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Bass Harbor, Maine -- Head Count

No problem -- we're checking for last minute changes, and will give the pound a heads up call around noon Thursday.

REMINDERI just got back from a trip to Wal-Mart for film. It's night, and a bit "nippy" out there. Although the forecast calls for warmer temperatures over the weekend, this is New England. Remember to bring warm clothes, and a couple of extra blankets "just in case."

See y'all Friday evening.
Have a great time folks.

I certainly was planning on coming, but on the 2200 mile return trip from Utah (1500 miles of which were in a driving rainstorm), I discovered leaks and rust holes that I wasn't aware of. The interior of Red has been removed as I plan my welding and caulking strategy.

I haven't lost my interest in Maine, or meeting some of you, really. Mt. Desert Island is a very appealing location, especially Bass Harbor. I was also looking forward to another visit to Swan's Is.

I'll just have to wait until another excursion up north.

Enjoy the lobster and clams. And stay warm! BTW, it is sleeting and slightly snowing in western NJ as I write this! :eek:

Mike in NJ :patriot:
Oh my..winters upon us!

Mike dont dig too deep, while installing the roll-cage in my 92, I found way more rust than I had hoped too, in what initially appeared to be a prisitne floor.

Have fun with them crustaceans folks, I will show my face one of these days, just not yet, Xnowyte needs a little more work as do a few other matters :rolleyes:

C'mon EAGLE, You can do it!!!

Load up the Limited and head on up!!!!!!!!!!

(just called my dad from Sturbridge mass with clutch failure)
grizzley02360 said:
RJ, you need a hand?

I think we're ok...just waiting to see what Eagle is gonna do...He just call my dad...he's in Sturbridge Ma and trying to limp the XJ (dunno what XJ he was in) home and possibly swap the gear into another rig.

IIRC Sturbridge isn't too far from him.
Yeah! The more the merrier!

Need some kind of head count RJ so I can figure on my part. Closies count, round number, something. Gonna bring potato salad makings and some extra taters incase people want baked. Plus I'll bring the soda.

Eagle needs a hand, I'll go down and pick him up tomorrow morning then come back by here to pick up my other two. Not really that far over the back roads. Not letting him out of this. He owes me a coffee and donut, hehehehe. Though he may claim I missed out cause I didn't make the Mohawk last week. hahaha

By the way, noticed that your cabin has a coffee pot in it (how nice!), ok for us to bring our own to use in our cabin??? Saw it had a little fridge but was unsure of if your dad allows this.
coffee pot

not a problem ,,,bring your coffee pot if you wish .
also bring a few extra blankets if you are tenting as friday morning will be COLD and saturday morning will be chilly a good wool blanket on the ground UNDER your sleeping bag will make a big difference.
steamers have been ordered and I can tweak the order a bit if need be ..lobsters are no problem , we just go down the hill and get them off the dock or I can call a lobster boat and have them bring them in for us ... they WILL be fresh !!!!!

Thank you Sir, you're a gentleman and a scholar (RJ paid me to say that :D )

COUNTS, I NEED COUNTS! Or so help me everyone will go home with enough potato salad for the next week! :wow: May be two. . .
Last count I had was 10 people, I think. With the latest addition and his bro, looks like 12. Dunno if our trail guide will come back with us, or if Mainiac will be able to join us. Figure 'tater salad for a dozen and that should be close.

Yeah, I made it to Worcester and when I hopped off the Mass Turnpike for I-290 I lost the clutch at the toll station. Drove it back with no clutch. I have a call in for Lawn Cher' :callme: if he can pick me up on his way I'll play navigator/photographer, otherwise I'll transfer the basic gear into the MJ and see if THAT can make a 400 mile trip. :banghead:
I forgot Moto -- I don't he was on the list yet when I counted 10. Maybe figure 15 warm (??) bodies to be safe.

Grizz, I appreciate the offer of a ride, but I'm all the way down by New Haven. It would be more than a couple of hours out of your way to pick me up. Fear not -- I'll get there. Something in the Fleet has to be mobile.
Man, great night for everyone LOL...

Chris and I pull my front D30 shaft to do the ujoint....super duper....but then we notice...HEyyyyyyyyyy This hub doesn't spin by hand.....we get it to spin and it's ROUGH...

Jump in the Monster-O (Kelly's '03 Mitsu Montero Sport) and jet to the AutoZone 1/2 mile away....They don't have any on stock and the one they list (Timken) is $359!!!!!!!!!!!

Quick call to Pep Boys in Portsmouth and we're off!!
45 minutes later we're back in the shop and good to go!

Nuther hour and the Driveshaft is done too....PHEW!!!

Eagle, what rig busted on ya?
I'm picking up Eagle on my way north in my new 'burban (black '97 GMC K2500 turbodiesel) ... it towed my MJ home this evening like it wan't even there!

Mike in NJ! Want me to pick you up too?! Don't miss this one!
TOZOVR said:
Eagle, what rig busted on ya?

Ahem ...

Old "Faithful"

Lawn Cher' called a few minutes ago. He'll pick me up on his way through from NJ and we should hit Bass Harbor around 8:30 p.m. We'll be in his new (to him) Suburban, so I hope you picked open trails :D
ok Ellsworth sounds good to me, if I leave here at about 4am saterday morning I should make up to there around 9 or 10 depending on pit stops, so if I make it there at 9 I'll prolly just keep going to the CG till everyone leaves, that way the Jeep and I can have a few minutes to rest.
Lawn Cher' said:
I'm picking up Eagle on my way north in my new 'burban (black '97 GMC K2500 turbodiesel) ... it towed my MJ home this evening like it wan't even there!

Mike in NJ! Want me to pick you up too?! Don't miss this one!

Will probably run into you then on 95. Leaving as soon as AJ gets home from school. Picked up a small Radio Shack 40 channel and magnetic antenna for cheap at the flea market last week. I HATE the 495 run up past Lowell so I'm heading north on 202 and across 101 to 95. We're in no hurry and still haven't decided if we're going to take the cutoff Eagle described or not. I'd rather drive backroads, so we may.
Man, have fun this weekend guys. I wish I wasn't going away this weekend or I'd have been up there too. I guess I'm going to have to wait for the lift to meet you RJ.
im not shure ill be thare tomorrow i pulled into the driveway tonight and my radiator spilled its contents out onto the blacktop hopefully i can find one cheep i spent all my extra money getting the rig ready for last weekend:( :(