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Event stuff we need to talk about.......

It is not bound to happen if everyone just thinks a little, it's not like there was 500 people. common courtesy, and respect=All get along.

Trouble is, most of the drama seams to stem from a small group of wasted rowdy people, and that's just it, they weren't thinking. It's hard to think when you've been drinking all day.

I got nothing against being wasted, I do it all the time out there, but I'm just saying it depends on your attitude while you are. Case in point, Grimm was pretty f'd up, but I don't think he bothered a soul. He was actually pretty entertaining. :yelclap:

FWIW, I had a good time all weekend. I drank a little and stayed up a little late Fri night but was never wasted and just observed some of the BS going on. The 3AM screaming was a bit much, but I was more pissed about the fact that the zipper on my sleeping bag and my tent broke. F it was cold. Wound up moving to my Jeep.

The funny thing is, this same sort of stuff happened at the SoCalXJ Jambo not too long ago at JV on a smaller scale. This is total deja vu. There was a couple people shooting in camp, driving on (probably stolen) boat, blasting music, all around 1AM or later. Guess what, people got their panties in a twist? Stop copying us! :D

hint check everyones siglines :D

Ah! Thank you. Now that WAS helpful.

Okay. I get the whole anarchy thing. I may have even practiced it sometime between junior high and high school, but I grew and matured. YMMV.

In the future, we may need to post camp ratings alongside trail ratings.

1. Family camping.
2. Swears around the campfire but everybody is sleeping by midnight.
3. Drunk and boisterous but respectful of other campers.
4. Loud and obnoxious. Egocentric. Doesn't care who gets disturbed.
5. Dangerous. Unruly. Complete disregard of others. Shoots guns within camp.
5. Dangerous. Unruly. Complete disregard of others. Shoots guns within camp.
that was not anyone affiliated with NAXJA. i would consider that completely 100% unacceptable behavior at ANY public event. i enjoy getting rowdy but when it comes to gunplay or someone getting hurt even i draw the line.
that was not anyone affiliated with NAXJA. i would consider that completely 100% unacceptable behavior at ANY public event. i enjoy getting rowdy but when it comes to gunplay or someone getting hurt even i draw the line.

IDK Grimm, what do you call a round house to the ballsack? :gee: haha
Okay. I get the whole anarchy thing. I may have even practiced it sometime between junior high and high school, but I grew and matured. YMMV.
it has nothing to do with anarchy...to be completely honest the BSC were very mellow considering...any of them can vouch...especially the ones that went to benfest08...fact of the matter is its over with our area was cleaner than when we got there...hell bryce and i even went as far as making a fire ring where we were when we left...the event is done and over with everyone had a good time...there were a few things people got irritated with...its the past now, theres nothing you can do about it now. welcome to the present
I'll vouch for BSC not being the ones with the guns. It was the group near them, not sure who they were, but I got back from my run at about 3pm and saw the guys just starting to shoot.

Grimm was passed out in his truck at the time :D

Geoff, yeah that was me you saw on your way in. I have the console for you, I didn't want to leave it with someone as I wasn't sure when/if you were showing up. I'll bring it to the xmas party.
I haven't read this thread mainly because I have too much drama in my life as it is. I just want to say thank you to the dedicated organizers who put this event tohether. Your efforts are indeed appreciated and the two times I've attended this event it was an awesome experience. I can't say enough about how great this group is for the most part. Opie gave up running the rest of aftershock so he could make sure I made it back to camp with just the rear wheels pulling. That is the mark of a fine individual. I have found most all of the guys who have been into our sport for many years and members of this club just as long to be equally great people. I went on a trip a while back that, unbeknownst to me, was really a buggy's only type run. The participants, I don't remember all of them, were very nice about how they informed me that I would not be able to run the trails they were running and were equally as nice in letting me ride with them and even provided me drinks for the run. Folks, it just doesn't get much better than this. I will happily renew every year as long as there are quality people like this in this club.
Geoff, yeah that was me you saw on your way in. I have the console for you, I didn't want to leave it with someone as I wasn't sure when/if you were showing up. I'll bring it to the xmas party.
if Geoff doesnt make it to the xmas party i can hold the console for him, he doesnt live to far from me.
Im with you John. I too, had a great experience once again. It was my second year at the event & both times have been everything i was looking forward to... meeting up with new & old friends, wheeling some new trails & just enjoying being asociated with a great club.
Thanks go out to Farmer Matt for showing me through Jack & Jack North, he was great leader that was patient & supportive of all of us that ran with him, even if we were on 35's.
Thanks to Richard & all that put on this event, its a great thing that i hope happens for years to come!
we missed you out there bud!

x2, and I'm not just saying that because I woke up Sunday morning and nobody had a fire going and I immediately was thinking "damn I wish Santa was here" but I did.

It seams like everytime I go wheeling and you're around you seam to be the first or only one with a fire going in the morning. :D
