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What is considered a "Bro"?


NAXJA Forum User
I posted a picture of my Jeep with fiberglass fenders and made a comment saying all my Jeep needed was a flatbilled hat and it would be super Bro. One of my friends said that flatbills and Bros dont go together. So here I am wondering if I've been using this terminology wrong.
tell him to google flatbiller and get back to you about that
so.. flatbillers and bros are different people??? is that a west coast thing? bc on the right coast i thought they were the same.

this is me, totally broin' it, 2010.


so, this would be flatbilling? what if i had glass fenders? or was wearing famous jersey? or had matte black metal mulisha wheels?

if i was somewhere and called someone a 'flatbiller' i think everyone around me would look at me like i'm crazy. but if i said 'bro' they'd get what i'm saying. i only know the flatbiller term bc of the internet and you left coasters. i thought they were used interchangeably as well...

i need a brotionary to start getting more broformation on this brominology.
For a while flatbiller was synonymous with bro, lifted truck, 909, Fox Racing, quadruple shock setups, sleeve tats and Skin jerseys. Recently I've heard it used more to refer to fraternity dudes and over testoteroned guys hanging out in big groups talking about how much tail they've slayed.
For a while flatbiller was synonymous with bro, lifted truck, 909, Fox Racing, quadruple shock setups, sleeve tats and Skin jerseys. Recently I've heard it used more to refer to fraternity dudes and over testoteroned guys hanging out in big groups talking about how much tail they've slayed.


maybe this question will be better answered on race dezert or tacoma world.
I posted a picture of my Jeep with fiberglass fenders and made a comment saying all my Jeep needed was a flatbilled hat and it would be super Bro. One of my friends said that flatbills and Bros dont go together. So here I am wondering if I've been using this terminology wrong.

He said he is from Socal, born and raised. Hasn't lived there for ten years though. So I wonder if the definition has just changed of what a bro is?

fiberglass fenders doesnt make your jeep a flatbiller or 'bro' jeep, but they are most definately 2/3rds the same thing.... So tell your friend to stop reppin socal, if he obviously doesnt know shit about the socal lifestyle.

Dont be a hater... grab a monster.
XXXX guidos. and XXXX the jersey shore.

Lolololol its probably worse where you are than me, but it's definitely close.

The links in this thread are XXXXing hilarious. And wtf is a guido? I thought that was racist word for Italians.

Ever see jersey Shore on mtv? That. It's an extreme example but yea.

Dont be a hater... grab a monster.

I drank monster before it was cool. I'm a hipster bro, bro. :what:
Recently I've heard it used more to refer to fraternity dudes and over testoteroned guys hanging out in big groups talking about how much tail they've slayed.

This - this is Bro..

BROs :



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