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You know you own/drive a XJ when...

...when your XJ has been squealing for the past 6 months and nothing has broken or left you stranded.
You break your oil pressure switch when you change your oil filter! :D(go ahead ask me how i know)
...you spend more money on oil per week gas.
...that guy behind the parts counter asks how i broke 'that' in my garage
...the local cops know you on a first make basis and it's not because your friends with them
...the landlord at your appartment sends you a monthly letter telling you 'You have to stop swapping axles in the complex'
...your so excited about your new tube doors that you drive then in 30* weather and its snowing outside(yes that would be me....)

when you are no longer concerned by squeaks rattles or moans

when you go around the parking lot 7 times just so you can keep busting through the same snowdrift

when youre the only one who is parked on a snowdrift and take pictures and are proud of it

when the b.g. pic on your cell phone is not a girlfriend but your jeep
when your wife asks you to wheeling on mothers day.
when that same wife asks for an XJ for her birthday.
when that same wife kills a brand new mustang with her XJ and exclaims "XJ 1 stang 0"
when your friends dont know how to start your XJ (i tried to tell em she has feelings)
when you know EVERY other XJ driver in your town.
when you know exactly how many XJs are in the local junk yards and what is and is not on them. and what you have already took off them
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when you dont lock your doors couse no one else can get it started and you hope for it couse no one else can open the doors from the inside
When there are 20 possible reasons why it wont start.
When the only time your Jeep gets washed is if it rains.

Everyone knows your Jeep but cant remember your name.

You refer to your Jeep as " The Jeep" instead of "My car/Truck"
you hafta share the one window crank and you hope the windows arent frozen shut in the winter