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THANK YOU from the Blehi Family


NAXJA Forum User
So, I really don't think there are any words that can explain what you guys here have done for my family (and me) so I will share a story to help.

Last night we arrived and after about an hour of settling in we sat down at the computer and I showed my mom the 2 threads here and then the paypal balance. She didn't say much for about 30 seconds then I looked over and she was crying. a few minutes later she said she couldn't believe this many people cared enough to help her out with this and that it could be generated in 24 hours.

It's hard to explain NAXJA to people who don't know and most people who don't know would call you a liar if you tried to tell them what you guys here did for us....especially in this day and age where not one person seems to care about another. I think I will be renewing my membership to NAXJA when I get paid so I can try to return (even a little bit) the support.

Just so everyone knows. ALL the money (with exception of money to help me with trip) will be given to my mom to help with my dads cremation costs. They live off social security so without this help from all of you........who knows what the outcome would have been.
Andy, I said it once, and I will say it again! You and Lily have given SOOOOOOOOOOOO much to the folks here.. .Lily puts up with a boat load of strangers in your garage 24/7, and you arent afraid to put on your sandals, and overalls and wrench for anyone....

My deepest thoughts and prayers to you, and your family. I am glad you made it out!
Andy I'm glad you made it there in one piece i still can't believe you drove straight through... but I would have done the same thing. I'm glad to be able to return some of the kindness and help you've given me - especially when I was in the same situation.

Thanks to everyone who helped us put this together for Andy and his family, I'm proud to know all of you.
as some of u know i have havent completely been convinced to go red due to some earlier issues but after this and after my own family issues i will be going red...

andy - i cant begin to explain to u how i understand ur feelings but brother i have been there.. being with your family during these times is a must and not an option.. i'm glad i was able to help u . i know it wasnt much but it was all i had in my account... take care of your family and see you on the trails so i can meet u in person..
Andy, you are a great friend, alway s ready to help in anyway you can. Lily, you always have a smile on your face.....even when you house is being over run with people you may or may not know. You both are very special people to quite a few people around here, and the amount of support in your time of need should prove that!

We are all glad we could help you and your family, and our thoughts and prayers go out to you! Take care of business, enjoy your family, and let us know when you plan on heading home so we may travel with you!

Love to the Blehi's from the Rumpilla's

p.s. Thanks NAXJA:exclamati ( I will also be re-newing!)

Don't know that I've ever met you. But I know Mike and Tony, and I happened to be in a place where the bill collectors weren't holding me over the pit.

I also remember how wrecked I was when we had to pull the plug on my dad. Welcome home! Your dad is in a coma!

Mike and Tony are both stand up guys. And I know when I was in the chit, I couldn't even think to dress not to mention other things. I couldn't get past it. I'd have never thought to ask for help (my ex actually came to my house for a week to get me out of bed, pointed in the right direction, and pick out clothes for me). If they said you needed, help, you needed help.

Glad I could help in some small way.
I've never met you, but I have heard plenty of good things about you.

I'm glad I was able to help the little bit I was able too...
Hope everything is getting better, Andy. I buried my father a few weeks ago, and even though we all knew it was coming, it wasn't and still isn't easy.
Yo Andy, glad i could help out man...
NAXJA really did show the kindness it has to offer. i may not be Red Lettered "yet" but will "soon".... i was just shown that not everyone's an A hole around here. (Mike, kudos for setting this up man and anyone else that may have helped you)
Andy, not sure if you're back home or not, if you are welcome back and thank goodness you made it safely. if not then hope all comes for the better and you get here safe n' sound.
hey listen the whole helping out with sandals, hahaha.. so true... :wave:
Thanks to everyone for everything you have done. Just to give some feed back (since I try to be as honest as possible). We went and saw the funeral home the other day and without everyones help, I am not sure where my dad would be right now. EVERY last cent (and then some) went to the cremation costs.....they quoted us $1800 and dropped to $1600 for the service. I never ever thought it would cost this kind of money and was already worried we would have money left over and I was worried about what would be considered "legitimate" costs for my mom to spend the money on. Not a worry anymore.

Again.... THANK YOU TO EVERYONE for both the donations and the prayers......my dad will be able to rest in peace and get treated with the respect he deserves. Not sure that could be said if we couldn't afford to pay this guy $1600.
Awesome! Glad you guys had enough to give your dad the service he deserved. So happy to have been able to help, and I hope your mom, you, and your entire family is going to be ok through all of this.

Thanks roe the update Andy, and hang in there brother!