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Olympic Turd

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Dirt said:
I thank anyone that makes/sponsers products for our cherokee club.

I cannot accept the quality of that bumper as top notch though. Like I said, people that are not informed read the description as something that it is apparently not. I have no experience with this co. and after this thread, I will not ever have experience with them.
See... You've just proved to me the big problem with this post: you haven't had any experience with the company, you've seen pics of one bumper, you don't know what the manufacturer has to say about that particular bumper but you're promising not to buy anything from them.
Anyways, all I am trying to say is that this post is very wrong in the way it presents a whole company based on the experience with one of their products and no attempt to contact the manufacturer to see what's up!

BTW.... Would you buy that bumper?
That particular one? nope.... another one? maybe... one of their products? If I didn't make most of my own stuff nowadays probably yes: they make a bitchin rack for the cargo area.
Kejtar said:
2. I didn't want to say this before but I think it deserves to be said/asked: did you get paid off to promote one bumper and bash another in the same thread? Probably not, but in any case what you're doing is rather unethical (at least to me). Anyways, there are so many things that bug about the way you posted that it's tough to list them, but biggest one is the unsolicited bashing of one vendor and glorifying of another in the same thread..............

Dude.. are you serious. Swear right now that that bumper that Wil posted. ( the other one) is not clearly superior. I don't have one of those bumpers yet. I had my mind set though way before this thread.

The bumper Wil has is one of the best. The manufacturer you back makes a shoddy product.

Say Wil's bumper was a complete fluke. That was that dude's last day working for that co. or whatever.

I wanna see a quality bumper from a random person. I wanna see the welds on thier bumper. If it's a fluke.... awesome. If not.......
Interesting thread. The pictures impressed me as I had the same problem with the stock front bumper off my 98' that I was using as a front to my winch plate. It also bent (repeatedly) in the same exact place.

Still, though I can see your point, Wil Badger, here is not likely the place to do this sort of thing. Post the facts, leave out the emotional attacks on the product or manufacture, and let the readers decide for themselves would be the best way. A product review approach is the best way to inform readers and give constuctive feedback.

One reader offered some good advice, fix it and sell it. Shouldn't be too hard to improve on the product.

For example:
I purchased a Rusty's 1" drop cross member. A nifty idea that drops your T-Case 1" without giving up ground clearance. http://rustysoffroad.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=rustys&Product_Code=CM-200&Category_Code=xj_skid

Well, after a couple of trips out, it bent, on both sides, between the last weld and the mounting holes ( I'm kind hard on the undercarriage and had been rock crawling). I called Rusty, informed him of the "problem" and suggested an upgrade to the product (an added gusset). He was astonished, asked me to email some pictures, and that he would get back to me. I emailed him at the address he gave and emailed him about a week later asking what he thought. Still no response <shrug>.

Here is my take on this:
* Stuff get's bent Off-Road.
* I would have been nice to atleast get a "Thank You" note from Rusty, but he may not be computer savy.
* The piece still works fine, there is just a little less clearance between the exhaust and floor then there was before.
* When I get a chance to remove it and fix it, I will :)

The product get's three "Tires" (out of four) for design, application and general durrability.
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Zuki-Ron said:
* Stuff get's bent Off-Road.

Hey, hey, hey! I protest!

Popcorn's ready!
PM sent to Olympic4x4 - so at least he can add his .02 :D
XJ_ranger said:
PM sent to Olympic4x4 - so at least he can add his .02 :D
Man, I hope it isn't this guy.....


Good thing Rusty's didn't make that bumper...

The intarnet posse whould be mounting their horses and loading up...



No sympathy if you still went ahead and installed it...

and wheeled with it...

Knowing it was a sub-par piece of equipment. (those welds doo seem hinky and the mounting does seem inadequate)

How bad did you need to wheel that you couldn't wait to resolve the issue?

Uninstalled, you probably coul've sent it back, gotten your money back and used towards something more to your liking...

Your point towards informing others is understandable but your actions and lack of common sense are deplorable...

No sense bitching about the manufacturer anymore...

bad karma abounds...
Dirt said:
I thank anyone that makes/sponsers products for our cherokee club.

Especially the MEMBERS who are in red and help pay for this forum so that USERS can just post away.
Wil Badger said:
i can only assume that all this is for your winch mount bumper and not the whole line.under 2 years ago(6-05) i purchased a Rock bumper with hitch mount from Quadratec.this is what i recieved a total piece of crap.i was so unhappy with this product from the minute i picked it up .i would have sent it back but i was getting ready to leave for a 4 wheeling trip and needed a bumper on the front.i was waiting on this bumper for close to 2 months to be delievered and when it came i was highly disappointed.


i don't see any reinforcement.nothing tubular on this one

lets take a closer look shall we


mounting plate.you'll also notice the nice kink in the bumper




nice seams your welder is so good he doesn't even get full penitration on 7 gauge steel.why


why isn't the hitch welded to the face of the bumper on the back side only the supports.

i paid a total of $300 for this piece of crap.

I assume the above posted pics were taken after the bumper was mounted for almost a year? The way it reads is it when it was shipped to you it arrived as it looks in the pics. If that is the case it would be your fault right off the bat because the bumper looks used. I see that you wrote this thread toward the guys at Olympic. Did you PM it to the guy you called out? :shocked:

As far as complaining about the bumper you could have called Quadratec (where you bought it from) and tried to exchange it for something else. The funny part about this is people always seem to complain about a vendor or manufacturer and NEVER attempt to get in contact with them. The reason to get in contact with them is to see what they will do to rectify the situation. I know you said you didn't contact them because you didn't want another bumper from them. But you NEVER gave them the chance to even offer another solution. Just my $.01 as my 2 cents ain't worth much.

why is it that nobody can grasp or understand the concept of needing a bumper on the front of my rig because i was leaving that weekend to go on a trip.i bolted it on yes that was my mistake i can deal with that.it was money lost i can deal with that.

what do you think Olympic would have done if i called offer to give me back my money or pay for another bumper from another manufactor?no they would have offered to give the same crap i had already recieved and bent a few weeks after installing it.

i didn't call anybody out.is this 5th grade?they guy i quoted works for Olympic and made some statements that i found to be completely wrong in the bumper i recieved from them and was simply pointing them out.
you had it for a year...and used it, and NOW you complain about it here ?


sorry for the lack of sympathy, but if your really suprised I have NO idea why.
Wil Badger said:
why is it that nobody can grasp or understand the concept of needing a bumper on the front of my rig because i was leaving that weekend to go on a trip.i bolted it on yes that was my mistake i can deal with that.it was money lost i can deal with that.

what do you think Olympic would have done if i called offer to give me back my money or pay for another bumper from another manufactor?no they would have offered to give the same crap i had already recieved and bent a few weeks after installing it.

i didn't call anybody out.is this 5th grade?they guy i quoted works for Olympic and made some statements that i found to be completely wrong in the bumper i recieved from them and was simply pointing them out.
The problem that most of those that spoke out here is that you complain about poor quality of a product without calling the manufacturer. I can't speak whether another one of their bumpers would have been just as bad cause I don't know but neither do you cause you did not get another one from them. You complain of weld quality and penetration and you make it sound like all their products are like that based on your experience with one bumper which is unfair to the company. While I am all for reporting one's experience with products and companies I just feel like what you did does belong in the 5th grade.
Also if the guy made statements about that bumper someplace else I do not think that you should have split the discussion to here as it puts the whole thing out of context, but since you did, did you let the guy that you're quoting him and calling him on his statements when you did it? If not then IMHO you did it just to do it for your own personal gratification or something.
look it was a brand new bumper when i got it.in New Jersey its illegal to drive around without a front bumper so i had to install it to be able to drive the truck.a few weeks after putting it on i was wheeling with some friends i looked back to see if the next person in the line made it through the mud hole.as i was looking back i let off the brake ever so slightly.the jeep rolled forward about 5' and into a huge pine tree.the bumper folded right back breaking the passenger side blinker lense.then bumper stayed on the front of the vehicle for some time till i removed it for a better bumper.in the time it was on my truck i never used it for winching because i would trust it.if i had to winch anybody i would use the rear receiver.

now what i find funny is if this thread was bashing say Rustys and promoting RockKrawler i wouldn't be getting half the shit i'm receiving now.
red91inWA said:
you had it for a year...and used it, and NOW you complain about it here ?


sorry for the lack of sympathy, but if your really suprised I have NO idea why.
Words of wisdom from one of our elders :D :D :D
Please let it end. While watching Katar try to argue brings teh funny... just let it end.

Wil Badger said:
look it was a brand new bumper when i got it.in New Jersey its illegal to drive around without a front bumper so i had to install it to be able to drive the truck.a few weeks after putting it on i was wheeling with some friends i looked back to see if the next person in the line made it through the mud hole.as i was looking back i let off the brake ever so slightly.the jeep rolled forward about 5' and into a huge pine tree.the bumper folded right back breaking the passenger side blinker lense.then bumper stayed on the front of the vehicle for some time till i removed it for a better bumper.in the time it was on my truck i never used it for winching because i would trust it.if i had to winch anybody i would use the rear receiver.

now what i find funny is if this thread was bashing say Rustys and promoting RockKrawler i wouldn't be getting half the shit i'm receiving now.
Kejtar said:
Words of wisdom from one of our elders :D :D :D

Im not that old...that would be LES.

And that next part you need is gonna be expensive I can already feel it...either that or it's gonna rain soon...
red91inWA said:
you had it for a year...and used it, and NOW you complain about it here ?


sorry for the lack of sympathy, but if your really suprised I have NO idea why.

uhm did i ever say i was looking for sympathy no t that i'm aware of.
Wil Badger said:
in New Jersey its illegal to drive around without a front bumper so i had to install it to be able to drive the truck.

Dumb question: why not just put on a stock bumper and send the one you received back when you got home from your trip?
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