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Roll Call *Shooting in Portland*

People say keep portland weird, I say let's go back to freaking normal! Just last weekend some damn little kid 11 years old pulled a pistol on a woman coming out of church.
Yeah and they can't do anything to them due to there age, apperantly there parent know there's a problem and either dont care or are to dumb to do anything about it. I say charge the parents for allowing access to there hand gun, throw them in jail and see if that changes there minds.
Yeah and they can't do anything to them due to there age, apperantly there parent know there's a problem and either dont care or are to dumb to do anything about it. I say charge the parents for allowing access to there hand gun, throw them in jail and see if that changes there minds.


The Portland Police Bureau's Gun Task Force has arrested 34-year-old Joseph Daniel Charlton on multiple charges in connection with his 11-year-old son possessing a firearm during an armed robbery on Saturday afternoon.
Yeah and they can't do anything to them due to there age, apperantly there parent know there's a problem and either dont care or are to dumb to do anything about it. I say charge the parents for allowing access to there hand gun, throw them in jail and see if that changes there minds.

From what I understand by listing to kxl is, the 11 year old has Ben in trouble in the past. And the dad is a real piece of work him self.

Did you watch the channel 2 news, where he walked up to the reporter after what he did? This kid is going to need a team of therapists!
My buddies girlfriend was getting a cinnamon roll while she was on lunch (she works there) at the mall when the shooter started shooting.

She wasn't hurt...

It pisses me off! Just at random... I just don't get it.
the man that was killed was actually in my buddies martial arts classes and was his sparring partner, crazy stuff.

i hope everyone who was hurt and affected from this will make it thotugh these tough times.
And another one today. Class full of kindergarten kids and teachers murdered. I cant stand this world. Just Godless these days.
Another terrible day for sure, what the hell is wrong with the young people in this nation.
I really dont get it. My heart go out to the family's of these children.

One thing that's guarantee assault rifle bans will be in the works for Obama's next term.
Maybe even stricter gun laws for hand guns also.
Another terrible day for sure, what the hell is wrong with the young people in this nation.
I really dont get it. My heart go out to the family's of these children.

One thing that's guarantee assault rifle bans will be in the works for Obama's next term.
Maybe even stricter gun laws for hand guns also.

I may get flamed bad for this, and you know I like and own guns but. An AR-15 is not an assault rifle, it's an assault rifle look a like. It wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit if they did ban them. To me it seams like every weirdo out there has to use one to slaughter innocent people with. I know the AR-15 was designed for people like us, tax paying law biding people that in joy shooting for fun with a little cool factor. The weirdos see them as real assault rifles, tools to kill people with. It seams like the weirdos are just coming out of the wood work lately. 11 year olds packing heat, what happened at the mall what next?

I see a firearm as a tool not a toy and defiantly not a weapon of senseless death.
Dave did you see the news today, did you hear about the senseless violence back east 20 elementary kids murdered.

and the AR-15 is a civilian version of the M-16 that was designed for our military.

As most people know a deer rifle will do much more damage to a person than an AR-15 chambered in 223, however an AR-15 can hold up to 100 rounds with a beta mag.

I dont want to give up my AR, I just want stupid people to stop using them to murder innocent people, and any other gun for that matter.

They have to do something two shooting in two days, absolutely nuts.
Dave did you see the news today, did you hear about the senseless violence back east 20 elementary kids murdered.

and the AR-15 is a civilian version of the M-16 that was designed for our military.

As most people know a deer rifle will do much more damage to a person than an AR-15 chambered in 223, however an AR-15 can hold up to 100 rounds with a beta mag.

I dont want to give up my AR, I just want stupid people to stop using them to murder innocent people, and any other gun for that matter.

They have to do something two shooting in two days, absolutely nuts.

I will admit I may not be totally correct about the AR but IMO regular people don't need to own people killing machines.

For example I was just on Glocks site today. They had several firearms that they would not sell to the general public. They had captions that stated for police service only. And they looked just like plain old Glock pistols nothing special.

What do you use your AR for?
I use to use it for coyote in the Midwest, its alot of fun for target practice. And god forbid if civil unrest ever breaks out. Hey I hope I never have to use it, but it's a tool like any. Oh and lets not forget zombies!!!!

I partially agree with you Dave, but I also think as a communtiy we have to do something about people that are mentally ill.
I know guns need to be regulated, however look at what happend in Denmark. And guns aren't even aloud in that country.

I Think if you have evil in your mind you'll find a way to carry it out, if its a gun, or a car, or a plane.

But this county has to a much better job about gun control, and that doesn't mean at the gun stores I'm also talking about parents having gun safes.
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parents having gun safes.

lock the action, lock them up, and teach you children! thats the only control that can efect this. its the same situation as why we have so many whorable drivers on the road today. people have lost the prioraty in teaching there children things. dont rely on school to do it for you.

this shit is just wrong!
:flame: Bronze.
lock the action, lock them up, and teach you children! thats the only control that can efect this. its the same situation as why we have so many whorable drivers on the road today. people have lost the prioraty in teaching there children things. dont rely on school to do it for you.

this shit is just wrong!

:flame: Bro:sure:nze.

I totally agree, your the parent teach your children people its not your child's teachers job.
My dad was a teacher for over 35 years he said the last 6 of his career he felt more like a baby sitter.

I think there a couple of reasons why we have horrible drivers on the road, the first it everyone in there car is to self absorbed playing on there phone, or playing with the radio, playing or yelling at there kids, or just day dreaming, instead of paying attention to driving.

After all a car itself is a deadly weapon.

The second reason is people dont respect each other anymore. I'm old enough to remember when people were courteous, now it's me, me, me, it sad but that's the way it is. The people that actually do drive respectfully are few and far between, its almost like they are doing some kind of good deed instead of simple on the road etiquette.
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I will admit I may not be totally correct about the AR but IMO regular people don't need to own people killing machines.

For example I was just on Glocks site today. They had several firearms that they would not sell to the general public. They had captions that stated for police service only. And they looked just like plain old Glock pistols nothing special.

What do you use your AR for?
It doesn't matter the cal. size, type, mag capability of the firearm, they are all "people killing machines", In the wrong hands, they do and will kill and maim. It is a complete tragedy what has unfolded as of late, and I feel the worst isn't over, with the "end of the world" coming and all. People since the beginning of time have sought out and slaughtered others, just with a different variety of weapons. People want to ban hi cap mags, and assault style weapons, but you can fit 20+1 rounds in some standard handgun mags... Dump and reload, you can send 20,40,60 rounds down range in less than a minute, and completely concealed. I know with a 30rd mag, that time is quite less, but you get the idea.

It is messed up that these cowards choose places to assault possibly due to being gun free zones, the fact that they know they won't be challenged. Not saying that is the case in all situations, but think if a teacher, or mall go-er would have been armed, My feelings are less people would've died. But it is up to all of us as a whole, to try and curtail issues we see in everyday life, no matter how trivial they may be. Whether it is our friends, family, children, people we see on a daily, or just something that doesn't seem right, act on our gut feeling. Like the lady at the town center, who saw the shooter run by her car, drop a full mag, she inspected it, and left it, decided to head towards mall to complete her shopping. If she would have thought it through, she would've called 911 instantly, no hesitation. People are so wrapped up in their own little worlds that things like this just slip through the cracks.
IMO regular people don't need to own people killing machines.

Sorry to bust you out, but go look at the CDC website. Every single member on this site, and most other people everyone knows own a "killing machine" that as proven by data from the CDC is more dangerous than guns.

Death from gun violence isn't even in the top 10 causes of death in the usa. The top 4 causes are "natural "(heart disease, ect) #5 is automobile accidents.

Let's get these "killing machines" banned.

At least banning vehicles would save a significant number of lives as compared to banning something as statistically safe as guns.

(I don't really want cars banned, I just get sick of the ignorant people spouting off bs. I say ignorant because if you just watch the news and listen to people talk, you don't really even know any facts)
Just heard on the radio if I understood it correctly. The the town center shooter was in fact shot by a legally armed citizen with a Oregon CHL. It took him some time to make the shot because he didn't have a clear back drop.

I also confirmed this with my boss that talked with an employe of sears that seen the whole thing.