I think some of the new Renix CPSs are bad right out of the box. Mine was, from AZ.
There is an angel hair sized coil wire from a coil around the magnet sealed in side that is mechanically fastened to the large gauge connector wire, that is not soldered, just bare metal on bare metal, sealed in the plastic, and if it is not a solid contact, it comes and goes, and even arcs inside the sealed sensor. My new one screwed with me for weeks before it finally failed completely with an open circuit while I had the test meter on it. I bought my last ones, Standard Brand from Rock Auto, made in Italy, not China, and they are working great. The new bad one (AZ-China) was a sometimes no start, but ran fine once it started.
You also need to follow the steeps to drill out the mounting holes one drill size larger, and move the CPS a little closer to the flex plate or fly wheel when you clamp it in place with the bolts, so you can get at least 0.50 AV volts at cranking RPM out of the CPS. There are several old threads on the MOD here with me and Cruiser54 debating it, and discussing it......