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XJ with no Doors Illegal???

Here Colorado I see people with no doors, h*ll there is guy who cut the roof off his XJ and has it wide open. Looks like the Munsters drive it. I am getting ready to ditch mine here soon. Build a nice set of tube ones with a drivers mirror. Drivers mirror is the only one you really need besides the rear view. I would just do it and if the popo comes after ya tell them you bought it out of state and thought it was legal since you bought it that way.
Not sure about TX, but here in CA, there is no law requiring doors. Must have the center rear-view mirror if you don't have BOTH side mirrors. Like stated before, if it can be deemed a safety hazard, then you can be cited (so keep your legs inside when the cops are near). Never in my career have I cited, nor seen (or even heard of) an officer citing for doors (but I suppose there's always that one guy...).
Drove through texas many a time with no doors on mine, no problems.

Its as illegal as beadlocks on the street.
dave92cherokee said:
I read through the texas law and it appears to be worded the same as here in TN, that a motorvehicle must be equipped with side or center mirror allowing the driver to see 200ft behind the vehicle. Of course the best way would be to ask local city, county, or state police (or all 3) if they know of any law requiring the doors to be on the vehicle. I did that here before modding them and they all said they know of no such law. If you want to read through the entire thing yourself it's located here http://tlo2.tlc.state.tx.us/statutes/tn.toc.htm
Unless cops in Texas are smarter than in Ohio or Michigan, do the research using the link he provided. That way you'll know what the law actually is and not what a cop thinks it is. Criminals and welfare moms tend to know the law better than most police officers I've met.
Timber said:
Unless cops in Texas are smarter than in Ohio or Michigan, do the research using the link he provided. That way you'll know what the law actually is and not what a cop thinks it is. Criminals and welfare moms tend to know the law better than most police officers I've met.

Yep. Unfortunately, it's not the cop's job to know and teach the law to us average citizens. "Protect and Serve" my ass.

It's only his job to bust your balls when he sees you doing something illegal.

It's your job to figure out what "illegal" means, and how to avoid it.

As for this:

badron said:
if it came with non removable doors it has to have doors.
X2 for Ohio.


I've been over both the OAC and the ORC line by line, and there's not a word about required body panels. (Ohio only requires "a" mirror, the one on the windshield is enough.)

You quote me the regulation, and I'll publicly apologize, of course.

w_howey said:
Illinois seems to be about the same...

If it came with non-removable doors it has to have them...
And you need a rearview mirror capable of 200ft view...

Tube doors are okay... no doors is not...

In Ill. No doors are OK if the door frame has a 2" or taller lip, to keep things from falling out. JIM.
Ramsey said:
Drove through texas many a time with no doors on mine, no problems.

Its as illegal as beadlocks on the street.

Wow didnt know beadlocks could be illegal. Its rediculous what can and cant be illegal, im sure my bumper is illegain some states things built like a battering ram haha.

Anyway, Im in NC and i drive door less like every other day (takes about 5 minutes and a buddy to get doors on or off) and never get pulled, cops rarely look though. I know the law here is must have 2 out of 3 mirrors, nothing about doors though. I need some mirrors I havent fabbed up any just yet....
The point being doors arent illegal, neither are beadlocks.
in NC it takes a set of mirrors to replace the ones you took off with the doors. thats it. my budyd did it and even on base, they accepted it with the replacement mirrors (even if it does look goofy as hell)
I drove around for almost a year doorless (weather permitting) through probably 50 counties in GA, NC, SC, and TN. Saw everything from local cops to highway patrol to sheriffs and never got bothered. Two months ago, a cop pulled me over in my home county for it. He told me I "needed to atleast have one of them bright tie-down straps 'cause a seat belt will only do so much". I decided not to tell him (didn't feel like arguing too much) that if a 3" seatbelt designed to take thousands of pounds of instantaneous force won't save me, a $2 1" strap from Harbor Freight designed for a few pound constant load sure won't do anything. I told him I read the state and local codes and found nothing, I was even able to quote and cite code sections supporting my claim. He told me to "go home and read it again, 'cause its in there". I asked him what code it was so I wasn't going on a wild goose chase and he couldn't offer anything. I mentioned something about it being hard to issue a code violation if one doesn't know the code, then went on my merry, doorless way.
Well the doors on my XJ Are off... and i have been Driving around..
and yesterday i got pulled over in my Step-dads Truck.. (speeding)
and while i was getting the Ticket i asked the cop if it was legal.. he said..
As long you are wearing a Seatbelt.. then there is no Prob.. :D
then where i work a cop went in and i asked him too.. he said the same. and no kids can ride in it..
I was like ..ok Cool!

SO in TX you can have no Doors on your Cherokee!!! All you need is a mirror and Seatbelts!

heres a picture of my XJ

They really look terrible with no doors. Some of the half-door setups I've seen look pretty good (not the ones in this thread that look like he torch-cut a couple slabs of 3/16" plate and left the ragged edge for the purpose of infencting your forearm with tetanus)

But just naked, no doors? Just looks weird.
Yeah people have told me that.. but it feels Great while Driving..
After a lift and big tires.. it will look better.. PRomise..
look at this XJ
I found it on the internet somewheres..

After a while they will look weird with doors...and body panels.
I know california passed a law a few years back saying you have to have some kind of lip/halfdoor there to keep crap from falling out. they dont mid if you fall out =P. but XJ's come stock with a lip there so they would be good
Depends on the cop, here in fremont ca, beadlocks wont get you into trouble nor will doors, unless a cop by the name of rosettie spots you, and he will measure, headlight height, frame height, brake light height bumper height, all those can get u a fix it ticket it including doors and beadlocks, anyother place ive been anyother cop ive had no problems
What kind of ticket for beadlocks?