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Why Do You Vote Democrat?

Idiots cannot get Havard law degress and then become President of the USA. You may disagree with his politics, his view point and his menu choices at Denny's, but the man is not an idiot.

Funny, I dont seem to remember the lefties having the same view point on our last pres.
Funny, I dont seem to remember the lefties having the same view point on our last pres.

First, President Bush didn't have a law degree, it was a business degree. Second, Even though I disagreed with many of his points of view I didn't like him being called an idiot either. Third, why lower yourself to their level?

Same could be said about the conservatives during the previous administration questioning why Jeanie Garaflo, Susan Sarahdon or Rosie O'Donnell even speak about politics, foreign affairs, etc., because they are only actors? Last time I checked so was Clint Eastwood.

None of us should be throwing stones because we all live in the same glass house.
First, President Bush didn't have a law degree, it was a business degree. Second, Even though I disagreed with many of his points of view I didn't like him being called an idiot either. Third, why lower yourself to their level?

Same could be said about the conservatives during the previous administration questioning why Jeanie Garaflo, Susan Sarahdon or Rosie O'Donnell even speak about politics, foreign affairs, etc., because they are only actors? Last time I checked so was Clint Eastwood.

None of us should be throwing stones because we all live in the same glass house.


And that is why you are a moderator. Thanks for what you do!
I'm not reading all 6 pages and I'm a long standing independent but now that I have a young daughter there isn't a chance in all hell I would vote republican and let them tell her what she can and can't do
Despite the huge moral differences yes, I would rather people need to get health insurance because I'm sick of waiting around in hospitals paying through the nose for care while I watch most of the room filling out their free care forms, most of this happened while I lived in Cali so you should know what I mean

Works pretty good in mass, and the other countries that took the time to do it right, and those that can't afford it get vouchers.....kinda like someone's Medicaid plan

Republicans refuse to let a woman have an abortion (most of them) wont provide them with birth control, but then at the same time refuse to support public assistance for the babies they force people to have, I don't believe in "recreational abortion" but to force someone to spend a lifetime caring for a horribly afflicted or product of rape, that shit doesn't fly with me

Congress made a huge ****ing mistake not letting a single female be included while discussing issues that concerned them. That's like letting the nazis make all the laws for the Jews
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I'm not reading all 6 pages and I'm a long standing independent but now that I have a young daughter there isn't a chance in all hell I would vote republican and let them tell her what she can and can't do

And how is that a 'republican' only issue?
Because race car??

Or you can keep reading for my explanation
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Oh, come on now, you cant seriously believe that roe v wade will be overturned this late in the game do you?

Its not so much not allowing women access to birth control. Its that it is not a medical neccessity (in most cases) and therefore should not be considered part of healthcare.
Sure it could, executive power, or a republican congress backing a republican pres, just like a democrat congress does whatever a dem pres wants, neither side is innocent.

Pregnancy is a HUGE health care line item.....would you rather support someone paying 20 a month for birth control or help raise a kid, and most likely subsequent generations? Just like cancer screenings it's a preventative health care cost that pays off waaaay better than if not there.

Consider birth control like a theoretical bubonic plague immunization, better to get the shot than deal with the consequences
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Roe v Wade is a Supreme Court decision. Pretty sure it would be very difficult to overturn that as President. Even with Congress' backing. Even then, I'm pretty sure that a lot of Republicans are more moderate than they're accused of.
Despite the huge moral differences yes, I would rather people need to get health insurance because I'm sick of waiting around in hospitals paying through the nose for care while I watch most of the room filling out their free care forms, most of this happened while I lived in Cali so you should know what I mean

Works pretty good in mass, and the other countries that took the time to do it right, and those that can't afford it get vouchers.....kinda like someone's Medicaid plan

Republicans refuse to let a woman have an abortion (most of them) wont provide them with birth control, but then at the same time refuse to support public assistance for the babies they force people to have, I don't believe in "recreational abortion" but to force someone to spend a lifetime caring for a horribly afflicted or product of rape, that shit doesn't fly with me

Congress made a huge ****ing mistake not letting a single female be included while discussing issues that concerned them. That's like letting the nazis make all the laws for the Jews

Wow, you swallowed some liberal ideolog's line.

Which woman (or women, for that matter) have Repubs "refused" to let have an abortion? I'm not aware of even one case of this happening since Roe vs. Wade.

I know of several instances of Congress passing legislation to constrain late-term abortions, but Clinton vetoed the bills twice. Legislation was again passed under Bush II, but a federal judge stopped it. From a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll conducted last year, 62% of people support 1st trimester abortions. However, it's a different story for 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions, in which 71% and 86% of people, respectively, think it should be illegal. That's because viability is more likely.

When the vast majority of abortions are simply a method of birth control, it clearly shows our society has grown increasingly numb to the murder of unborn children. Spin it any way you want, but that's what it is. A living being is terminated by other than natural means. According to the CDC and other sources, the top two reasons given for having an abortion are 1) the baby is not wanted and 2) it would be an inconvenience. These account for 93% of all abortions. Rape and incest account for 1%. I'm not advocating that we make abortion illegal, but I do think it's a sad commentary when you realize that since Roe vs. Wade over 50 million abortions occurred in the U.S. alone. And that's counting just the reported cases.

Regarding birth control, it's as much of a "health care issue" as elective cosmetic surgery. A significant number of citizens have a moral opposition to using taxpayer money to subsidize contraception, especially when you consider the relatively inexpensive cost. As for me, I'd rather people use contraception than have an abortion. But the argument isn't about using birth control, but rather opposition to the government's role. And it's even more troubling when the government forces health institutions owned by religious institutions to go against their doctine. It tramples on the unalienable right to freely exercise one's religion.

For it being a woman's right, or the argument that it's her body, or her right to privacy, etc., it took two to tango (conceive), so what about the man's right? More importantly, what about the child's right? Who's fighting on behalf of the unborn?

James Wilson, one of the framers of the U.S. Constitution, wrote:
"With consistency, beautiful and undeviating, human life, from its commencement to its close, is protected by the common law. In the contemplation of law, life begins when the infant is first able to stir in the womb. By the law, life is protected not only from immediate destruction, but from every degree of actual violence, and, in some cases, from every degree of danger."
Despite the huge moral differences yes, I would rather people need to get health insurance because I'm sick of waiting around in hospitals paying through the nose for care while I watch most of the room filling out their free care forms, most of this happened while I lived in Cali so you should know what I mean
so... basically, you are voting liberal because you didn't like how a state with a very liberal government handled things last time you lived there?

I always get a chuckle out of someone who will say "I won't vote Republican because they want to take away womens rights"

Yet they don't seem to notice all the rights Democrats want to take away.
I always get a chuckle out of someone who will say "I won't vote Republican because they want to take away womens rights"

Yet they don't seem to notice all the rights Democrats want to take away.

democrats only take rights from men... that doesn't count.
According to the CDC and other sources, the top two reasons given for having an abortion are 1) the baby is not wanted and 2) it would be an inconvenience. These account for 93% of all abortions.

That's pretty powerful. Being unwanted can have large consequences in the life of a child and those around the child. Abandoned (i.e. unwanted) children have a tougher row to hoe than those born into a caring home.

But the argument isn't about using birth control, but rather opposition to the government's role. And it's even more troubling when the government forces health institutions owned by religious institutions to go against their doctine. It tramples on the unalienable right to freely exercise one's religion.

Let me start by saying Rush Limbaugh is a jerk (actually have stronger language to describe that vile person) and his treatment on the air of the young woman who testified before congress made decent people cringe.

I would vote to re-elect President Obama except for this one issue which is my dilemna. The furor quieted down quickly this past spring but after the election it will be brought back up and the government will attempt to bend our Constitution to make the Catholic Church cave. But heck, what's the Constitution...only a piece of paper, right? The young woman who sought birth control from a Catholic university may have been seeking relief from cramps or may have been seeking a protection from contraception. I don't know but the reason is between her and her God. She also had a choice and she choose to go to a Catholic university with all its doctrine. Poor choice, but everyone makes poor choices. Rush Limbaugh did not need to call her all the names he did.

As a Catholic and as an American that believes strongly in Our Constitution President Obama has not won any points in my book.

On the other hand Candidate Mitt Romney and Congressman Paul Ryan haven't impressed me either.

Equal pay for equal work. The unemployed actress pooring my cup of coffee should recieve the same amount of pay as the unemployeed actor pooring coffee right next to her.
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i'm voting democrat because voting for personal and social issues is more important than voting for economic issues. It's hard enough finding a job, driving from interview to interview on $4.50 gas, but at least i can hope that obama will restore the american dream on the second term.

I'm voting democrat, because i believe in gay marraige....even though i'm not gay

I'm voting democrat, because i believe in woman's right to abortion....even though i'm not a woman.

I'm voting democrat, because i believe in woman's right to abortion....even though i'm 40, done having kids, and my wife isn't planning on having an abortion.

I'm voting democrat, because i believe the best way to grow the middle class is to punish those who used to be middle class and made too much money.

I'm voting democrat, because i think we should end the wars, and bring our troops home on "day 1"......of the second term.

I'm voting democrat because government needs more visibility, more transparancy.

I'm voting democrat because we have a real problem with guns in this country. we need more laws, more control.

I'm voting democrat because i believe that the government is the best vehicle to deliver the best free services to ALL americans...even if they're not americans.

I'm voting democrat because its who i am, its my core philosophy, and nothing can change that.