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Are you fat?

Yeah, I would consider myself fat/overweight at 20. Weighed 285 junior year in HS (football coaches just LOVED me :D). I got down to about a steady 260 senior year. I then went on to play college ball my freshman year at a Private College (Whittier, CA). I had been REAL tired of being fat for a LONG time (got me more depressed than some could fathom). But after being in the college football environment, and regularly working out ALOT, as well as eating VERY well, I got down to 215-220 for a bit. Needless to say my O-line coach wasn't to thrilled, but the linebackers and D-line coaches were :D. I quit playing ball due to really wanting to persure my degree (ME) which would be too hard to do while playing ball. Came back to Colorado, and got back up to about 235 and asked myself WTF was I doing? It felt GREAT coming back to CO only to have everyone you know literally not recognize you. Right now I am regularly doing 1hr of cardio at 6AM, go through my day, lift in the evenings (MWF) and another hour of cardio after that. You can safely lose wieght at up to 2lbs. a week, which I am doing, and it feels good again. Knees starting to get better again (still might need to go under the knife), just feel generally better, etc. Im planning on getting to ~200 then see where I wanna go from there, and ideally would like to be a good 180, with some muscle to me. Just can't quit and give into those cravings, especially when you have an easting disorder inhereted from alcoholism :(.
I like to eat, drink, sleep and not excercise.

230# 6'5.5" @ 22y/o

I'll have time in my mid twenties to hit the gym, but for now, no way.
150 Pounds, wet
Age: 44
I'm not a health nut, I go to the gym mostly for the health of the gray matter between the ears. The extra benefits are that Ethan seems to enjoy kicking my butt at racquetball and it helps to keep the lungs from starving when I'm active ~7000' and above. It has helped with the altitude a lot, attitude too. I also bowl one night a week and work in the yard. I don't sit still very well. Growing up my Grandmother was fond of telling me that I was, "just like a maggot in a crap pile". Now I wonder if she was just trying to tell me that I was full of crap?
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freerider15 said:
Just can't quit and give into those cravings, especially when you have an easting disorder inhereted from alcoholism :(.
Have you considered that you are just substituting one symptom of addiction for another.
I went for my DOT physical a couple years ago. When the nurse checked my height and weight she wrote down that I was 6' 0" and 210. After the nurse was done with me I had to see the doctor so he could review things to approve my physical. He tells he that Im obese and grossly overweight for my height. Now, consider that this doctor is standing in the same room with me, reading a height/weight chart and looking me straight in the face telling me this. This "doctor" has gone through many years of schooling and training and apparently passed and can not look at his patient and notice that Im 6'0" and not 60" tall. Its freightening to think that some day my life may depend on over educated morons like this guy.
I could stand to drop 15 or 20lbs though.
Haleyes said:
I'm fat.
Don't eat like I should.
Don't exercise.

I know I should, but don't.

That pretty much covers it!
5-90 said:
Considering I can't float, I attribute most of my "additional" weight to bone density - my X-rays come out very white and clear. My orthopaedist was certainly surprised...

Soooo, you're saying you're BIG BONED???
At 6' 1 " and 31 years old, I wiegh 260ish. I had a work related accident 4 years ago and have been having surgery after surgery and have ended up gaining about 60 pounds. Need to change my eating habits to go with my lack of movement now, but with all of the pain and b.s. I'm having to go through currently with this, I don't want to take away my Round Table pizza's and hot wings. I have managed to lose 4 pounds this month by just cutting back as far as serving sizes.
5'11.5" , at one point I weighed 350.... I'm down to 300, I should lose about another 120-30lbs to get where I should be, and live a few hours longer..... it isnt easy, none of it.......
Ray H said:
Soooo, you're saying you're BIG BONED???

Not "big boned" - but my bone density is just about off the top end of the "normal" range. Bone porosity is almost nonexistant as well.

When I had knees, ribs, and pelvis X-rayed after my little incident in NOV05, he asked me if I had had any metal installed at those locations. "Nope, all original parts." He then retried the X-rays to make sure it wasn't the film acting funny, or the machine being silly (it wasn't.)

There are a couple pictures of me circulating around here (don't know how they got out...) and you can see my general build - I'm not "big boned" - just solid. Even with the spare tyre around the middle...
5-90 said:
Not "big boned" - but my bone density is just about off the top end of the "normal" range. Bone porosity is almost nonexistant as well.

When I had knees, ribs, and pelvis X-rayed after my little incident in NOV05, he asked me if I had had any metal installed at those locations. "Nope, all original parts." He then retried the X-rays to make sure it wasn't the film acting funny, or the machine being silly (it wasn't.)

There are a couple pictures of me circulating around here (don't know how they got out...) and you can see my general build - I'm not "big boned" - just solid. Even with the spare tyre around the middle...

I dont need pictures, I believe you. Im just messing with you. It struck me as funny thats all.
Ray H said:
I dont need pictures, I believe you. Im just messing with you. It struck me as funny thats all.

Oh - I got you, I just wasn't sure if anyone else would...

I seem to run at one end or the other of "nomal medical variation" on nearly everything. My whole family is like that - unimportant little mutations and the like. My grandfather, for instance, was born without vermiform appendix or tonsils. No-one in my family has any wisdom teeth. We'd all make terrible addicts - abnormally high resistance to most medications (I take four Vicodin to take the edge off whatever pain I'm in so I can think. Novocain? Don't bother - I'm glad I don't have to go for dental work...)

Eric Cartman said:
I'm not fat, I'm big boned!
yeah, technically i'm fat. 5'10" 190# and i'm shrinking according to my doctor's last measurement. one funny thing is, my measurements are the exact opposite of 5-90 (36 waist, 31 inseam) LOL. weighed 170 for a long time, but not anymore. my pos back keeps me from any fun weekend warrior sports, plus a bad knee and arthritis, oh what fun. some" philosopher" once said, IF YOU LIVE LONG ENOUGH, IT WILL KILL YA!!
Bent said:
Have you considered that you are just substituting one symptom of addiction for another.

Well I'm predisposed genetically to having an addictive behavior. One of the downfalls of this is that those with this disposition, if having eaten something sweet, crave something salty, and it keeps going (which in turn results in lots of weight gain). I know, sounds like something everyone "has," but when it comes to most who have said predisposition, they have to forcibly not allow themselves to give into these cravings, much like an alcoholic not giving into alcohol. I learned alot from my mom with her having to have been rehabed twice now. She said as long as I don't fall down the same road with alcholism as she did, shes happy. I've managed for the most part to get my eating under control, and eat healthier than most people could ever stand to.
I am 6'3" and 235lbs.

In my prime I was running 4-5 miles a day and weighed 175lbs, but I looked funky and out of proportion. Got out of the Army and started drinking a lot of beer while going to school in Louisiana. I put on 30lbs, and looked better, but was definately more puffy. Then I got deployed with the Nat. Gaurd, and was able to hit the gym for 4 hours a day. I put on 55lbs of solid mass and was strong as hell and looked better than ever.
I got in a car accident, and banged up my ole head a bit, and put me out of commission for about a year. Anytime I lifted or went for a run, it would result in a migraine, so I stopped working out completely, as a result all of that hard earned mass turned to soft muscle and fat.
I eat what I want, dont work out, and have been 230-240lbs for the past 2 years, I feel unhealthy, dont look as good as I have, but I am happy that I am alive. So yeah I guess I am fat, but at least I am not starving.
flexjay87 said:
yeah, technically i'm fat. 5'10" 190# and i'm shrinking according to my doctor's last measurement. one funny thing is, my measurements are the exact opposite of 5-90 (36 waist, 31 inseam) LOL. weighed 170 for a long time, but not anymore. my pos back keeps me from any fun weekend warrior sports, plus a bad knee and arthritis, oh what fun. some" philosopher" once said, IF YOU LIVE LONG ENOUGH, IT WILL KILL YA!!

No. Maybe I labelled them backwards, but I wear 36/34 (1" boot heel, 31.5" actual inseam, and I like the way the 34's break, as opposed to 30's or 32's.)

Technically speaking, I'm obese (I think my BMI is 33.) Realistically speaking, get bent. I'm happy being a bit overweight - I don't think I can be described in any particular wise as "average." I'm they guy they came up with the term "normal variation" for...

I could probably go back and dig up my height/weight numbers for the last 20 years or so, but I don't think I've ever had a BMI of "ideal" in that time - it's usually been 25 or better - technically "overweight."

Yeah - I just checked. I'm running a BMI of 32.5 right now (and I don't really care.) You can find BMI calculators easily enough through Google - either <BMI> or <Body Mass Index> should give you something useful in the first link.

And don't go sticking all those scrawny women in my face, either! Women should look like women, not fifteen-year-old male marathon runners with breasts. Blame me spending most of my formative years working on farms when I wasn't doing anything else for that...
I wear 36/34 now also. I hated when I went over square last year.
I have a theory on going over square (larger waste than inseam).
Men hate to do it, thats why you see old men with there pants pulled up to their cheast, they refused to go over square so they keep buying pants with longer inseams and they end up wearing them way to high.