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THe NAC Lots-O-BFG KO2 Thread

Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

it as such a nice day out today, i actaully did jeep related work. while the shop was getting media blasted, i had the guy do my bumper too. finally got the test the welder out since igot it back and added some more reinforcements. hopefully, new track bar bracket and brace will show up soon and the jeep will be roadworthy!!!
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

I went to go do an oil change, but the oil cap wouldn't come off, so I gave up after 2 seconds.
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

Haha. My dog was looking at me really sad, so I took him out to the beach instead.
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

hey rob, with all this snow melt is the end of march looking good for a nac wheelin trip?

i dont see why not, i got a cetain trail i was planning on running, im also open to sujestions
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

yeah, you shouldn't have done that before working on the jeep...:wstupid:

haha jusst kidding.

and Rob...sounds good :) I'll try and get them pulled out tomorrow

how far are you from Anthony? i got a big deal with him coming up soon, involvin a bumper, some rock rails and lot o cash
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

today went to nhrockers new place, its pretty sweet, instead of a table in his kitchen he gots a drillpress, definetly cool shit, and if you want you can do donuts in his driveway
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

Got the Honcho back today!:clap:
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

Haha. My dog was looking at me really sad, so I took him out to the beach instead.
Ahh, understandable. Faith restored. :D
....some rock rails ....
Where those my rock rails?
Haha... seems like almost everything I sell ends up changing hands again before getting used on anything!
today went to nhrockers new place, its pretty sweet, instead of a table in his kitchen he gots a drillpress, definetly cool shit, and if you want you can do donuts in his driveway
Did i miss something?
Don't think you did. It is not a NAXJA event if it is the one I'm thinking of.
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

btw, thanaks to colin, kyle, travis, and justin for stopping by. kyle has a long side shaft with a good ujoint now too.

No problem man, thanks for the food/drinks. Definitely had a good time!

I went to go do an oil change, but the oil cap wouldn't come off, so I gave up after 2 seconds.

Haha...oh man that's great. I can't tell you how many of those dumb things I've broken when I worked at Sears with Adam.

Got the Honcho back today!:clap:

That was quite a interesting ride...I couldn't keep count of all the looks you got between the brake squeal and the shit in the bed and the fact that it's a HONCHO! lol

Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread

i wish i coulda seen that, people probably couldnt get outta the way fast enough

Nah, it ran like crap and was crazy loud so they heard me coming and had ample time to move. But yes, they got out of my way.
Re: THe NAC Lots-O-Post Thread
