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Are you fat?

I'm fat, don't eat right, don't exercize. When I got married I weighed 185 now three years later I'm upto 230. It all started when I broke my hand in the Marine Corp and didn't run for eight months. However I've realized the folly of my ways and intend to get out there and start running again, and get my diet under control. No crazy Atkins type stuff just healthier foods.
This is a pretty good guideline as to your FAT levels...

6' 235Lbs.

I am not too heavy, just to short.

However....HBP runs in the familly......137/65 with meds.....that I have been on since I was 22, I am 42 now.

5-90, with numbers that high, I am assuming that your MD is watching you...correct? If not, get it under controll....they do not call HBP the silent killer for no reason.

My good friend, just had a major heart attack (and survived)....at 42. Watch that blood pressure guys, your life is worth it.

Rev Den said:
6' 235Lbs.

I am not too heavy, just to short.

However....HBP runs in the familly......137/65 with meds.....that I have been on since I was 22, I am 42 now.

5-90, with numbers that high, I am assuming that your MD is watching you...correct? If not, get it under controll....they do not call HBP the silent killer for no reason.

My good friend, just had a major heart attack (and survived)....at 42. Watch that blood pressure guys, your life is worth it.


Yeah, I just started Lisonopril for it.

Still, I consider it "treating the symptom" - it doesn't do anything about the actual cause. I guess it will help me feel better tho - and I've got a followup with him in a fortnight, and a treadmill on 01MAR. I've always had a heart like a bull tho - so I don't expect any trouble there. HTW doesn't really run in my family, and the last time I was this blown-out was the few years before my old man (mom's third) walked out on us. That day, I could literally feel my BP drop like a rock - I think it fell about 75 points in ten minutes! Just to be finally quit of that damn fool...

Went right back up when Mum told me I should try to make nice with him - I didn't give a damn, tho. That little effort lasted all of ten minutes.

It's been 16 years now. I've almost gotten to the point where I can forgive him being such an arsehole, but it's taken a great deal of work on my part. That's a demon that I still need to exorcise...
A little over 6 feet, weighing in at 176 lbs. 12% body fat.

I eat pretty healthy- lots of nutritious food, but sometimes overload with peanut butter cups, fruit snacks, ice cream, and such.
Rev Den said:
...they do not call HBP the silent killer for no reason.

my HBP is also hereditary and I've been taking meds since i was 23, so 8 years now. seems to be pretty common now for people that are younger.
i am 6'0" and around 220...coach wants me to play linebacker...but my sport is baseball..in the past week...getting ready for baseball season (going to the gym 3 times a week and lifting/running) i have lost 8 pounds...not bad for a week and a half..trying to get down to 190 - 200 by march...we will see how it goes!!!!
according to the chart i am overweight, i am 6' and 185#. Im in pretty good shape, but i want to start eating a little better and running when its warm again. I used to lift but didnt like the "bulked" feel so i kept it healthy strong.
I'm 5'6" and 190. I am running in the high teens for body fat, but haven't been able to train or box for 3 years now. I used to weigh 172 and was sub 10% bodyfat, but a neck injury has slowed me down. I'm in the home stretch now for recovering, I will be back to 172 before january next year. Hopefully I can still compete, but thats up to the doc and my trainer.
Karst, Fergie,
I appreciate the concern. I know what to do, and I know how to do it. I'm very close to the 'when' part - just not quite yet. Maybe tomorrow.

Seriously, I am very close to having had enough of this. Aside from my son, another incentive has cropped up recently. With cuts in FS allocations I need the Fire Shop to pick up some days for me. I'm fully wildland firefighter rated - except for the physical fitness test. The test to work fire is walk 2 miles in 30 minutes with a 25# pack for prescribed burning or overhead positions, or walk 3 miles in 45 minutes with a 45# pack for wildland fireline positions. Those are solid targets to shoot for, but even the lesser of the two is not very realistic by the end of the FY.

I won't list the excuses I use on myself. We've all heard them a million times for a hundred different addictions. The bottom line is still 'step up and do it.' I'll be smoke free for seven years come May. I'll try to add on 'fat free' to that, this year. I'll post here again when there's a significant change in my numbers.
XJ Dreamin' said:
Karst, Fergie,
I appreciate the concern. I know what to do, and I know how to do it. I'm very close to the 'when' part - just not quite yet. Maybe tomorrow.

Seriously, I am very close to having had enough of this. Aside from my son, another incentive has cropped up recently. With cuts in FS allocations I need the Fire Shop to pick up some days for me. I'm fully wildland firefighter rated - except for the physical fitness test. The test to work fire is walk 2 miles in 30 minutes with a 25# pack for prescribed burning or overhead positions, or walk 3 miles in 45 minutes with a 45# pack for wildland fireline positions. Those are solid targets to shoot for, but even the lesser of the two is not very realistic by the end of the FY.

I won't list the excuses I use on myself. We've all heard them a million times for a hundred different addictions. The bottom line is still 'step up and do it.' I'll be smoke free for seven years come May. I'll try to add on 'fat free' to that, this year. I'll post here again when there's a significant change in my numbers.

"Smoke free?" Yeah - tackle things like that one at a time (I quit a two-pack-a-day habit dead cold twelve years ago, so I can imagine...)

Here's a question for you - on what day are most diets begun? It's not "Monday" or "the first of the month..."

It's "to-morrow..."
5-90 said:
Yeah, I just started Lisonopril for it.

Still, I consider it "treating the symptom" - it doesn't do anything about the actual cause. I guess it will help me feel better tho - and I've got a followup with him in a fortnight, and a treadmill on 01MAR. I've always had a heart like a bull tho - so I don't expect any trouble there. HTW doesn't really run in my family, and the last time I was this blown-out was the few years before my old man (mom's third) walked out on us. That day, I could literally feel my BP drop like a rock - I think it fell about 75 points in ten minutes! Just to be finally quit of that damn fool...

Went right back up when Mum told me I should try to make nice with him - I didn't give a damn, tho. That little effort lasted all of ten minutes.

It's been 16 years now. I've almost gotten to the point where I can forgive him being such an arsehole, but it's taken a great deal of work on my part. That's a demon that I still need to exorcise...

I also fight elevated BP Its not as bad as some but because of my DOT physical requirements, I have to really watch it or go on meds to have it corrected. it usually runs around 130/90 and has most of my life. I take something call QC-10. Its an over the counter suppliment. It seems to do the trick with my moderate hypertention, gets it down to 120/78.
About your father.
I know where you're coming from. My parents got a nasty divorce when I was 14. It ws bad, I remember many nights that dad threatening to kill us and I waited by the door with a rifle waiting to blow him away as soon as he walked in. I had no contact with my father from age 14 to 32. I had no idea where he was or what he was doing. When I was 32 my mother suddenly died. For some reason I figured that my father should know so I searched him down and sent a letter to him telling him about my mom and updating him on myself. Sort of an open hand. He excepted my open hand and we have been father and son again for the past 10 years. Contacting him was the best thing I could've done. He really had changed, I guess I had also and understand a little better what he had gone through. Anyway, just my .02
I guess my thoughts were more centered around the "If I don't change "this", then I will die younger than I should."

Although I want obese, I was overweight by 60 or so pounds, but was lazy too. I couldnt even meet the minimum Army PT standards(first PT test was 12 SU, 10 PUs, and 33 min 2 mile)

Skinny folks out there should be concerned too. Take a look at the foods you eat. Things that you might think are healthy. Do they have HFCS, sugar, enriched flour and such as the main ingredients? Do they contain a lot of tris and transfats? I bet your blood vessels are in about as bad a shape as the fat guy next to you, and you have a false sense of security do to your smaller waist.
6'4 185lbs and there is always time to do some form of excercise, and a gym is not needed (depending on your goals). It takes me 15-20 mins in the morning to go through a routine (mostly core and pushups) and three days a week I run two miles at an eight minute pace. So that is roughly two hours of working out per week (I don't do anything on weekends). Granted I could be doing more, but right now this fits in perfect with my busy life. Once you get into a routine, it is much easier.
FarmerMatt said:
Hi, I'm 5'10" 115 lbs & like to cuddle. My measurements are 36 30 36. Looking for a black man in his mid 40's with a goatee...

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
I'd consider myself heavy. My ex-wife would say I was a fat slob.

Tomatoes / Tomahtoes.