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BlackSport96 said:
Trust me, its not a matter of doing "what i want when i want" once you move out. Then you got responsibilities and a job that you actually need in order to survive. You can't be too rough with your XJ because you'll need it for work and college (I know you plan on college, right?). You can't stay out and do whatever you want cuz you'll need some sleep so you can wake up for your job/school...But in your case Commando, you will be able to avoid being grounded and hit by your mom for disagreeing. Don't discount me as some old guy trying to tell you what its like pretending I know how you feel...I'm only 22. I moved out at 17, but that was into the Marine Corps. Now I'm married and about to get out. Worrying about what you'll be doing for money to support yourself is a bummer. You've got to really get your stuff together and make sure you're ready to support yourself. And try as hard as you can to avoid coming to Mom and Dad to bail you out when you have money problems...

X a bunch.... start making plans for your future while your young, dont wait on the future to get here then decide what you want to do with it...
Beej said:
Only Americans can tell the difference between 'liberalism' and 'conservatism' in their country. The rest of the world views them the same....

Pure Socialism----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pure Totalitarianism
^ ^

| |
| Conservatism


OK, I'm a day late, but I like that!

Beej, can I use that? I want to dress it up and put it on my office wall :laugh3:
Does this mean you won't be trying the experiments I outlined? That's a shame, your mom sounds like just the kind of person you could really twist up into knots.

Other than that, follow the other's advice. Get a job, go to college, start a career, become a rich conservative.

Remember, success is the sweetest revenge.

CommandoXJ96 said:
alright... i got the internet taken away 2 days ago... cuz my mom said "and there will be no more of you reading some Physco-Hick/Redneck Conservative websites!!!"

and now the internets back....
thx for all the advice the experiments to try on my mom and the You-are-a-dumbass-if-you-think-we-value-your-opinion-more-then-ur-mom comments.

what i did is sat in my room... did chores and cleaned my room to see if i could get on her good side... no political discussions....

my dad and i had a talk...then my dad had a talk with her... this morning i woke up to find my phone and keys back... but im still grounded till tuesday.

now as far as me not owning the car... its supposed to have the title put in my name within the next 2 months (whenever my dad figures out how the easiest way to do it without having to buy a new Lic Plate... hes not sure how they've changed the AZ law on that)

we have 3 drivers - 3 cars... becuase my mom wanted a new Jeep - and got a WJ... so i got the 96 xj which hasnt had anything changed/put in it for 3 years (save for the gas) and ive treated her (thexj) very nicely and shes been fixed up and really cleaned. its not like one of you guys said it was... the my mommy went out and saw a pretty Xj and bought it for me thing. she wanted a new car (an 00 wj) and it made sense that i got the xj. She got it from her dad for the same reason anyways. the xj has 115 k on her and shes pretty clean save for a few dents and a coolant leak. My mom has no problem with me offroading or with my dad offroading in it... or even her new WJ... its taht she doesnt want me offroading without my dad to "supervise me".

yeah so what... now the kids bitching about this again?

this is NAXJA afterall... thought id talk about my XJ a bit...

so yeah... this will be my jeep... i have to wait till im 18 for my Opinion to matter anyways (i can vote then... not now... and yes i probably will move out) and ive been trying to get a job the best i can...and doing some oddjob type stuff. so yeah... i do plan on turning 18...having a jeep...voting...and having a job... and untill then put up with all of this stuff and do my best to respect her. so what if im a stupid 16 year old; "YOU ARE GROUNDED" should not be heard in the middle of a political discussion which turns to my mother hitting me and screaming at the top of her lungs trying to; god knows what; "turn me to her side". if anything that will just deter me from wanting to listen more.

the whole listen to them no matter what... i do my best to but my moms difficult - and i do listen to my dad who respects me for having my own friggin opinion even when it doesnt match his.
DrMoab said:
So what you are saying is....


What I'm saying is if you managed to get yourself GROUNDED argueing about politics with your mom you're taking politics to seriously... and you need to lighten up on your mom.. so you disagree, fine.. keep it to yourself. it's not your place to correct anyone.. least of all your mother..
Citat3962 said:

What I'm saying is if you managed to get yourself GROUNDED argueing about politics with your mom you're taking politics to seriously... and you need to lighten up on your mom.. so you disagree, fine.. keep it to yourself. it's not your place to correct anyone.. least of all your mother..

I could not disagree with you more.

His mother sounds like a childish, selfish, bigoted person who is unwilling to discuss issues in a rational matter.

Rational discussion of the important issues of our day is a critical component to a childs development. A person of our subject's age needs to have these discussions with their parents in order to develop his mind for future academic and social experiences. Repressing those discussions with violence and sanctions leads to an introverted mind with limited ability to question the status quo and leads to limited intellectual curiousity.

Challenging the authority of parents when it comes to the rules of the house is never good. Challenging their political and social views in a rational and well thought out discussion is critical to mental development and can lead to a furthering of intellectual curiousity and academic success.

If we were all expected to be just like our parents, we would have a society of clones.

CRASH said:
I could not disagree with you more.

His mother sounds like a childish, selfish, bigoted person who is unwilling to discuss issues in a rational matter.

Rational discussion of the important issues of our day is a critical component to a childs development. A person of our subject's age needs to have these discussions with their parents in order to develop his mind for future academic and social experiences. Repressing those discussions with violence and sanctions leads to an introverted mind with limited ability to question the status quo and leads to limited intellectual curiousity.

Challenging the authority of parents when it comes to the rules of the house is never good. Challenging their political and social views in a rational and well thought out discussion is critical to mental development and can lead to a furthering of intellectual curiousity and academic success.

If we were all expected to be just like our parents, we would have a society of clones.


What he said.
about what you guys were just saying... the other day when i went down the hall just to get a drink my mom said to me "you're supposed to question your presidents politics - not your own mothers"

i pretended not to hear her just for the sake of peace but uh... weird thing to hear. and of course next time she askes me... "shes right"
fine and good..

If shes so irrational and childish I can't see any reason to continue discussion..

at that point it's no longer a "rational" discussion..

however I'm sure my resistance to everyones need to pat him on the back is largely related to the fact that I subscribe to alot of the "conspiracy theories" that you righty's pshaw, poo poo, and berate people based on your opinion of their ignorance.. I'd probably be right there agreeing with her..

I say the US government has more to do with causing the current conflict than we'd like to admit or investigate..

with that said hearing someone refuse to even hear it shows me how narrowly some americans and our youth are being herded into the belief that our government is MORAL and not guided by the mighty dollar..

I offer not a shred of evidence.... I don't need to.. I have faith that one day we'll all find out how corrupt this whole situation is... hopefully through prosecution of the parties involved.. insead of finding ourselves eye deep in a police state with all you rightys wishing you'd been more skeptical..

To say ANYONE "might as well be a terrorist" for disagreeing with and even accusing our current government of cultivating and encouraging the attacks on 9/11 is plain ignorant..

as ignorant as saying if your not 100% with us you're against us..

And I'm sure the NAXJA right wing gestapo will be here to take me off to an interrment camp or guantanamo for disagreeing with the government in public

fine and good... disagree with me, thats your right..

Don't call ANYONE a terrorist unless they're committing or planning acts of terror....

those are strong words and unless your mom is brewing a fertilizer bomb don't label her as such..
Citat3962 said:
...And I'm sure the NAXJA right wing gestapo will be here to take me off to an interrment camp or guantanamo for disagreeing with the government in public

No, you're from CO, so it is expected that you would have the idea that America sucks. If you are so disinfranchised, disrespected, disapointed with the country, I'm sure that us redneck, hick, gestapo, SS, jack booted thugs would be glad to buy you a one way ticket out. Hell, I'd even pack your bags. Oh, wait a minute, what other countries give you the ability to speak your mind and disagree with the government? Cuba? China? Hmmm...It's easy to sit here, with all the freedom that you have and shoot off your mouth, isn't it. Let me guess, we shouldn't have started the war in Iraq, but if something happened to the US from Iraq, you'd be the first to stand up and bitch, "America didn't do anything to save the people of this country from the madman Saddam Hussain."
Here's a free clue, next time you want to open your pie hole and rip on this country, go thank a veteran. They have given their life for you to show your ignorance. Nice way to repay them, isn't it?

And to the kid that started this thread...You have to listen to your parents rules while you live in their house, but you don't have to agree with their politics. I grew up in the same sort of situation, I know what hell it is and spent plenty of time counting the tile on the ceiling of my room. Suck it up and do what you can to get the hell out of there as soon as possible. If your mom is as wacked out as you make her out to be, don't expect too many phone calls when you leave.
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lol... i agree with most of that

i only said might as well be a terrorist becuase
a. im almost as immature as her (except shes 38 not 16... not good)
b. i was pissed at her
c. i was pissed off cuz my arm started to hurt after her using a coffee mug on me
d. while im not saying its impossible i do find it improbable that my mothers theory of Bush paying Osama to coordinate the attacks and porposely not catching him could possibly be correct. (i have liberal friends with liberal parents and they say Bush is an asshole... but ive never heard this theory even from them.

and yes i realize our country is run by w/e making the $ grow bigger as are most industrialized countries. and yes i do realize there is corruption but i dont think that they were corrupt enough to pay off Osama and stage out the whole "War on Terror" with the Taliban in Afganistan the way my mother says they did. maybe thats just me...but im not just gonna change my mind on something like that becuase im grounded if i dont. oh but from now on ill lie about it tho.

and to tell the truth i dont believe anyone who has power in an office probably even got there morally - the people who have morals lost the elections and lost their chance while the other guy took every advantage he could possibly use.

alright i dont wanna turn this into a political discussion becuase... those are usually bad after someone gets too involved or thinks he/she has the right to tell you what you believe - without good reason/proof/a single explanation.

edit: alright; it looks kinda like a political discussion now - i didnt see that last post since i was writing this
CRASH said:
I could not disagree with you more.

Rational discussion of the important issues of our day is a critical component to a childs development. A person of our subject's age needs to have these discussions with their parents in order to develop his mind for future academic and social experiences. If we were all expected to be just like our parents, we would have a society of clones.


I agree.
However, thinking back a few years, it was not usually what I said so much as how I said it that got my butt in a sling. That concept of knowing to shut my mouth, well I struggled with that too.

Oh, how I miss the infinate wisdom of my youth! ;)

im just gonna ahve to shut my mouth and go along with it... and face the facts; my mother is probably gonna look at me like im 6 years old forever (im sure shes not the only mom like that) and that im supposed to listen to everything she says. but i sure as hell am not gonna agree with it all.
I just got off the phone with Homeland Security, they've triangulated your current position and are on their way.

They've also prepared a bunk at Guantanamo for you.

Your post leads me to believe that you are like many liberals I deal with. You want diversity of opinion as long as it agrees with your positions. Excellent approach, and one that Stalin would have applauded. :rolleyes:


Citat3962 said:
fine and good..

If shes so irrational and childish I can't see any reason to continue discussion..

at that point it's no longer a "rational" discussion..

however I'm sure my resistance to everyones need to pat him on the back is largely related to the fact that I subscribe to alot of the "conspiracy theories" that you righty's pshaw, poo poo, and berate people based on your opinion of their ignorance.. I'd probably be right there agreeing with her..

I say the US government has more to do with causing the current conflict than we'd like to admit or investigate..

with that said hearing someone refuse to even hear it shows me how narrowly some americans and our youth are being herded into the belief that our government is MORAL and not guided by the mighty dollar..

I offer not a shred of evidence.... I don't need to.. I have faith that one day we'll all find out how corrupt this whole situation is... hopefully through prosecution of the parties involved.. insead of finding ourselves eye deep in a police state with all you rightys wishing you'd been more skeptical..

To say ANYONE "might as well be a terrorist" for disagreeing with and even accusing our current government of cultivating and encouraging the attacks on 9/11 is plain ignorant..

as ignorant as saying if your not 100% with us you're against us..

And I'm sure the NAXJA right wing gestapo will be here to take me off to an interrment camp or guantanamo for disagreeing with the government in public

fine and good... disagree with me, thats your right..

Don't call ANYONE a terrorist unless they're committing or planning acts of terror....

those are strong words and unless your mom is brewing a fertilizer bomb don't label her as such..
Urban Redneck said:
No, you're from CO, so it is expected that you would have the idea that America sucks. If you are so disinfranchised, disrespected, disapointed with the country, blah blah blah not in my back yard, blah blah blah what do you know you liberal scumbag blah blah blah.. pack my bags blah blah you could live in china...

I've heard it all before and it was as irrelevent then as it now.. If you truely think I should be entirely in favor of agreeing with the government 100% of the time then so should you.... if you don't love americas liberals and support all their opinions you MUST be a terrorist.. (sounds pretty ignorant huh?)

Where in there did I say anything about america sucking.. we've endured rotting from within before.. we'll do it again..

And please drop the love it or leave it speach.. I'm not going anywhere I love this nation enough to question its government in hopes of keeping our officials honest... if you guys weren't around to question and fight against every liberal bill that goes through who would keep the left in check.. you guys are nessisary... just like I am..

And I thank a vetran every day for my life.. my gramps brought himself back from WW2 and raised my dads family and he raised me... for that I'm thankful...

and my questioning the motives of our government shouldn't tarnish the soldiers sacrifice. theyre out there doing what they believe in and I give them the highest regards in that respect.. The last thing I'd say to a soldier is that he shouldn't have done what he believed in..

you know what I did the other day.. wishing I could do more for the guy I bought a disabled vet outside the subway a sandwich.. he was on the side of the road begging for change.. i felt like it was the least I could do.. He thanked me and I thanked him... seemed to make his day... I see him all the time.... It's really too bad what our governemnt has done to some of them..

wish I had a job for him... But I'd do that for anyone who's homeless.. probably irrelevent but I have respect for my fellow man regardless of his opinions goals and path in life... even if it conflicts with my own.... obviously thats not a common trait.

and the naxja gestapo comment was a joke a reference to the hoard of rightys that I just can't help but post a retort to.. and vice versa.
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CRASH said:
I just got off the phone with Homeland Security, they've triangulated your current position and are on their way.

They've also prepared a bunk at Guantanamo for you.

Your post leads me to believe that you are like many liberals I deal with. You want diversity of opinion as long as it agrees with your positions. Excellent approach, and one that Stalin would have applauded. :rolleyes:


At least someone got my joke...

and no I could care less if you agree with me.. i still feel the need to make my opinion heard...
Me and my step-dad disagree on a lot but I just keep my mouth shut. I don't agree with him and lie, I just don't say anything...
I will never understand the thought process that leads people to believe 9/11 was Bush's fault...He'd been in office all of 8 months or so. An attack like what happened would take a lot more than that to plan for. I've stated my opinion in the past as to who deserves the blame (not all of it, but more than just about any other American politician) so in the interests of keeping this civil and not hijacking any further, I'll leave him out of this. Conspiracy theorists seem to have a very grim outlook. Bush was in on it or he didn't do anything about it when he could've, etc etc. I also think the term terrorist gets tossed around too much. Its the new in word. Anyways enough of this righty's (quiet) ranting...:D
Urban Redneck said:
SS, jack booted thugs would be glad to buy you a one way ticket out. Hell, I'd even pack your bags.

I'll actually take you up on that... I need a vacation... and not to poo on your party but I'll be buying a one way return ticket because home is where your heart is...

those places might be nice to visit (espcially cuba... they have good food and cigars!)
BlackSport96 said:
I will never understand the thought process that leads people to believe 9/11 was Bush's fault...He'd been in office all of 8 months or so. An attack like what happened would take a lot more than that to plan for. I've stated my opinion in the past as to who deserves the blame (not all of it, but more than just about any other American politician) so in the interests of keeping this civil and not hijacking any further, I'll leave him out of this. Conspiracy theorists seem to have a very grim outlook. Bush was in on it or he didn't do anything about it when he could've, etc etc. I also think the term terrorist gets tossed around too much. Its the new in word. Anyways enough of this righty's (quiet) ranting...:D

the term terrorist is overused and its going down that road for words that loose their meaning eventually...

just like Louis Black said on TV the other day... Micheal Jacksons name is practically a punch line at this point ... " 2 jews walk into a bar... Micheal Jackson!" i believe is what he said.
Citat3962 said:
And I'm sure the NAXJA right wing gestapo will be here to take me off to an interrment camp or guantanamo for disagreeing with the government in public
You and this kids mom should run off to France and get married...It sounds like a nice place for you to stay.....Forever.

Take Howard Dean with you...I think all three of you would get along great!