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A Humboldt-Cherokee Blog.

Took a trip to Titlow Hill on friday. Amazing Views.

Went with my now ex-girlfriend. Oh well!





Went with my now ex-girlfriend. Oh well!

this reminds me of a song by one of my favorite bands, The Mentors, called "the four F club" :guitar:
1) find em'
2) feel em'
3) fuk em"
4) forget em'

looks like you have joined the brotherhood. now go find another one & get started on steps 2, 3, & 4 all over again! :roflmao:
HAHA thanks guys.

Yeah, it sucked. We really liked each other, she moved up here from the bay, then got cold feet after visiting Portland, so it's over.

Girls Ain't nothin but trouble.

no biggie, there are lots of fish in the sea.
just find one that smells fresh & not like old bait! :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
look at the good news: you now can wrench and wheel as much as you want on the evenings and weekends without that guilty feeling bad that you are ditching her. id say just fill that empty void with more jeep parts , a welder, some metal, and some beer and youll be good in no time.
You'd still have her if you drove a 'yota. Just saying.

Seriously, though. Sorry to hear that. My gf and I cooled it for awhile when I left for England. After she moved to Germany it was game on, and we've lasted through over 25 years of marriage since. That being said, you never know what tomorrow brings. Stay positive, put things into perspective, and don't pay attention to relationship advice on a Jeep forum (mine included). If you really liked her, don't give up. Best wishes, man.
Yeah. Thanks guys. The worst part is that it just came down to geography. She REALLY cares about me. We aren't done with each other. But right now, I don't even want to talk to her. LOL

Anyway- I'm still not sure about my fate with the xj.

I've been looking at jetta wagon's on craiglist, (because it's a milf magnet.) Also, I can haul drums with a wagon like that, and the 1.8t is a sweet motor. I'm really not looking forward to when gas prices go back up. I can't afford trips at all anymore. A round trip to the bay area in the xj is now $150 dollars. (@3.89/gal) If gas went back to $4.75 a gallon, It'd be a $200 round trip. (And that is only the gas I use driving from here to San Mateo, and back. Not counting any driving I do while I'm there.) Last time I drove to the by, I filled up in Eureka, and went below red on the gauge in Novato. REALLY bad.

I could go for something like this

Or this

But idk.

That's just a more expensive and cushy version of you already have. If you're looking to save on gas, that's not the way to go....

Have you penciled out the incremental cost to go for an econbox car? In other words, how long is going to take you to recoup your invest over the gas savings?

I have a friend with a Miata that's always giving me grief about my "gas guzzler". Says his car gets him from Point A to Point B just like me, except cheaper. I told him that I would follow him around for a day and see how more my gas cost, then he could follow me around for a day and see how much it would cost him to get towed out areas his Miata can't touch.....

Then he give me a stupid look when I ask him where he seats his 3rd and 4th passengers......
Sorry to hear about the lady troubles but it sounds like you've got your head in the right place.

As for the Jeep and fuel costs you definitely have a bit to think about. Getting through college should be your #1 priority right now, so I would weigh your decision based on that. Make the smarter money choices now and you'll be in a much better position later when you graduate. Ivan has a point about recouping costs, but maybe the vehicle cost will be a wash if you sell the XJ and buy a used econobox. Just my 2 cents, and I'll take the white WJ you posted above. :) Oh, and just an FYI, my brother's '03 GLI 1.8T with a chip, intake, and exhaust gets just under 40mpg on the hwy and its pretty darn quick. Better than stock performance and mpg. I imagine the 1.8T is capable of similar numbers in the non-GLI Jetta and the GTI/Golf.
Does you're new car need to be a newer model? Why not buy an older late 80's CR-X? 41 mpg city, 50+ on the highway. Theyre cheap too (under 3k).

Best of luck with the ladies, dont let them get you down!
1) The worst part is that it just came down to geography...
2)I've been looking at jetta wagon's on craiglist...


But idk.

The old dickhead Josh would say something like:
"Given the two statements above - I think that maybe she is just trying to get away from a dork who likes Jetta wagons. Take a tough guy like Tim for example...he has never once thought about buying any type of station wagon or minivan - especially when he was in his early 20's - and he's fighting off the ladies with sticks. You gotta man-up and stop looking at cars that sensible old guys with families drive."

The new nice Josh would say something like:
Dickhead Josh really makes a good point! WTH is wrong with Columbus?"
LOL I love all of this. This is why NAXJA rocks. I wouldn't keep coming back if I couldn't handle the criticism. :)

The whole thing about my lady situation- Thanks guys. I learned a lot. And I'm over it. haha

Ivan- I'm not looking to get something more cushy necessarily, but my dad's wj is really, really nice, functional, and I love that it has more room for people in the back.
And yes, it does get better mpg than mine. I've spent a LOT of time behind the wheel in it. We've had it since I was a junior in high school.

A major turning point for me was when I drove my drums to a buddy's house to play some music. I have a decent sized drum kit. (4 toms, bass and snare+ all hardware/cymbals.)
He lives about 15 miles from me. The xj was sagging badly. The rear suspension was way low, and it was sad trying to get onto the freeway with the weight.(No oomph) I averaged 12 mpg driving over there.

4 months ago, I played a show in San Mateo. Took the drums in the wj, with my suitcase and stuff too. It didn't even flinch, hauled ass the whole way. I averaged 65-75 mph the whole trip, and got 19 mpg. (I can't even drive the xj 70 without my teeth rattling)

So no, crap econobox is not an option. A sedan isn't an option. (A wagon is) Sometimes I think the wj would just better fit my needs.

The xj isn't going anywhere for a while, if at all.
The old dickhead Josh would say something like:
"Given the two statements above - I think that maybe she is just trying to get away from a dork who likes Jetta wagons. Take a tough guy like Tim for example...he has never once thought about buying any type of station wagon or minivan - especially when he was in his early 20's - and he's fighting off the ladies with sticks. You gotta man-up and stop looking at cars that sensible old guys with families drive."

The new nice Josh would say something like:
Dickhead Josh really makes a good point! WTH is wrong with Columbus?"

this post is full of win. :cheers: