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Great Deal on Bumpers?

I had the opportunity to check out JCRs shop, equipment, products, in progress rigs, finished rigs, etc. They ARE top notch. I know what it's like to build on a budget. Most of my parts are used, bartered, begged, stolen (not really)...You really have to recognize the areas where you can skimp on. Hale is right, you can learn A LOT from attending WinterFest. I know how Jeep build plans go...I'm gonna get this, then get that, then get this. Pretty soon, you're doing something totally different, but I plan on getting thier stage 2 rear bumper. The attention to detail is unsurpassed. I wheel with a stock front bumper and don't plan on replacing it (again) either. But, this is for a totally different reason. I understand your budget, a poor guy like me has to take forever to save up for the crap I want. But, I'm not gonna cut corners. With my opinion on the table, you're still gonna do what you want to do, and I respect that. Ebay can find you some cheap...err...inexpensive bumpers. I've seen a few that look pretty sweet on XJs but the price is still around 3 hundo. I hope you can get something you really want that will really work for your pocket book and needs. We'd be glad to have you at WF!
Edit: And from what I have seen with my research, you get much more than what you pay for from JCR.
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Give AJ a call, you really cant beat the quality and attention to detail that go into his bumpers and rails. He does each bumper to order, and will customize your bumper to get exactly the bumper you are looking for. None of this mass produced, see how many we can get out at a time stuff.
