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My "Hero" Blog

Well its been quite some time since I've updated this. I guess you could say I've been busy. I finally graduated from college with my BS in Mechanical Engineering, and have been doing vacation things since then.

Right after I graduated, my friend Mike and I spent a week out on the Rubicon. We headed out late Monday to join the Friends of the Rubicon on Tuesday and Wednesday for their work party at Winter Camp. We had a helicopter bringing in loads of rock that were being dumped in the area that is always swampy in Winter Camp (just below the Little Sluice Box) to minimize erosion from vehicles in that area. Mike and I administered traffic control at Soup Bowl to prevent rigs from driving into the drop zone. Seeing how it was a Tuesday and Wednesday in the middle of a rain storm, there was no traffic so we pretty much hung out and drank coffee as we watched this HUGE air crane helicopter drop rocks.

That helicopter is so huge that you could fit two 18-wheeler fuel trucks underneath it.

After our "work" we were offered a cabin to stay at on the private property at Spider Lake. We ended up staying in Merlin's cabin, who many of you may have met on the trail. He is the guy who always hangs out at the top of Thousand Dollar Hill just past the Little Sluice Box and hands out handkerchiefs and educates people about the trail.

On the way in to the private property I lost the lower bolt to my shock (aka limiting strap) which allowed for the wheel to droop enough for me to drop a coil spring. So we whipped out the Hi-Lift jack and flexed er out so we could put it back in.

After the work party shenanigans, we were off to Buck.

In between Thousand Dollar Hill and Old Sluice.

Went down Old Sluice in the middle of a huge rain storm with no issues.

Finally got to Buck and immediately went fishing. I caught a tasty 22" Brown Trout.

The next day we went for a hike to Rockbound Lake, the lake that feeds Buck Island Lake. We followed the stream up and forced our way through heavy brush to get to the lake.

The river connecting Rockbound to Buck.

Here's a view from the top of a hill overlooking Rockbound.

Caught 4 Rainbow Trout on that trip. Two of which went in our bellies, while the other two were used to barter for bread and water because we ran out of both.

Then we had some friends coming in Memorial Day weekend so we met up with them, hung out, and then headed home. I broke a rear driveshaft U-joint on the way out and bent my driveshaft somewhere along the way. Got home just fine though! It was a hell of a week and I definitely want to spend a week out there again sometime.
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Next, I took my Dad and Grandpa through the Rubicon for Fathers Day with a few of my friends and their Dads. It was such a great feeling watching them enjoy the Rubicon experience. We went in Loon and out Tahoe. Here are a few pictures.

Camp at the top of Big Sluice

Coming down Big Sluice

My buddy Tucker pretzeled his driveshaft in his IFS Yota on Big Sluice, so we hit it with a rock until it was straight again and then I welded 5 wrenches and a screwdriver to it to strengthen it. It was welded using two batteries hooked up in series, jumper cables as leaders, and 5 pairs of sunglasses as a welding hood. It made it all the way through the Springs and up Cadillac Hill with no issues, and even drove 60+ all the way home on the highway with minimal driveline vibrations.

Mike 3-wheeling at the Springs

Tucker crossing the Rubicon River to get to our camp spot.

Observation Point

My Dad and Grandpa and I

Such a wonderful trip and is definitely one I will never forget!
awesome trips and stories dude ! thanks for all the great pics!
yeah I like that you took your pops.Id like to take mine out there one of these days too. I am sure he would be a little surprised at some of the drops and climbs to say the least...
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Sounds like some awesome times. I also took my dad over the Rubicon the weekend before Father's Day. He'd never really been wheeling before, and basically just kept saying, there's no way we're getting over that. But, we went solo from Loon to Tahoma in 8 hours flat and had an absolute blast.

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HEY @Jeep450r you haven't updated this in NINE YEARS. I just finished reading through to then look at your profile and you see were last active... yesterday?!

What happened to this thing? Looks like you really cut your teeth with this rig. Coming from another mechE who started my XJ build when I was 17 and I'm still wrenching on it all these years later.
ill text Kevin and tell him to update this