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What is you good beer?

Or Franziskaner Heffeweisen
UNCC_99XJ said:
Tried the Bud with Lime on the 4th of July at my friends house.....It was OK. They all said it tasted like a Corona with lime, but I don't think it did (Corona with lime is better).

I'd probably drink it again....but it's not something i'd call an absolute favorite.

You make me sick.....
RCman said:
If I can't drink a half decent brew I just don't have to drink.

i'm glad that sam i gave you for the leafs treated you well, then!

i agree though, if it's not good it's not worth drinking. most of my favorites are stouts or just really dark. hard to pick a favorite, but there's so much good local beer around here i'm never bored.

to list a few,

The People's Pint: Farmer Brown
Berkshire Brewing Co: Nut Brown Ale
Sam Adams: Cream Stout and Black Lager (local, but not really a microbrew...)
asp387 said:
i'm glad that sam i gave you for the leafs treated you well, then!

i agree though, if it's not good it's not worth drinking. most of my favorites are stouts or just really dark. hard to pick a favorite, but there's so much good local beer around here i'm never bored.
Yup... t'was good. :) I normally don't pick up Sam's as its higher in cost than most of the smaller local stuff, but I do enjoy it!

asp387 said:
The People's Pint: Farmer Brown
Berkshire Brewing Co: Nut Brown Ale
Sam Adams: Cream Stout and Black Lager (local, but not really a microbrew...)

Never has any of "The People's Pint" stuff, where is that out of?
I love anything Rogue puts out. Love their Brutal Bitter, love the Shakespeare Stout, love the Mocha Porter... love them all. Mmmm, Rogue.
Stone is damned good as well.
In summer months, though, I stick with lighter beers. Blue Moon is good. Flying Dog, a Denver brewery, makes an In Heat Wheat that is fantastic.

For quantity - coors lite. I try not to drink quantity any more but some nights... well, some nights get interesting.
dog fish head ale 90 minute ipa
RCman said:
Yup... t'was good. :) I normally don't pick up Sam's as its higher in cost than most of the smaller local stuff, but I do enjoy it!

Never has any of "The People's Pint" stuff, where is that out of?

http://www.thepeoplespint.com/ greenfield, ma. i'd love to go to the brewery sometime.... not that far away from me. you must be close to the wachusett brewery... their beer is good too.

00XJmike said:
suddenly very thirsty...
me too.

dog fish head 90 minute ipa is pretty good, ipa's are more bitter than i like usually, but i'll take one any day over anything in a can.
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For you dark ale drinkers out there, I just tried New Belgium "1554." The same company that makes Fat Tire. 1554 is a black ale and man is it good.

Also to add to my list,
Anything Sammy makes, except for that Cherry Wheat. Tastes like cough syrup. And anything from New Belgium.
If I want a light lager, Kentucky. A light ale, Blue Moon Honey moon.

Bud and Coors is for putting out fires on the BBQ, marinating meat or in the rare occasion I want to drink it, it needs to be mixed with Snap-E-Tom for a great Red Eye.
Yeah that Sam Adams cherry lambic is gross. But anything else from then i like.
pb_beaker said:

Amen brotha

This is where its at with Pabst.

OK i was told i need to post. I guess i don't do it enough.
It's Widmer heff or drop top all the way.
Yes i am a beer snob.
to all you bud, coors, and the like you need to broaden your horizons.
schaub7 said:
to all you bud, coors, and the like you need to broaden your horizons.

Nope. Everything else is too damn heavy to drink down here outdoors.

Staying inside is a different matter, and the question here was "sitting on the porch when it is 85 outside"