and get rid of the corrupt govmnt. there and take back their country instead of trying to take over ours. They Have a great country there that could flourish greatly but thay are too lazy to take control and organize protest in their own country. They will be shot there..so they comre here to disrupt our country and seek equal rights because they know the american public is weak to whine baggers..... Bravo to anyone comming here and becomming an american citizen..learning english ...and becomming a productive part of society...Freeloaders!! can get the hell out!
Funny how you capitalize words like 'MEXICAN' and 'Mexico', yet kill yourself by neglecting words like 'American' and 'English.' I won't even get into the grammatical and spelling errors. Dare I say that YOU are the freeloader for not making the most of a free public education system? :read:
Excuse me for jumping in here, but both of these issues are important. As someone that didn't do that well in school and didn't apply myself as well as I should have. English and Grammar have always been troublesome. I was raised around people that didn't give a crap about speaking properly. And it seems that people instead of getting better, are are getting worse. Even educated reporters, and politicians make very lazy mistakes, and it seems everybody is to busy to proof what they have written. So we could all do better. But Athianian71 hit the the nail on the head, if the Mexican people can rally this stongly here, Then why can't they do the same for Mexico? If they are hard working here, Then why can't they work as hard in Mexico to make their country what they want it to be? If you say it's because their Government won't let them, Isn't President Bush buddies with Fox? Maybe he should put some pressure on him to clean up the corruption in their Government. We went into Iraq because we didn't like the way the people were being treated, What makes Mexico any different? If we could do that for Mexico then we would have two countries in good shape. Instead, we are going to keep helping everybody else until we are in such bad shape we can't help anybody, including ourselves! I'm training a new employee from Pakistan, that feels this way, He got his citizenship through the proper channels and had to wait 4 years to properly get his wife over here. He hates the thought of anybody getting a free pass to this country and thinks others should have to earn the right. He said he feels that illegal is illegal no matter what. I'm proud to call him an American. There are alot of people born here I'm not so proud of. Lastly, proper English is very important not only for new imigrants, but for every American. How about constuctive criticism instead of bashing. And how about just being glad than Athenian71 cares enought o speak up.
it seems to most Americans the definition of Illegal is just a sick bird, and i would have to agree. the American Bald Eagle is dyeing because of illegal imigration and bleeding heart liberals giving every thing us hard working legal Americans are earning to the illegal imigrants for free! free school including ultra low cost collage( my tuition is in the $40K a year range for my US sitizen kids ), free medical ( my medical insurance is $750 a month and we still have a minimum co pay of $300 and some times more ), free housing ( $ 3K a month mortgage plut TAXES AND INSURANCE ), free food ( SOME WHERE AROUND $800 A MONTH ) hell some times i wish i wasnt raised as a hard working, law abiding, responsible US citizen of the United States of America just so i could come here and be a leacherous burden on a hard working and (definately ) over careing society known as The IMPERIALIST PIGS OF AMERICA oh wait, sorry about that, i saw that on a banner for the pro amnisty mexican group at my kids school with the Mexican flag flying OVER the American flag and i heard the chants down with the United States and VIVA MEXICO!! if they are so angry with the United States and Pro Mexico than GO THE FU** TO MEXICO AND FIX MEXICO
i truly have no proablem with LEGAL Imigration and welcome ANY ONE who does what it takes to become a citizen ( besides being a burden on society for 10 years and demanding amnisty ) hell we are all related to imigrants in one way or another but i am tired of paying for every one else to live here ILLEGALY and lowering my wages by working under the table for less and bringing more home than i do because they dont pay taxes or social security and never will....

thats my .02 i could and will go on more later

besides OSAMA BIN LADEN could come over the Mexican border and SCREW US UP GOOD if we dont do something soon
Funny how you capitalize words like 'MEXICAN' and 'Mexico', yet kill yourself by neglecting words like 'American' and 'English.' I won't even get into the grammatical and spelling errors. Dare I say that YOU are the freeloader for not making the most of a free public education system? :read:
i agree with ecksjay. i dont want to read the rest of the first post, im sure it says about the same narrowminded things. "welcome to america now speak english" <---stupidest thing ever
I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again. I’ve got the answer to all this crap. The US needs to take over Mexico. We wipe out the currant Mexican gov. & make it our 51 state. Take a dozer to the boarder crossings & open them up wide. Than we sit back & allow free enterprise to do its thing. Personally, I’m eyeballing a nice agave ranch near Mazatlan…

Funny - I've been saying that for a few years myself. If we were to just annex Mexico, then they would no longer be "illegal immigrants" - they'd not even be "immigrants" anymore.

That would allow for "repair" of the Mexican government and working standards as well - which is why they come up here, isn't it?

It would also do something about the drain on our economy caused by them coming up here and making money untaxed, and sending it "home" to the remaining family (where it also isn't taxed by us) and having it spent down there (where we don't even collect sales tax or excise taxes.)

Besides, an awful lot of Latino illegals don't come from Mexico - they come up through Mexico. The Southern border of Mexico is a lot shorter - if we relocate the Border Patrol to cover that border, they won't be spread so thin, and might be able to do something now.

Just a few thoughts. Time for another monograph, methinks...

gigage said:
Excuse me for jumping in here, but both of these issues are important. As someone that didn't do that well in school and didn't apply myself as well as I should have. English and Grammar have always been troublesome. I was raised around people that didn't give a crap about speaking properly. And it seems that people instead of getting better, are are getting worse. Even educated reporters, and politicians make very lazy mistakes, and it seems everybody is to busy to proof what they have written. So we could all do better. But Athianian71 hit the the nail on the head, if the Mexican people can rally this stongly here, Then why can't they do the same for Mexico? If they are hard working here, Then why can't they work as hard in Mexico to make their country what they want it to be? If you say it's because their Government won't let them, Isn't President Bush buddies with Fox? Maybe he should put some pressure on him to clean up the corruption in their Government. We went into Iraq because we didn't like the way the people were being treated, What makes Mexico any different? If we could do that for Mexico then we would have two countries in good shape. Instead, we are going to keep helping everybody else until we are in such bad shape we can't help anybody, including ourselves! I'm training a new employee from Pakistan, that feels this way, He got his citizenship through the proper channels and had to wait 4 years to properly get his wife over here. He hates the thought of anybody getting a free pass to this country and thinks others should have to earn the right. He said he feels that illegal is illegal no matter what. I'm proud to call him an American. There are alot of people born here I'm not so proud of. Lastly, proper English is very important not only for new imigrants, but for every American. How about constuctive criticism instead of bashing. And how about just being glad than Athenian71 cares enought o speak up.


Got composition 101?

As far as Athenian is concerned...

Some of us already acquainted with his opinions...

Too bad most of his posts have been deleted...

They bring teh funnay in a sad way...
Starscream918 said:
Why do you think that's stupid? If someone is migrating to this country, they should learn this language. If we were to move to another country, not many are going to learn our language to cater to us.

So by your definition...

We should all be speaking Navajo, Sioux, Crow, etc?

English is not the NATIVE language of this continent...

Illegal immigrants (did they have visas?) brought it over from Europe...

The entire south and southwest portion of this country were already speaking Spanish before English...

In all honesty...I don't think immigration determines what language is spoken...

The language spoken in any particular nation is usually determined by the amount of people residing in that nation that speak a given language/dialect.

Whether it is the "official language" or not is irrelevant...

Xenophopia cometh...

See History of Japan for reference

Starscream918 said:
Why do you think that's stupid? If someone is migrating to this country, they should learn this language. If we were to move to another country, not many are going to learn our language to cater to us.
have you been anywhere outside the united states? almost everywhere speaks english. It is my belief that many people want immigrants to speak english because they are too lazy to learn spanish...
Economic trade determines language as well...

"Money talks"

That's why learning Japanese is good for our businessmen and viceversa...

English, Spanish, Japanese, etc...

As the world gets smaller and more populated...

Languages will evolve to incorporate many different influences...

The language debate will be mute in a few decades...

I know for a fact due to personal experiance they will not teach or re format a class in Mexico or Japan or even Europe to accomidate an english speeking student when it isnt the primary national language, either learn the language QUICKLY or fail!! so why do we format for the ILLEGAL students and require our teachers to speek several languages. here in So. Cal it is Tagalig, Spanish and Caldian ( Airibic ) plus have a limited working grasp on english. one of my kids almost failed a class tought by a Mexican lady (here on a, seven year expired, two year work permit ) that could not speek english well enough for my 18yo daughter ( honors student ) to understand, i work with mostly spanish speeking individuals and i had some trouble understanding her, we got the district and our attourney involved and they got a translator and she passed it with an A! thats just hosed up.
gigage previously wrote:
As someone that didn't do that well in school and didn't apply myself as well as I should have. English and Grammar have always been troublesome.

Gil BullyKatz said:
Got composition 101?

Reply to Gil BullyKatz:
So clearly . . . you excelled in Obtuse 101 . . .
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I suspect Mexicans are also the cause of global warming as well as the reason for my dog's halitosis.

or..for the grammatically challenged...

Them MEXICANS cauzed teh intire earth to heet up and my dogs breaths to stink.


BSD said:
I suspect Mexicans are also the cause of global warming as well as the reason for my dog's halitosis.

or..for the grammatically challenged...

Them MEXICANS cauzed teh intire earth to heet up and my dogs breaths to stink.


dont be stupid, it was the illegal Canadians:confused1