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TDS Video and Rant against "Payback Industries"

I sure they took care of it......................................................................................................................hastahastahastahasta
The idiots that dumped their shit (literally) in the desert started it.

After all the ranting and apologies I wonder if anyone went back to clean it up, or the bags of trash they left. Bunch of lip service, as Blazair says..

The poopie coordinates are:

N 33 17' 15.52" W 116 00' 01.56"

Give or take a few hundred feet. Just follow your nose when you get close. :smoker:

You're absolutely right , the idiots that dumped their shit ARE the ones that started it . Ranting and apologies ? , I see alot of ranting but no apologies , I think apologies would be a must if the people being acused here were guilty of those acusations . I think it has been made more than clear that they aren't the ones that did this , nor were they aware of the situation , which makes it your responsability just as much as anyone else's who saw it , in which case you did . . . For some reason I though this thread was done , but as RockGard stated , it continues to be a beating of a dead horse .

Just thought I'd share this . This is the flyer that was put out last year for the clean-up we had at Truckhaven following the TDS event :


This is the thread that talked about it :


And these are the two dumpsters that we filled with the trash that we picked up . Both dumpsters were donated by the Rock Brawlers and PayBack Industries :

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This thread is still alive because nothing is being solved. Simply put, if it was not you or your organization, perhaps be a little more mindful of who you give GIANT payback industries stickers to. Or if it was your group, tell them to stop dumping their shit in the desert.

Well , in case you haven't figured it out , I'm NOT the one that owns PayBack . With that said , I thought this thread was done . It's obvious the individuals that did this aren't members on this or any other boards . Anyone and everyone in my group and that I camp with is well aware of the ongoing situation , my club is VERY active in organisations such as "Friends Of Johnson Valley" and other groups that fight to keep our trails open . Again , by going back and fourth on this nothing is getting solved .
That yellow thing is a total piece of crap. Kirk is such a loser.
The only thing good about that pile of junk is the front diff gear install.