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Tinkham Trip Report


NAXJA Forum User
Here are the ones I took of today’s adventure. The snow was crap, but the company was good.




His first off road trip



Eh, my feet were wet and Hubert had that look like he was gonna be sick again so we bailed. Steve was leaving anyway and Brian may not have made it all the way down Tinkham.
The pics look great. I had a great time, but the snow sucked @$$. I am looking forward to more photos though. After turning around, we decided to head home, but Josh and I went to Easton for some delicious burgers.
Eh, my feet were wet and Hubert had that look like he was gonna be sick again so we bailed. Steve was leaving anyway and Brian may not have made it all the way down Tinkham.

We made it no problem, we just stopped at the bridge to air up, pull in winch cable, and give it a once over to make sure it was worthy of being driven at 70 mph! By the way, thanks again for coming back to let us know we had the wrong exit!:doh:
The pics look great. I had a great time, but the snow sucked @$$. I am looking forward to more photos though. After turning around, we decided to head home, but Josh and I went to Easton for some delicious burgers.

We watched you air up on the other side of the overpass then hit I90 going the wrong way. Now I know why, right on.
Yeah, I went to NWFest last year and am always on NAXJA, but it's not very often I get to actually meet up with you guys and wheel with any NAXJA members. I have a goofy work schedule, I am going to school and live much further south than I am willing to drive to make it to a single day run.
This pic would be sweet except for the tool who walked all over that virgin snow.


Trust me... I've been tapping that snow for almost a decade now, and its not a virgin. :eyes:
I know many of you thought that the snow sucked. I understand that perspective, but it was much better than my expectations.
We made it way further than I expected and some of the rigs probably could have made it much further if we hadn't had so many issues on the lower hill climbs (not pointing figures, it wasn't easy).

I was concerned that a true Hypothermia run wouldn't have been possible this year, but I am now optimistic. The snow would still be impossible for a igloo but at least tent camping would be feasable if we left the trail head at 6:00am with a small group of people.

Great day, great company, incredible weather!!

why do all the pics of my rig look like im stuck? :doh:
I know many of you thought that the snow sucked. I understand that perspective, but it was much better than my expectations.
We made it way further than I expected and some of the rigs probably could have made it much further if we hadn't had so many issues on the lower hill climbs (not pointing figures, it wasn't easy).

I was concerned that a true Hypothermia run wouldn't have been possible this year, but I am now optimistic. The snow would still be impossible for a igloo but at least tent camping would be feasable if we left the trail head at 6:00am with a small group of people.
I agree. The last time I was up there, I barely got beyond the powerlines without running into complications. While the snow was certainly a challenge this time, Jake and I in the forward element were making progress and making decent time. If we'd had somewhere to be (like a campsite) I have no doubt that we could have been a lot further up the mountain before the light failed.

The only question is, in a month when we try this again, will the snow be better or worse?

The only question is, in a month when we try this again, will the snow be better or worse?


My only statement is, "who cares?!" It will still be awesome!!! :D
i want more pictures. i have to wait a week to go wheelin. a week! im going through DTs here. hook me up.
My only statement is, "who cares?!" It will still be awesome!!! :D

Here Here!

and here are my shots from this run...

Matt gave me some hand signals...

Alex loves me -








