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Colorado B/S Thread

Re: The Colorado BS thread

It's a mostly true stereotype. Cut to the chase, a fast diesel runs, what, 12's? That's slow. I know, it's a big heavy truck, blah blah blah, but that ain't fast. Yes there are a few out there that can cut into the 9's or maybe even quicker but they sure aren't street driveable. There are more than a few cars lots quicker than that you can still tool around town, go to the drivethrough etc.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

It's a mostly true stereotype. Cut to the chase, a fast diesel runs, what, 12's? That's slow. I know, it's a big heavy truck, blah blah blah, but that ain't fast. Yes there are a few out there that can cut into the 9's or maybe even quicker but they sure aren't street driveable. There are more than a few cars lots quicker than that you can still tool around town, go to the drivethrough etc.

I'm not talkin track times, just in general. An 05 F250 with the PSD isn't slower than an 05 F250 with the Triton. Maybe out of a stop, but once they're both goin...
And as far as the track goes... if you put a diesel engine in a normal car that's a comparable size to gas engine that was in there, and put as much work into the diesel as you would the gas engine, it'll be faster than a gas equivalent. Like the Cummins Corvette, or the Texas Tech drag car. And don't forget about Double Overtime... he's pushin over 1800 horsepower last I checked, and that number keeps goin up. Then again, DO is a pulling truck, I'm not sure what it'll run on the 1/4.
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Re: The Colorado BS thread

And PS, my big heavy one-ton truck is faster on the highway than my buddy's Eclipse, which weighs probably 1/3 of what my truck does.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

ill be headed up to Castle Rock tonight to meet up with crimzon, anyone need anything run?
Re: The Colorado BS thread

Ya crimzon. If they want it hauled they gotta meet me in CR or work out something with you.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

I live in a townhome.
I used to park in the "guest" spots, where many residents of my area STILL park (and don't get fined for). I could plug my truck in without the cord being in the way (diesel... block heater... this was back when it was nice and cold out) and the truck fit in those spots pretty easily.
One day I got a notice from the HOA not to park there, so I started parking out front. Parked there again one night (got home at 2am, left at 6am) and I got a $150 fine. Didn't pay it, showed up at the next board meeting, told them I wasn't gonna pay it (citing that there was no warning of a fine in their original notice, which is technically legit), they let me off.
Parking in front was ok for a week or so. Then I got another notice (saying I'd be fined if it happened again :D). Turns I can't plug my truck in when I park in front of my house because my traffic-cone orange ext. cord is a "trip hazard" when I run it on the ground along the gutter, out of the way, where people don't walk and cars don't drive and so on.
I started parking right up next to my garage in the alley, as close as I possibly can to the wall (truck doesn't fit IN the garage). Power cord isn't in the way of anything, and there's still enough room for a garbage truck to get by without much trouble... I watched em do it. But no, apparently I'm blocking the alley.
Back to the front. Then a week later the city put up No Parking signs in front of my townhome complex. Back to guest parking. Got another fine, showed up at the next board meeting... asked em where they'd suggest I park, seeing as I can't park on the street, the lot on the side, or in front of my garage. Their suggestion: the overflow lot, half a fawkin mile from my place (with nowhere to plug my truck in too). BTW, its still snowy out. I told em that was flat out ridiculous. They told me it "isn't their problem that the garages in our townhomes aren't long enough to accommodate an ext. cab long bed truck." So I told em where to shove it and kept parking in the guest lot. Went and knocked on my neighbor's door, and politely asked her to stop sending complaints to the HOA about me and only me for dumb things, and told her that whatever issues she's got with me or my truck or whatever it might be I'd be glad to listen and try work things out. She slammed her door in my face, but I didn't get any more HOA letters for parking in the guest spot.
Then not too long ago I had my truck parked outside of my garage (partially in, actually), with the front end on jackstands (i.e. obviously inoperable) while I was replacing my rotors and wheel studs and cleaning and repacking my hubs and wheel bearings. A few days later a $250 fine came in the mail. Went to the meeting, asked them where they'd like me to work on my truck when necessary, given my limited situation. Their answer: "the street out front is public land." Awesome, I love working on my truck in the middle of traffic. So I told them I'd gladly pay the fine, but requested to first see the picture they they must have of me working on my truck in front of my garage with a date that matches the date cited on the fine. Apparently, they have no actual proof, but "a resident saw me doing it and called and complained." :smsoap::smsoap::smsoap::smsoap:

There's more, (like they're trying to fine me more for "ruining the pavement"... cause apparently other cars don't leak and my truck is the cause of all of the little oil stains on here and there on the asphalt in the guest spots, and in front of everybody's garages, and on the street out front... even though it doesn't leak anything) but I'm tired of typing and I need sleep. I understand that there are certain HOA codes here and there that I've violated (like parking in the guest spots that are only used by residents anyway), but in most cases it's been out of necessity cause they've eliminated my other options.
Good news is that we can park on the street again, so that's where my truck goes now and now that it's warm it starts up fine on cold-starts so I don't need to bother plugging it in.
Point is though, I'm fed up with my neighbor. Maybe if she was sending the HOA after other people in the immediate area doing the same shit that I've been doing, or if she wouldn't slam the door in my face without saying a word when I politely try to resolve whatever issue she's got with me, it'd be different.

On a side note... my buddy's got a really loud portable air compressor, and an air-powered grinder, and my truck's been begging me to straight-pipe it, and seeing as the street is now my designated work area I suppose that's where I'll have to do it. I can't help the fact that her part of the building is closest to the street... :D
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Re: The Colorado BS thread

HOA's are a necessary evil. I hate them but I am glad my neighbors can't raise chickens or have sofas on their porches.

On the other hand, my next house will have extra land and no HOA!
Re: The Colorado BS thread

The problem is the couch on the porch that comes along with the chickens and
the washing machine that sits right next to the couch over by the lawn mower
thats never been used and for some weird reason never been stolen but holds
a tarp that covers a bunch of parts that makes the whole street look like the
friggen Sanford and Sons live there ....
Re: The Colorado BS thread

HOA's are a necessary evil. I hate them but I am glad my neighbors can't raise chickens or have sofas on their porches.

On the other hand, my next house will have extra land and no HOA!

I hate my HOA, one day I was doing an oil change and the VP of the HOA came up to me and said that repairs to vehicles were not allowed. I told him all I was doing was an oil change and that was considered maintenance. He said that I would be fined next time. I replied that maybe he should provide me with a list of HOA rules etc etc. And until then I would do what I want. 3 years later, still doing oil changes and repairs, and no fines, and no rule list.

Last summer they started bitchin about the water bill that they were paying as a whole for the entire complex. Their collective solution was to have each townhome get their own water meter, and therefore each unit would pay its own bill. Everyone agreed that was acceptable until we were told each owner would have to pay the $1500 for the city to install the meter.

So when that idea was shot down they told us that the lucky few that have outside water hookups that we were no longer allowed to use hoses. So one day I asked how I was supposed to water my grass and flowers in my litte back yard. I was told that I should carry water from my kitchen sink anyway that I could, to cut down on water use. So seeing that I use a water bed fill up hose in my small yard, I just went and bought an adapter to hook it right up to my sink and I am using as much water as ever now.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

HOAs can go to hell, they are the tools of busibody retirees and other people so angry at their own lives that they feel the need to pick on others to make themselves feel better.

They want to be able to tell you to get off their lawns... and off of your lawn, too.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

The way I see it, is if I move in to a neighborhood where my neighbor has a sofa on their porch and raises chickens... A) Since I could see the neighbors before I bought the house and still made the choice to live there, and they were there first, I have no right to bitch about it and tell them what they can or can't do. And B) I don't give a damn, if they want a comfy place to sit on their front porch who am I to tell them otherwise.
Now, if they buy a house in a neighborhood where the people drive BMWs and wear suits, they have no business raising chickens there and should've found a neighborhood that would accept them doing that if that was their intention.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

that's exactly why there is nothing wrong with covenants and HOA's -- if you don't want to be bound by them, don't buy a house in a covenant controlled neighborhood. Simple as that. Its not like they are some secret that gets sprung on you after closing -- covenants are recorded, and typically provided prior to closing. Having been a HR resident, I can see both sides of it -- I hated asking for permission to build a particular deck, or to alter my landscaping, or paint my house a particular color, but I also appreciated that enforcement of the covenants kept the "couches off the porches", and therefor protected property values. Personally, I'd prefer enough space so that I could give a rats ass what my neighbor does -- but that ain't in the budget for now.:gag:
Re: The Colorado BS thread

that's exactly why there is nothing wrong with covenants and HOA's -- if you don't want to be bound by them, don't buy a house in a covenant controlled neighborhood. Simple as that.

I'll argue that there aren't many NON HOA controlled neighborhoods anymore. I know, cuz we looked hard back in '99 before we bought this place.

I think the bigger issue is just the simple lack of community anymore. No one gives a fawk about their neighbor, no one talks to their neighbors, neighborhoods rarely have much going on to get the community active together.

It also doesn't help that the majority of HOA volunteers always seem to approach problems at an arm's length and somewhat adversarial. The face-to-face discussion of the problem is non-existent. It's always notes, letters or calling Code Enforcement on ya for just the first violation.

The other issue is that HOA's never negotiate or compromise. It's always black and white, what's written or nothing. Not allowed to work on cars in the driveway. Ok, but what about maintenance? Isn't it reasonable to allow that? Yeah, I pulled it apart, went for parts and they didn't have them in stock, it'll have to sit for a day or two...... Nope, not acceptable, it'll cost you $250 because the HOA is unflexible.

Fooey on it all.

I've found Code Enforcement much more reasonable and willing to compromise to some degree. At least they'll allow extensions or work on mediation......

I still say there needs to be a few neighborhoods set up for the auto enthusiast. Maybe some rules that having a "perfectly groomed" front yard is unacceptable, a ban on all wind chimes and garden globes....... :D
Re: The Colorado BS thread

Haha... I'm glad I don't have an HOA neighborhood. As for you saying neighbors don't talk I talk to both my neighbors a lot... but the ones up the street I have known for years. Other then a couple families. I like the idea of the auto enthusiast neighborhood!

Anyways rustys sucks... I tried ordering the bushings I needed last night and it wouldn't let me but still charged my account. What the hell... so I called today and asked if the order had gone through since it charged my account guy said he didn't have it on file or anything. Gotta call the bank!
Re: The Colorado BS thread

I agree , my wife and I live in a older housing district with little to no HOA .
Its nice because nobody can tell you where to put your stuff , tell you what color you can paint your basketball hoop or how many shades of brown
your poop can be .

However my opinion on HOA's is somewhat simple . I think when they first started it was a good idea but they found out how much money they could make and presto , we now have a plethora of unemployed two year olds
running around thinking their better than everyone else .