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You know you own/drive a XJ when...

You insist that it’s a Station wagon, not an SUV.


You know how much money a year that saves me on insurance? (hey, if the title says it's a station wagon I do too!)
srimes said:
I get the rest, but what's the ID card for? When the rest of the kit fails? :dunno:
Got that one from an old Marine I knew as a kid. Learned it again in the Navy; for sucking chest wounds (bullet thru chest and/or back, and lung).
Usually larger wounds where there is more of a hole or gash than a cut. Used it when a friend's dog bit a silver dollar size hunk out of another friend's dog while camping. Didn't duct tape the dog though. I just added a larger (5"x7"ish) laminated calendar thing for even larger wounds.
Got that one from an old Marine I knew as a kid. Learned it again in the Navy; for sucking chest wounds (bullet thru chest and/or back, and lung).
Usually larger wounds where there is more of a hole or gash than a cut. Used it when a friend's dog bit a silver dollar size hunk out of another friend's dog while camping. Didn't duct tape the dog though. I just added a larger (5"x7"ish) laminated calendar thing for even larger wounds.
Ahhh.... I was thinking it was for scraping ice... A tampon is best thing for a bullet hole.
Sorry, but that one's got nothing to do with owning an xj. Duct tape, super glue, napkins, and an old (laminated) id card. Been among my basic first aid kit items for 20 years. I've only owned an xj for a year.
x2 i was born with duct tape in my hand.
just got finished wrapping my finger up from an xj induced leak, thats all:looney:
When you are the only person on the road that did not shovel or plow the driveway because.... you don't need to..
When your idea of a good car wash is using soap.

When you apply the parking brake on a hill knowing that its totally worthless.

When you have cursed at Chrysler/AMC for not making the rear seat split.

When you have neck problems from replacing fuses every other day.

When people think you had an engine failure when you are running Seafoam down the intake.

When you can hear a Jeep 4.0 engine coming up your street and are disappointed to find out its a TJ.

When you can beat almost anything off the line to 40 mph, then forget it, you lost after that.

When the kickdown gear for your AW4 is more of a noise maker than a kickdown gear.

When you were 17 and got a budget boost with 31s you thought you were the sh*t.

When you have used your floor mats wedged under your wheels to get you unstuck in mud/snow.
Its been paid off for a long time and still drives like a champ.

You get fighting mad when you tell someone your jeep has 150k and they tell you it is probably wore out.
1. When you can read 24 pages of this thread and still find it funny
2. When people show concern about the oil spots under your Jeep and you say "it's not a leak, Jeeps just mark their territory". (I got that saying from a friend--a fellow Jeeper, obviously--and I love it!)
3. You turn on your fan and are gifted with clouds of trail dust blown in your face... and you smile.
4. You exasperate your kids when driving a "normal" car by grumbling at every curb and parking stop in your way, because you "could just drive right over that if we were in the Jeep". (And "the Jeep" is stock height)
he he he...
.. When everything else is just a 'normal car'
.. When you refer to your Jeeps by color, lift size, year.. because "the Jeep" stops cutting it after the you purchased the second one.
When you rent a Porsche for a week to drive on the autobahn and you still have that “Can’t wait to get back in my Jeep” feeling.
When a bunch of your friends and brother call it a gas hog until their Honda is buried and needs to be pulled out!

When you have the sudden urge to rearend a Prius because you can tell a douchebag is behind the wheel! :D
When you realize that all Jeep owners refer to their Jeep as "The Jeep." One of my friends brought this up about an hour ago. Seriously, read through the thread.