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whats your favorite drink?


NAXJA Forum User
Gardena, CA
im just sitting here, sipping on my vodka and i was just wondering - what do you guys like to drink?

my #1 has to be vodka, straight up, shaken with ice, with one blue cheese stuffed olive for good measure :D its hard to find a good bottle of vodka around here so i keep getting stuck with grey goose or ketel one, i know there are better ones out there but i have trouble finding a good selection.

so... whats in your cabinet? :D
I'm quite content to sit back with a pizza and a liter of Fosters or a plate full of pig in a blanket, honey mustard and some yuengling dark.
Rum - typically Captain Morgan or Malibu.

I can only really tolerate vodka if one of the two conditions below are met:
1) I'm already half-drunk (at least!)
2) It's Stoli, and it's been kept in the freezer.

I had to quit drinking tequila - it makes me mean. I'll cook with beer, but I don't care for it on its own...

Oh - I do like to keep some Sambuca around for special occasions, and I'll buy a bottle of Hot Damn! 100 for an evening of five-alarms from time to time.
JeepFreak21 said:
I'm partial to white russians and long islands.

I'm currently drinking some Tattoo and Dr. Pepper... they go together quite well.

I can still drink most liquors, but it's hard to find somebody to drink tequilla with you now-a-days.

I only drink beer through a funnel :D

Tried some tequilla the other day after the vodka, wish i hadn't...
I like burbon. Either straight, on ice, or mixed as a mint julip. I think even cheap burbon is good, and for just a little more money it goes up from there. I guess I've never had a really good vodka, but it seems to me that cheap vodka is god-awful stuff, and as you pay more it gets less bad. And the best vodka I've had (Stoli) is "not bad," but I wouldn't call it tasty. I'll stick with Jim Beam.
srimes said:
I guess I've never had a really good vodka, but it seems to me that cheap vodka is god-awful stuff, and as you pay more it gets less bad. And the best vodka I've had (Stoli) is "not bad," but I wouldn't call it tasty.

most vodkas taste like crap by themselves unless they're super cold :D it tends to taste like the way rubbing alchohol smells. but after the first two its like drinking water. try mixing it with cactus cooler and a splash of hawain punch, i call it cactus juice, and its delicious :D if you mix em really strong it makes for a tasty shot for the ladies, i make these every time we head out to the dunes.

5-90: i agree tequila makes me agro too, i will only drink tequila now if i am away from civilization like out in the desert lol

ECKSJAY: you like to drink planes and bombs? sounds delicious :thumbup:
I like some Captain Morgans rum mixed with coke. I had a very bad experience some good Patrone Tequila that a regreted for two days. I can't stand vodka it does feel like I am drinking rubbing alcohol but it does mix great with cranberry juice. You can poor it real strong and barely taste it.
1 heaping tablespoon of Nestle's Quik
1 24 oz glass of frosty cold milk
stir briskly

also good to wash down a peanut butter and honey slathered bagel......taste is not unlike a Reese's peanutbutter cup

jeepboy381 said:
I like some Captain Morgans rum mixed with coke. I had a very bad experience some good Patrone Tequila that a regreted for two days. I can't stand vodka it does feel like I am drinking rubbing alcohol but it does mix great with cranberry juice. You can poor it real strong and barely taste it.

Try this:
(1) Frozen OJ or Lemonade
(1) Additional can full of ice
(1/2) Can of Vodka of choice (I prefer Stolichnaya over here.)
Run through blender until a slushy consistency is reached.

Best enjoyed while floating in a swimming pool on a hot day. Also goes good with milder cigars ("claro" or "shade grown" wrappers. It's not strong enough to get by with anything heavier, and I tend to prefer "oscuros.")
My favorite dessert has only two ingredients

Pendleton Canadian Whiskey and ice
Crown or Tattoo and a cola of some type...
Yuengling or any beer made by New Belgium Brew Co...
Makers Mark boubon neat. I also enjoy a good beer. A Sam Adams, Fat Tire or any other full flavored beer will do. After tending bar for 6 years I discovered that cocktails are designed to hide the taste of booze. If it tastes that bad, why are you drinking it in the first place?