My one bi##ch purely concerns the raffle. There were several folks as we all know that put hundreds of dollars towards the raffle which contributes to

. These guys either sold parts all year, or worked hard for this money and were willing to give it away at the chance of winning everything or nothing.
There were some individuals that purchased very few (or no) tickets that were getting bent out of shape over the same couple guys repeatedly getting their numbers called. I understand it's frustrating when you don't win something, but people need to realize that this is a probability game; the more you put in, the better your chance of winning.
As one of the folks that did contribute a decent amount (and not
nearly as much as some), I think it is discouraging to be rudely singled out every time your number is called for an additional prize. I understand some of these comments were in jest, but others did not have that tone. That being said, I'm sure all the guys that do contribute large amounts will continue to in the future. I just think some folks should have better manners regarding this event.
As far as the rest of Winterfest goes, I think everything was great. This is my third year in attendance, and I have thoroughly enjoyed each one more than the last. Thanks to all that help make it possible!