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Colorado B/S Thread

Re: The Colorado BS thread

Eh, rode to town 2 days this week. Sand isn't too bad on our road, it's safely piled in the center and on the shoulders. I did lay ithe buell down on a gravel road in December though, and that hurt. Katy decided she doesn't want the Bolt and shits gonna get really skinny over the next few months.

Looks like I'll be dropping down to 1 or 2 bikes...and fixing the jeep steering.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

whats up with the micro brake chambers?

It's a wedge setup, not an S-cam. And it's the front so no spring brake chamber.

I thought he was talking about the sand and gravel on the road surface.

Yes, but that sand/gravel gets kicked up and hits you in the face.

Ugg. When I still had a bike I hated this time of year. My back end would kick out all the time.

It's called throttle control son, throttle control. You do have to be careful turning through intersections, the sand likes to collect right where you take the bike through. Although sometimes that can be fun too. Luckily my C14 is running a ZX14 motor and not the more powerful ZX14r motor. You know, a nice retuned setup only good for a measly 160hp.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

Not everyday you need to do this...


Long day that caused me to stop working...as well as the snow coming down pretty good.

Was doing a full power steering flush on the '98 that I'm getting fixed up to sell.

Well was filling the reservoir...and out pops the piece of foil from the bottle and in the reservoir it goes.

Since I couldn't get it fished out, and no longer could see it...I tried draining the reservoir...to no avail. Couldn't find it for the life of me.

Since I drained the reservoir via drill with hex bit on puller (best way to do a quick flush :D) I was worried it got sucked in.

So, cut it in half to see if it was still in the reservoir or got sucked into the system.

Luckily it was still in the reservoir...but I could have reached it with my finger had I known where it was.

Oh well...

A couple days lost (I've got plenty other stuff to do), and $20 for a new reservoir off Amazon.

Getting the engine all kinds of worked over...this thing's going to be nicer than when I ever had it :laugh:

Re: The Colorado BS thread

I went a ways up Old Stage this afternoon. The beginning, curvy, shelf road part had quite a few slushy, icey sections on the curves. Coming back down on the last steep part, I was going around a slight curve, first gear, foot off of the accelerator and the brake, less than 10 mph, and the rear end was still sliding about. I don't mind sliding, but I prefer to initiate it myself, rather than have it start out of nowhere. :)
Re: The Colorado BS thread

Few pics from last weekends trip to Fort Fun....

Horsetooth reservoir

Oh that 'bu

because NAXJA

76? are you kidding me? in February in Colorado?

test drove a few of these

is that okra in my bloody mary? WTF over

Re: The Colorado BS thread

Appears to be a shrimp tail.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

Ya boiled shrimp and I ate the green olive. It was brunch at this creole place. The food was amazing. I had blackened salmon and collard greens with peppered vinegar.
Re: The Colorado BS thread

i hope when they brought you that crap you demanded they refund you your manhood.

Hell no, I'd take that in an instant!

I love me a good bloody mary with all sorts of crap in/on/around it...cheese, peppers, veggies...all of it!

This is why when I make bloodies at home, I need a HUGE mug...

I'm pretty sure I know the place Flores went. I haven't been there but I know people who have, and I've heard the food is awesome.