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Support Our Troops This Holiday Season ~ Month of Camo Vehicles


NAXJA Forum User
Mesa, AZ
I've been doing these Color Vehicle Campaigns for the last couple months and they have been very rewarding....hope you don't mind me sharing the info with you too! Be Sure to Add in as you want!! :D Thanks! ~Charlene
See the past:
October - Pink
November - Light Blue

A Couple of Fast Posts to Catch up to Today :)

While the Yellow Ribbon is most commonly used to Support Our Troops, we are going to go with Camo as the Vehicle Color for December as we focus on the Military Family and both sides of their needs during the Holiday Season.

Let us remember all the Troops that are away from their families this Holiday Season.

Come back everyday for the Featured Camo Vehicle Picture of the day!!

PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE THE PICTURES via this link, Facebook (CLICK HERE for post), the website Blog page CLICK HERE or any other means. Lets SPREAD Some Awareness!!

Have a CAMO vehicle you would like to feature? Post it up here!!!

IF You Would Like to Donate, please feel free to pick an organization that we highlight that catches your heart. Let them know you heard about them from this unique information campaign...

Remember, this is an awareness campaign. We are making a difference with the Tool of Information In Our Hands....Use it!

Dec 1:

How Many Military Families have a member of their family fighting for us? Noted, these numbers are from December of 2011, but it gives us a good idea of the large number:

Total Active Duty Troop Levels as of December 31st, 2011 – 1,414,000
Air Force – 332,724
Army – 558,571
Marines – 200,225
Navy – 322,629

Currently, the United States has military personnel deployed in about 150 Countries…This covers 75% of The World’s Nations.

The site that we got these facts from has a great interactive map to identify where the majority of the troops are in the world. Again, it is from 2011. http://www.vetfriends.com/US-deployments-overseas

How Do You Support our Military during the Holidays?


DEC 2:::

CAMO!! Lets Support the Military Families this Holiday Season! Share with your friends...Lets Make an Impact! More at Race Team Store

Everyone knows someone that is in the Military and helping fight for our freedom. There are many opitons to supporting groups, all the way down to a specific Unit. So in my initial search, I found a list that is suggested to Military Families as sources of financial help during the holidays. This can also be flipped as the top options to helping a family!

Here are some examples of what may be available:

USO – Contact your local USO and inquire about their holiday programs. Some offer free meals, entertainment, and toys to military families. Holiday festivities may include Thanksgiving dinner, breakfast with Santa, Christmas dinner, holiday food baskets, toy drives, food pantries, and more.

Toys for Tots – Since 1947 the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve program has distributed more than 452 million toys to more than 209 million children. This program is open to all children in the community, including military kids. Families can select their state from the"Request A Toy" tab to learn about how to sign up for the program.

Veterans’ Service Organizations – Many Veterans’ Service Organizations (VFW, American Legion, etc.) provide a wide variety of holiday support to service members, veterans, and their families. Programs vary, but may include holiday meals, food pantries, gift card distribution, and fellowship.

Installation Support – Holiday support at local installations also varies, but may include food baskets, holiday meals, toy donation, fellowship, or entertainment. Contact the family center at your nearest installation and ask about the support provided this year.

Local Nonprofits – The scope of support varies greatly. The nonprofit may have a regional presence, a national name, or only provide support to military families within a certain county. Operation Homefront is an example of a national nonprofit that provides regional support. In some locations they have a holiday meal program, holiday parties, and toy drives for military families. Contact your family support center for a list of nonprofits providing support to military families in your area.

The extra financial pressure of the holiday season or being far away from family and friends may add additional stress to military families. We encourage military families to be good neighbors and friends. If you notice another family in need this holiday season, help connect them with local resources. Together, we can brighten the holiday season for military families.

Additional Information is listed at: http://www.militaryfamily.org/feature-articles/holiday-financial-help-for.html

How Do You Support our Military during the Holidays? (I will highlight your organization!)

See All the Camo Vehicles at http://bowermedia.com/2012/12/a-month-of-camo-vehicles/

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And now Today....
Please post up your Charity that you work with to highlight, and your Camo Vehicle so I can use it!!! :patriot:

Although not entirely focused around the Holiday efforts, Wheelers4Warriors Jeep Project has arranged a fundraiser for TONIGHT thanks to Chili's. Print out the coupon below, Check out the list of Chili's that are participating, and Go have a Dinner where 15% of the proceeds goes to help a Warrior who Loves to Wheel! (or if your Chili's isn't on the list and sounds good for dinner take to your local Chili's and see if they will participate!?)

Wheelers4Warriors Mission is simple:To restore project vehicles used by veterans and wounded warriors and, in doing so, promote self-reliance, independence, confidence and healing, and share our collective gratitude for those who serve and have served. W4W’s brings together automotive aftermarket enthusiasts, companies and other interested organizations to help improve the lives and give back to our warriors and their families by making necessary repairs, improvements and/or modifications to the vehicles of veterans and wounded warriors. W4W can restore, rebuild or modify any vehicle (off-road or not, jeep, sedan or sports car). W4W will distinguish itself through tangible examples of vehicles completed for individuals and solid bookkeeping and accountability for donations given.

The focus of the current project is a 1998 Jeep TJ that belongs to LCpl Sarah Furbur who is based at Camp Pendleton.

In April 2012, LCpl Furbur was deployed to Camp Dwyer Afghanistan to serve as a motor vehicle operator in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). While deployed it support of OEF, LCpl Furbur logged over 1,500 miles as a primary motor vehicle operator. And on July 10, 2012 her vehicle (a logistics vehicle system recovery vehicle) (LVS-R) was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED). The vehicle was completely destroyed, and LCpl Furbur was seriously injured in the explosion.

LCpl Furbur was sent to the wounded warrior battalion for several weeks while healing from her injuries. She was cleared fit for duty and returned to her unit. Against recommendations from her peers and seniors, LCpl Furbur requested to be put back into the fight and back on the road as soon as possible. For her actions while in support of OEF, LCpl Furbur was awarded the Combat Action Ribbon and the Purple Heart for wounds she received.

For more information on the Wheelers4Warriors project or to make a Tax Deductible Donation please go to: http://www.wheelers4warriors.org/ or let me know if you have any questions. :D


CAMO!! Lets Support the Military Families this Holiday Season! Share with your friends...Lets Make an Impact! More at Race Team Store

Thank Military Families - One option for adopting a family this season:::

As our military men and women selflessly serve around the world this holiday season, many of their families here on the home front are struggling just to make ends meet while Dad or Mom is away. So, unfortunately their children wake up with little to no gifts on Christmas morning...as well as the pain of a parent being gone over the holidays.

Every year we send holiday care packages to deployed troops. And to help loved ones here at home, our 'Adopt a Family' Christmas program joins individuals, groups and businesses with military families in need. We work with with military families going through significant financial hardship and substantial challenges beyond their control. Most of the families approved for our program are in the midst of deployment over the holidays, but in certain cases we also help families of wounded veterans and other troops at home but in very difficult circumstances making it impossible to provide Christmas gifts for their children.

From A Family...

"My husband is on his second Iraq tour and we couldn't be more honored. But we, once again, had to spend our Christmas fund on expenses and supplies for him to return to Iraq. It is a tough burden to have to tell your loved one, who is fighting in a war, that he can either call home every other day or pay for Christmas gifts for our kids. But Thank Military Families provided gifts and stockings for each of our kids as well as many other military families in need!"

-Brandee, Army Wife & Mom, Fort Bragg

More Information on How To Support this Organization and a Family go to: http://www.thankmilitaryfamilies.com/

See All the Camo Vehicles at http://bowermedia.com/2012/12/a-month-of-camo-vehicles/

CAMO!! Lets Support the Military Families this Holiday Season! Share with your friends...Lets Make an Impact! More at Race Team Store

From a Newspaper Article in Army Times

Many Military Families Struggle with Finances

“The stress factors with the families is just unbelievable,” said Roger J. Mealey, a Vietnam veteran who runs a website to aid struggling military families.

While laws give active-duty soldiers extra combat pay, provide housing allowances and exempt them from taxes, experts say, families are straining under multiple deployments, frequent relocations and the difficulty spouses have in getting and keeping jobs in new cities.

A 2010 military survey found that 27 percent of service members said they had more than $10,000 in credit card debt, while 16 percent of civilians do. The study also found more than a third of military families have trouble paying monthly bills, and more than 20 percent reported borrowing money outside of banks.

It’s not easy supporting four people on a staff sergeant’s salary — about $39,000 a year — especially when one member of the family keeps getting sent overseas, said Patrick Bellon, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense.

Read the full article with more explanation and descriptions: http://www.armytimes.com/news/2012/03/ap-many-military-families-struggle-with-finances-032512/

See All the Camo Vehicles at http://bowermedia.com/2012/12/a-month-of-camo-vehicles/

CAMO!! Lets Support the Military Families this Holiday Season! Share with your friends...Lets Make an Impact! More at Race Team Store

A Christmas From Afar
Poem by Cynthia Gibbs

Two little pairs of bright eyes are anxious to see
What goodies are waiting for them under the tree.
Festive stockings are hanging full to the brim,
Yet the family stands still – waiting for him.

Eagerly their eyes turn to lock on the screen –
Looking for that face they’ve not recently seen.
Without too much delay, they soon get the call.
As his image comes in focus, he hears cries from them all.

They all run to their places, making sure he’s in view;
Their enthusiasm explodes, as if on cue.
He smiles as they unwrap each present in haste:
Hears their laughs, sees their smiles, the delight on each face.

They show him their treasures, hold them up one by one,
And then, expectantly, turn to him when they’re done.
He lays down his weapon, and then with a wide grin
Picks up his care package, opens it, and peers in.

They watch in anticipation as he reveals what’s inside.
Oh, which item is most dear, he could never decide!
For each was chosen especially for him and sent with love
From his sweet little darlings that he thinks the world of.

How his heart longs to be there, to kiss their sweet face,
And to hold them up close in a tender embrace.
Yet from his faraway location that’s in another time zone,
This soldier is grateful for a glimpse of Christmas at home.

as seen on Army Mom Strong

Ornament available at: Buy Personalized Desert Camouflage Car - Personalized Military Christmas Ornaments, Gifts, and Decorations - Ornament Shop

See All the Camo Vehicles at A Month of Camo…Vehicles | Bower Media

CAMO!! Lets Support the Military Families this Holiday Season! Share with your friends...Lets Make an Impact! More at Race Team Store

Operation Gratitude seeks to lift morale and put smiles on faces by sending care packages addressed to individual Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines deployed in harm’s way, to their children left behind, and to Veterans, Wounded Warriors and First Responders. Operation Gratitude care packages contain food, hygiene products, entertainment items and personal letters of appreciation, all wrapped with good wishes of love and support.

Through Collection Drives, Letter Writing Campaigns and Donations of funds for shipping expenses, Operation Gratitude provides civilians anywhere in America a way to express their respect and appreciation to the men and women of the U.S. Military in an active, hands-on manner.

At this time, our most urgent need is for:
~Personal letters for Deployed Troops, Veterans and Wounded Warriors;
~Hand-made Scarves and Paracord Bracelets;
~Beanie Babies/WebKinz/Trolls; and
~Financial donations to pay for production and shipping expenses ($15/package).

Monetary donations to Operation Gratitude are used to pay for production, shipping and communication expenses required to send the care packages. Our cost for each package averages $15. Operation Gratitude sends approximately 100,000 care packages each year, creating a budget of $1.5 Million per year.

Your donation of any amount will be greatly appreciated. More than 98% of all donations are devoted to Program Services. Administrative and fundraising expenses are only 1.3% of our budget.

Operation Gratitude is a 501(c)(3) organization; all donations are tax deductible as provided by law.

For More information go to: http://www.operationgratitude.com/

See All the Camo Vehicles at http://bowermedia.com/2012/12/a-month-of-camo-vehicles/

CAMO!! Lets Support the Military Families this Holiday Season! Share with your friends...Lets Make an Impact!

How Many Women are in the Military? Well, lets see....

Women Active Duty Military Statistics
Number Percent of Branch
Total number of women serving in the military
214,098 14.6 %
Army 76,694 13.6 %
Marine Corps 13,677 6.8 %
Navy 53,385 16.4 %
Air Force 63,552 19.1 %
Coast Guard 6,790 15.7 %

Women Reserve Military Statistics
Number Percent of Branch
Total number of women in the reserves 118,781 19.5 %
Total number of women in the National Guard 470,851 15.5 %

Total number of women veterans 1,853,690
Number of military women held as prisoners during the Civil War 1
Number of military women held as prisoners during World War II 90
Number of military women held as prisoners during Desert Storm 2
Number of military women held as prisoners during Operation Iraqi Freedom 3
Source: http://www.statisticbrain.com/women-in-the-military-statistics via Source: Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs Verified 4/4/2012

Here are a couple more cool sources of information that I found while searching for Women in the Military...

Great Timeline of Womens history in the Military starting in the 1700's :

And for those that need inspiration, here is a link to hundreds of photos of Women in Action :D : http://www.miliwoman.com

See All the Camo Vehicles at http://bowermedia.com/2012/12/a-month-of-camo-vehicles/

Great stuff, have been follwing it on Facebook for a while. Not sure who has a camo XJ these days. I know Jeff V. had one, but not heard from him in years.
I didn't know Paris Hilton had a Bugatti,..
^^^ Cool!!!!

CAMO!! Lets Support the Military Families this Holiday Season! Share with your friends...Lets Make an Impact!


"Fading light dims the sight,
And a star gems the sky, gleaming bright.
From afar drawing nigh -- Falls the night.

"Day is done, gone the sun,
From the lake, from the hills, from the sky.
All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.

"Then good night, peaceful night,
Till the light of the dawn shineth bright,
God is near, do not fear -- Friend, good night."

"TAPS is the most beautiful bugle call. Played slowly and softly, it has a smooth, tender and touching character. The bugle call was written during the Peninsula Campaign of the Civil War by General Butterfield, with an assist from his bugler, Oliver W. Norton, in 1862.

"TAPS" went on from its origin as an alternative to "Lights Out" to become not only a signal that day was done, but also to say good-bye to a fallen comrade.

"TAPS" is customarily played at funerals at Arlington national Cemetery as well as at ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknowns there.

To Read more on the History of TAPS and to Hear it go to http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/taps.htm

See All the Camo Vehicles at http://bowermedia.com/2012/12/a-month-of-camo-vehicles/

Hey, is it post your camo anything now?

I can play! This one even keeps trails open and used to be military!

You look absolutely nothing like what I expected.
OHHH Nice!!! Here comes some XJ's in the next few days :D Thanks!!

CAMO!! Lets Support the Military Families this Holiday Season! Share with your friends...Lets Make an Impact!

We have all heard about or participated in events at the American Legion, but what is it?.....

The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.

Hundreds of local American Legion programs and activities strengthen the nation one community at a time. American Legion Baseball is one of the nation’s most successful amateur athletic programs, educating young people about the importance of sportsmanship, citizenship and fitness. The Heroes to Hometowns program connects local Legionnaires with recovering wounded warriors and their families, providing a variety of support activities. The Legion raises millions of dollars in donations at the local, state and national levels to help veterans and their families and to provide college scholarship opportunities.

The American Legion is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization with great political influence perpetuated by its grass-roots involvement in the legislation process from local districts to Capitol Hill. Legionnaires’ sense of obligation to community, state and nation drives an honest advocacy for veterans in Washington. The Legion stands behind the issues most important to the nation's veterans community, backed by resolutions passed by volunteer leadership.

The American Legion’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism. The organization belongs to the people it serves and the communities in which it thrives.

Learn More, and give the gift of a Membership or Donate this Holiday Season. http://www.legion.org

See All the Camo Vehicles at http://bowermedia.com/2012/12/a-month-of-camo-vehicles/

Here ya go Billyjp2 !!!! :D

CAMO!! Lets Support the Military Families this Holiday Season! Share with your friends...Lets Make an Impact!

Have you ever heard of the USO Wishbook? How about what the USO does? ... Here we go!

The USO provides a tangible way for all of us to say thank you, as it has for 70 years.

Thanks to your generosity, the USO fulfills its mission of lifting the spirits of America’s troops and their families. Through the USO, you touch their lives through an extensive range of programs at more than 160 locations in 27 states and 14 countries, and at hundreds of entertainment events each year. Thousands of USO volunteers do everything possible to provide a home away from home for our troops and to keep them connected to the families they left behind.

The USO makes sure your help goes to those who need it the most: troops serving in combat, their families, our wounded warriors and their families, and families of the fallen.

As a nonprofit, non-political organization, the USO is now, and always will be, about our troops. Wherever and whenever they go, the USO will be there, until every one comes home.
Source: USO - Until Every One Comes Home®

So then we turn the page to the Wishbook where you purchase something for an individual::::
1.CHOOSE YOUR GIFT - Pick a gift for any occasion - birthdays, weddings or holidays. Support our troops and their families with a gift from the USO Wishbook.

2.PURCHASE YOUR GIFT - Once you have purchased your gift, the USO will ensure that your gift goes to help lift the spirits of America's troops and their families.

3.SEND AN ECARD - After you make your purchase, you can send an eCard to gift recipients with a personal message, and tell them how your gift will benefit troops and their families.

There are great gifts to choose from. You can choose by price - $0 to over $500 ; who you want it to go to - the Deployed, Military Families or Wounded Warriors ; and even separate it to Him, Her, Children or Colleagues.

Check it out, and tell a friend. Pretty Cool! :D USO - Until Every One Comes Home®

See All the Camo Vehicles at A Month of Camo…Vehicles | Bower Media
