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Are you fat?

BTW for those of you who want to start going back to said "exercise" but haven't done so in a while, last months mens health had a thing about getting your walk/run on. its like 20-45min (more time as weeks go on) but I'll post it up, or scan and post later when i get the magazine out of the bathroom.
just an update...

baseball season starts in two and a half weeks....i havent lost too much weight...but i can tell i am already in much better shape...for the next three weeks im going everyday in a one last spurt before tryouts...well see how it goes!!!
I am considered "overwieght" according to that BMI chart. 6'4" ~250lbs. but like 5-90, everybody doesn't believe me when I tell them my wieght. Though I am "that" guy that nobody wants to sit next to them on the airplane. And as dad says, "You can't drive a railroad stake with a tack hammer!" ;) I've always been above the average growing up, hell I was 10lbs, 24: long when I was born, been that way every since. I wear a 18.5/37 shirt, 38-40/34 pants, 50 long jacket and a size 14 shoe, I look proportional and normal, until I stand next to an average sized guy.

My g/f is 6'1", buddy is 6'5" and his wife is 6', when we all stand with each other, we "look" like normal sized people. That is until we go out in public, then everybody just looks and the little kid point, kinda funny some of the looks we all get.
CartsXJ said:
... hell I was 10lbs, 24: long when I was born, been that way every since.
Makes me laugh.

I was over 10 lbs (close to eleven) but only 18 inches. Think "basketball". I never changed much either. Now 5'9" and 235Lbs. I have a decent gut, but besides that I don't look fat anywhere else, don't feel fat, so basically don't care.
I'm wiry, chunky, big-boned, stocky, fat, whatever you want to call it. Like 5-90, I'm Scot blood on both sides. I weighed 155lbs at 5'3" at age 15 and could take down all comers. I'm now 240ish at 5'11" and there's little more than a damn thing I can do about it. Last time I had less than 15% body fat I weighed 195 lbs. I'm doomed to be a bald, ruddy, rotund, covered-in-hair troll of a man...
Not fat or over weight however I doubt I eat healthy. will probly catch up to me when I am older. But I like to eat out a lot so....

Are you a good person? Try taking the good person test to find out..
Haleyes said:
I'm fat.
Don't eat like I should.
Don't exercise.

I know I should, but don't.

I can relate. I have very little self control, and I'm a foodie. I don't eat much fast food, but what I do eat I eat large portions of.
Beej said:
I'm wiry, chunky, big-boned, stocky, fat, whatever you want to call it. Like 5-90, I'm Scot blood on both sides. I weighed 155lbs at 5'3" at age 15 and could take down all comers. I'm now 240ish at 5'11" and there's little more than a damn thing I can do about it. Last time I had less than 15% body fat I weighed 195 lbs. I'm doomed to be a bald, ruddy, rotund, covered-in-hair troll of a man...

I can relate to this too... I am of eastern European / Russian stock. My doctor wants me at 180, hah! I can't seem to get below 220.
6'1" @ 185 lbs According to that chart I'm overweight but that chart is extremely misleading. When I was in highschool and worked out almost every day I weight in at 195 so I guess I would of been extremely over weight. The problem is muscle weighs more than fat so that chart is only true if you don't work out at all I suppose.

I use to make excuses i got no time to exersize and no money to join a gym. I finally got tired of the little extra flab that i had in my mid section that I never had before. So I decided that since the Lance Armstrong Foundation was having there race in Philly again this year that I would join and my goal would be the 100 mile section. 3 years ago this would of been nothing to me. I just started getting back on my trainer for my bike and boy do I have some work to do. My resting heart rate is up in the 60's compared to in the 40's in hs.

I got a lot of work to do but I believe the one of the best ways to measure is your fat percentage. They actually sell meters that you can measure yourself without going to the doctor.

Genetics is a big part of it, I finally added two belt sizes after age 55 (Doctors orders, believe it or not). I could eat anything, in any quantity and still gain little wieght. The converse was also true, if I ate little, over extended periods, I lost little wieght. Was 6'3" and 175-180 at 16 and stayed that way until age 55. I really don't know what my fat index was, but doubt it was 5-10 %. I was always a sinker and not a floater when I was in the water. Two out of my three kids are the same, the boy, more so than the girls. The girls seem to have a higher fat index, one daughter takes after her mother and gains looking at food.
The only way I could ever gain, was to load up on animal fat. Never seemed to mess with my blood pressure much. the Doctor has never said a word about my cholesteral or blood pressure.
The only real health issues I've ever had are a tendancy to dehydration, thick blood and thrombosis. Got to remember to drink more water. Had a mild stroke, what the Doctor called a circulation episode. my own dumb arsed fault. Drove 400 miles, jumped out of the car at around 10,000 feet altitude and proceded to run up and down the mountains, like a manic idiot. When my speech slurred and the right side of my face went numb, I figured out I'd really screwed up. I don't do that anymore. :)
Bad back, iffy knees and mild arthritis have slowed me down, but I still walk a few miles 6 days a week and do moderate lift and carry type stuff. My stamina isn't what I'd like, but it's a compromise. between more stamina and my joints lasting a few more years.
Getting old sucks.
8Mud said:
Genetics is a big part of it, I finally added two belt sizes after age 55 (Doctors orders, believe it or not). I could eat anything, in any quantity and still gain little wieght. The converse was also true, if I ate little, over extended periods, I lost little wieght. Was 6'3" and 175-180 at 16 and stayed that way until age 55. I really don't know what my fat index was, but doubt it was 5-10 %. I was always a sinker and not a floater when I was in the water. Two out of my three kids are the same, the boy, more so than the girls. The girls seem to have a higher fat index, one daughter takes after her mother and gains looking at food.
The only way I could ever gain, was to load up on animal fat. Never seemed to mess with my blood pressure much. the Doctor has never said a word about my cholesteral or blood pressure.
The only real health issues I've ever had are a tendancy to dehydration, thick blood and thrombosis. Got to remember to drink more water. Had a mild stroke, what the Doctor called a circulation episode. my own dumb arsed fault. Drove 400 miles, jumped out of the car at around 10,000 feet altitude and proceded to run up and down the mountains, like a manic idiot. When my speech slurred and the right side of my face went numb, I figured out I'd really screwed up. I don't do that anymore. :)
Bad back, iffy knees and mild arthritis have slowed me down, but I still walk a few miles 6 days a week and do moderate lift and carry type stuff. My stamina isn't what I'd like, but it's a compromise. between more stamina and my joints lasting a few more years.
Getting old sucks.

Yeah, as I said somewhere else in this thread, my Dad and my siblings are all skinny: my Mom and myself have trouble keeping it off. One of our boys is skinny, the other chunky. Interestingly, my Mother's heritage is Swedish - she, my chunky boy, and myself are all blonde (Swedish?). Everybody else is dark (Dad's 'black Irish' heritage). The wife is a little over on BMI (but I would never say that in public :gag:). Her heritage is straight German (Rhinelanders). Her family can be blonde or brunette, but they're all about the same BMI - hard working Germans who like their bacon and would have no trouble surviving a famine. No heart disease on either side and all my grandparents and the wife's grandparents made it to at least 80 (most to 90).
zachxj01 said:
im under weight :( just over 100lbs at 5 6" but working on it lol i eat tons but nothing sticks to me

People say i am skinny however I am 5'11" and weigh 180 lb. I eat a lot also, but I am also active, I play flag football and etc..
Speaking of Flag football, we all play next to the church at 8:00 PM till about 10:30. The ball field is located next to westside baptist church which is located at 7775 Herlong RD 32210 Jax FL. You'll see us out there, the field will be lit up with about 20-30 people playing ball...

Are you a good person? Try the good person test..
05gtdrv3r said:
People say i am skinny however I am 5'11" and weigh 180 lb. I eat a lot also, but I am also active, I play flag football and etc..
Speaking of Flag football, we all play next to the church at 8:00 PM till about 10:30. The ball field is located next to westside baptist church which is located at 7775 Herlong RD 32210 Jax FL. You'll see us out there, the field will be lit up with about 20-30 people playing ball...

Are you a good person? Try the good person test..

Can we PLEASE ban this flag football playingtooon? :patriot:
XJ Dreamin' said:
Yeah, as I said somewhere else in this thread, my Dad and my siblings are all skinny: my Mom and myself have trouble keeping it off. One of our boys is skinny, the other chunky. Interestingly, my Mother's heritage is Swedish - she, my chunky boy, and myself are all blonde (Swedish?). Everybody else is dark (Dad's 'black Irish' heritage). The wife is a little over on BMI (but I would never say that in public :gag:). Her heritage is straight German (Rhinelanders). Her family can be blonde or brunette, but they're all about the same BMI - hard working Germans who like their bacon and would have no trouble surviving a famine. No heart disease on either side and all my grandparents and the wife's grandparents made it to at least 80 (most to 90).
I always have to wonder what people are thinking when they recommend diets. In my mind it doesn't take a large leap of imagination, to surmise, people metabolize differently and different diets are going to affect them differently. One diet is unlikely to work or even be close for everybody. Even the calories in, calories out system may be anti genetic. People may be genetically programed for various activity levels.
When my blood suger gets low, I get the urge to kill something and eat it. When it's normal and the old stomach is full, I get mellower. I eat when I'm hungry, if I skip a meal, no big deal.
I always also wondered about people eating at set times. If I'm really burning the calories, I may snack all day long, then gorge at night. If I'm not working hard, I may eat a light breakfast and then not again till 8 PM. Maybe a couple of slugs of fruit juice during the day, just to keep the blood suger up some.
I really think the trick is to figure out what wieght your body wants to be. Learn what you have to eat to keep it there. Avoid low blood suger and research what works best for you, as far as food content goes. Some people may do better with meat, some with carbohydrates others with greens and even that may be seasonal.
I tend to get seasonal appitites and listen to what my body is telling me. Greens in the spring, berries and fruits in the late spring till summer, apples, legumes and nuts in the fall, meat after the first frost and during the winter, along with grains, rice and legumes. Not exclussively, but as a preference.
I really doubt three meals, with snacks in between, with well balanced selections, and moderate portions are in our genes anywhere.
Intake was likely seasonal, the quantity and content variable, for a large protion of human history.
Funny, one of the wifes know it all friends was complaining about the wood ash in our house. I burn wood for heat in the winter, a little ash always seems to get out of the oven. She was commenting on how it had to be unhealthy. I tried to explain to her that it's likely humankind has a mechanism to deal with breathing a little wood ash, or we'd have likely all been extinct long ago. She wouldn't accept that logic, no way.
Being around women too much will screw up your system. Food is right at the top of there priority list, pretty much the number one thing to concider in most situations. Men typically have a different set of priorities, with food farther down the list. If you let your women prioritize, it can be a factor.
Just for the heck of it, keep track of how many times the word food comes up in conversation with the wife or daughters in a normal three day period.
matt6669 said:
According to that chart I'm overweight but that chart is extremely misleading.
x a gazillion.

At 5'9 and 235 I am morbidly obese? So how many morbidly obese people can run a couple miles? Do 50 pushups? 50 situps?

Those charts are just a bunch of BS. Some people are just naturally built bigger.