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The best of YouTube..... good laughs!

Troy should find 1:05 interesting.....


Doesn't look good...... it appears the biker was likely just being lippy or refusing to dismount or turn off the bike. Who knows......

Absent a percieved or real threat in that kind of scenario..... if I had probable cause to make an arrest and the biker wasn't doing as he was told, I'd grab him by the chin of his helmet and drag his dumbass off the bike before I'd draw my weapon. The real problem would then be what the rest of the biker gang does when they see one of their own being dragged off his bike.....

Using a weapon as a show of authority or force..... it's a wasted effort. Ya can't shoot him.....

I'd like to see the footage those guys have that they DIDN'T make public. Other than the one idiot riding against traffic on the highway, it makes them all look pretty civil and having fun. The guy riding while standing backwards and taking video - must have an underlying death wish but hey..... he was doing it while surrounded by his own..... if he fell or crashed, he'd only be harming himself and his buddies.

The hindsight being 20/20 reality of a monsterous event like that is the police intervention likely only made things worse. What were they gonna do with 'em all if the entire group actually stopped? I'd imagine more injuries and property damage occurred at the road block than occurred during the entire course of the planned ride. But....... the whole thing was a bad scenario. Tough call to just let it happen and deal with the aftermath or try to stop it.... not much of any sort of win/win with either decision.
I love the riding and I love that they are just doing it up. I feel the wrong side of the road thing was a little far, but agree that the gun being drawn in that instance was a lil much.
The ride originated as a one time thing to do the best street ride ever. Since then it has grown in popularity and gotten bigger each year. It draws 1000's of people to STL to ride. There is the one big street ride, which has a set course, a parking lot stunt ride. Lots of food and drinks at night - where people are drunken and disorderly. But the street ride is just that - a ride. The old Ruff Ryder rides in cali never got messed with - and there were hardly any issues with it. The folks ride through town and then go hang out.

Graham (the guy at the end) is one hell of a rider. And standing up like that isnt hard at all. Scary as hell, but not real hard - the bike balances itself for the most part.
Agreed. Plus in the years this thing has been running, you can count on one hand the number of crashes/accidents as a result. Not per year, total
The wrong side of the road thing was A LOT far...... reckless endangerment kinda far. People freak out at that kinda stuff.... jerk the wheel out of impulse and cause tragedies.

The gun being drawn... we don't know the details, but the visual of it sure looked like it was inappropriate.

I think Cops and citizens alike would agree that this sort of enormous group ride shouldn't be allowed. We can't assume or even expect that every biker participant is gonna keep things controlled and legal. Nor should we be ignorant enough to expect that the intention of the ride was to be controlled and legal..... plenty of evidence to show many participants were there to thumb their collective noses at authority and rules. The rest were there to have fun...... and probably even to see what the idiots were gonna be doing.....

But yeah, things like that sure seem like they'd be best to let just happen and get it over with or let pass through........be present and ready to respond to the aftermath, but trying to stop it is pretty unrealistic.
Well, nothing legal about wheelies on the street - or most of the bikes. But thats another topic lol.

The ride in dallas had cops 'escorting' them through town and it went off without a hitch. One guy crashed and only hurt himself. otherwise was a clean run. I think rides like this are further on the lines of legal/clean activity than say.....stergis....
If their intention was to have a totally clean ride, the organizers would have worked with the city to arrange for event assistance. Organized ride events get escorted all the time.

"Dude, we need to cut the fence..... let's cut the fence."

Who attends a clean, fun ride with tools to cut fences?

I'm of the opinion that annual STL ride has an underlying statement/intent.

But what does anyone care about my opinion....... I'm just a salty old cop. :D
Oh I agree that guy was a total Doucher. Id much rather have just scooted past the cops and kept riding hahaha...

Ya there is some agenda with some of the guys - the whole "ill ride where i want when i want" kind of thing.

A lot of other guys use the ride as their once a year get out of the parking lot and onto the streets ride.

Others just want to go for the ride. Look at the video and ya see TONS of people who dont give a rats arse about stunting but just want to be apart of a really big event.

Im on both sides of the fence. I think it is waaaaay too many people and the riding gets taken too far (other side of the road)

But I also know the large reason I quit riding was because I couldnt NOT ride like that on the streets. its fun and thrilling. most riders are more attentive and capable than 99% of other people on the road, even when in a wheelie! lol

as far as darwinism, the same could be said about a jeep on the top of a mountain with a drop and death on both sides - but it makes sense to some of us....
Just did some media surfing for the STL area. Apparently that ride is sponsored by a rather large motorcycle dealership...... that dealership may find themselves getting dragged into court by the city.....

I'd imagine that since this has been going on since 2002 (according to a couple media stories I found) that the city and dealership could come to some sort of arrangement to have the ride planned and escorted. This years event had an accident during the ride that caused 2 riders to be air lifted and the highway shut down for 2 hrs. They could have escorted the ride in less time with momentary shutdowns along the route.
as far as darwinism, the same could be said about a jeep on the top of a mountain with a drop and death on both sides - but it makes sense to some of us....


I really shouldn't speak, I stopped riding because I would constantly scare myself.
If their intention was to have a totally clean ride, the organizers would have worked with the city to arrange for event assistance. Organized ride events get escorted all the time.

"Dude, we need to cut the fence..... let's cut the fence."

Who attends a clean, fun ride with tools to cut fences?

I'm of the opinion that annual STL ride has an underlying statement/intent.

But what does anyone care about my opinion....... I'm just a salty old cop. :D

I couldn't agree enough with your statement. I've spent over thirty years riding on the street, half of that with a club. Granted I just rode Harleys which were never designed for half wit acrobatics. Nonetheless, I wouldn't be caught within twenty miles of these fools. Ultimately, they will destroy this event with their mindless antics.

What it comes down to, is just because a mechanical device gives you the ability to be an idiot does not mean that you should follow through.
I couldn't agree enough with your statement. I've spent over thirty years riding on the street, half of that with a club. Granted I just rode Harleys which were never designed for half wit acrobatics. Nonetheless, I wouldn't be caught within twenty miles of these fools. Ultimately, they will destroy this event with their mindless antics.

What it comes down to, is just because a mechanical device gives you the ability to be an idiot does not mean that you should follow through.

one of the best riders in the world......rides a harley


Guess we shouldnt wheel our jeeps or race our cars or or take snowmachines out either........

Glad there are so many confetti throwers out there :wave1:
fwiw im not trying to be an ass. What I am saying is everyone can justify the actions for which they partake in. This is no more reckless or dangerous than almost any other hobby be it motorized or not.
Some people look down on it others think its cool and some just dont give a shit.

and as far as the harley thing. what about the old bike races. the guys who would do 'acrobatics' on their old old old harleys and it was part of a big attraction. now harleys are considered classy and badass blah blah blah when most riders are pricks and drunks and dont realize their "american made and proud" machines are brothered to a bike that was a porsche built machine, with a harley badge, and was one of harleys best sellers........