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What does your ScreenName stand for?

Lotta people have asked me to explain over the years....

About 7 years ago I met 4 wonderfull talented musicians. All girls and all HOT!

I went to the House of Blues cause I got free tix to see Save Ferris....

The opener was a little known band called Mudbath...... They friggen rocked the place! I was hooked....

Here are some old pics from the Galaxy.....


I began stalking them and got to know them all very well... I even drove the family to West Palm Beach, Fla. to see them play.

They had airplay on Star 98.7 with a song called Plenty of Nothing, they opened for bands like Save Ferris and Berlin. They won several battle of the bands contests and were invited to play Vegas on Freemont street......

After a year or so, on the way to a concert the wife joked and said, "You're such a groupie, next thing you know you'll get their logo tatooed on your butt"

Well, everything revolving around Mudbath begins with "Mud". There fans are called "Mudpuppies", the tour bus was called the Mudbus. And after I got their logo tattooed on my a$$, I became known as MudButt!!

Alas, they split up in 2005. Lead singer Sara moved to Oregon to be with Family You can see recent pics of her here... Hope you like tattoos.


Bassist Kim joined the Marines. All 100 lbs. of her.

Lead Guitar Jamie is MIA but rumor has it she is trying to start a new band.

Drummer Yvette has gotten a degree from Chapman college and is working with autistic children.......

Here's a crappy video on youtube... Audio sucks and it's way too dark.... Not my favorite Mudbath song either... I can't even remember what it's called..... There is some good footage of Sara at the end tho...

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FordGuy said:
FordGuy????? I am sure you all know, But if you don't ,I am A Fixed Op Director at a Ford Dealership.

You poor guy! My best friend used to run the service dept here, he'd come home crying and had nighmares of tempo's and taurus's and evil f- trucks you gotta take the cab off of to service! He now works a happy job at john deere
BC = British Columbia
Maxx= was seriously addicted to traxxas emaxx and t maxx r/x monster trucks, was my username on the traxxas forum. This hobby costs about the same and I can drive it for real.
Nothing Special here also
C = Craig
D = Donnal
S = Sotelo
36 = Just randomly picked that

Come on Billy Im sure you got a story or 2 behind yours lol
I use "agrandloon" as a screen name usually, because its an anagram for my real name. (Wordsmith.org has an on-line anagram generator if you want to see what you can do with the letters of your own name.) I tried it on this site and screwed something up and couldn't sign on as agrandloon, but I also couldn't change it. So I had to think up something different. I liked Nimrod because it has a double meaning. I like to hunt (meaning no. 1), and some would argue that someone who screws up while trying to register at a simple web site must be a bit of a dufus (meaning no. 2).
I have been known as CRASH! for most of my life. Why? because I manage to CRASH! just about everything I touch. Motorcycles, cars, trucks, skateboards... Target shopping cart (long story) I've managed to break entirely too many bones and had way too many concusions. So the name fits.

Like Grimm, many people don't even know my real name. Every other forum I'm on, CRASH! is my screen name.

But the name was already taken here so I had to come up with another one.

Shortly after we moved outta O.C. and up to the Hi Dez on a couple acre ranch my Dad started calling me Apple Valley Slim.

Thanks Dad.


"danwho" was my late father's license plate on his 76 GMC High Sierra. I'm also Dan (Jr. but been called Danny my whole life) and my last name is Portuguese and hard to pronounce, so people would say........dan who?
Initially wrongbeach started because a friend could not say long beach and it always sounded like wong beach, she used to call me wong beach craig, from there I changed it to wrongbeach, I got a dub and used wrongbeachg60 then wrongbeach16v on the vortex and socaleuro, dumped the rado and kept wrongbeach and added xj on here.
Bentley is my last name. Growing up it was always Bent-this, Bent-that, etc.. That's not to mention the countless times I've been told to "get bent".
watch Chappelle Show.....

I choose my name from one of Clayton Bigsby's famous 3 books. He wrote 7 only 3 were published.
tcm glx said:
Ok, so some guys are obvious, but some are not....what do your screen names stand for......

I will start, nothing exciting....The very first forum I ever registered for was the VWVORTEX....many of you may know it. My buddy that registered me used to call me the Tijuanisian Cookie Monster....Cause I went to Tijuana alot and loved Cookies (still do by the way!). So, that is where the TCM come from...the GLX, well I have a Jetta GLX at the time...

Hence, TCM GLX

Fishing for a story, eh, Ok, I'll play.

The short explanation:

It's a reference to Southwest Lock & Safe and Southwest Construction Services both of which keeps me busy and out of too much trouble :confused1 .

The long one (sorry, but you asked!):

But the name originally came from a call I made years ago when I rescued a baby out of a locked car during the summertime. The mother was visiting the grandparents when she locked the keys in the car with her newborn in it. Grandpa immediately called the cops, fire department,and was calling every locksmith in the book. I got the message from my exchange, and as it happened, I was only about a block away coming down Coast Highway. I pulled in at the same time the police and fire department got there. As you can imagine, there was chaos going on with 4 police cars, fire truck, rescue squade, ambulance, etc. They were running around trying to decide how to open the car :variety:; Police: Can't break the glass and shower the baby with glass :dunno:; Firemen: Can't use the jaws of life, because it could also shatter the glass also,:dunno: yada, yada, yada.

Now as I recall, (it was close to 20 years ago) the car was a small 2 door BMW (new, of course) and they were notoriously hard to open at the time. Neither the Police nor tow truck operators could open them . However, the car did have a soft spot in it's security. With the know-how and the proper tools, you could open the wind-wings in about 3 seconds and reach in and open the door ... easy money. Anyway, in the midst of all of this, I walked through them all, now crowded around the car, and before they could say anything to me, I pop the wind-wing open, reached in and opened the passenger door where the baby was, and then turned around, got in my van and took off, and left it to one of the firefighters to get the baby out of the car and hand it to the frantic mother. No words were spoken between us.

I probably wasn't there more than a minute or two, total. It all happened so fast that the grandfather was still in the house on the phone calling people for help. I didn't want to hang around and try to collect a fee for my service (would have been kind of crass) and was glad to have been able to help them out. Anyway, several days later, I got a call from the grandfather asking me if I was the person who had rescued his grandchild from a locked car. He had done a lot legwork since the incident to finally track me down, since I was there and gone so fast, nobody really new who I was. I finally admitted that I was person that opened the car and was bombarded with gratitude, questions why I left so quick, could he pay me (which I declined) yada, yada, yada. The conversation ended with his assurances and commitment that he was going to do everything he could to let people know what I had done and that there were still good people in the world, real "heroes" out there. I thanked him and thought "that was that".

Sorry this is so long, but I'm just about there.

The next day I got ambushed, so to speak. He showed up at my shop to meet and thank me personally. A few minutes after his arrival, a news truck shows up, interview, pictures, articles in the paper, the whole nine yards. Now I've always hated being in he spot-light in any way :puke: and avoid it whenever possible, and this was no exception. I really just tried to play things down and I guess that just fueled the fire to characterize me as some sort of hero. The grandfather even went to the extent of making up flyer's and distributing them, telling the story that had happened, and urging people that when they need a locksmith, to call "Southwest Chuck" and giving my contact information and shop name. :paperwork

In the end, I did get some business from it. I got calls from different people asking me if I was "Southwest Chuck", Yada,Yada,Yada but I always had to answer the questions and recount the story which always made me feel kind of uncomfortable. I guess time (and beer) dulls the senses over a period of time and I finally realized that old heroes never die, they just buy XJ's.:looser:

So there you go!
GauchoMD said:
Have the DVD, just watched that episode. He wrote 6 books, of which 4 were published...and no mention of "dumptruck" anywhere...

Well, i had to rewatch it but yes you were correct about the 6 and 4 books....my bad...

They mention the book Dumptruck in the intro to the fake episode of "Frontline."

......and they stink!
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GauchoMD said:
Sir, I am in no, way, shape, or form involved in any _____dom!!! :roflmao:

"Just how much time you got buddy?"

one of the best comedic works of all time IMHO.