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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


PostMaster General
NAXJA Member
All of you (ok, almost all ;) ) are great folks and I would like to take a moment to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you!
May your Jeeps never get flats, rims don't get bent, body does not get too damaged and may it always be dieting and loosing weight instead of gaining it.
4xSanta said:
Whats this Christmas stuff all about,I have to work that day!
Ho ho ho. :spin1:

We need more purple snow.
Happy Holidays what ever your beleifs are (even if you only beleive in presents)
Health & Happiness to you all..... Be safe & best wishes for 2007......

Kejtar said:
All of you (ok, almost all ;) ) are great folks and I would like to take a moment to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you!
May your Jeeps never get flats, rims don't get bent, body does not get too damaged and may it always be dieting and loosing weight instead of gaining it.
merry christmas to you remi and all the socal guys(at least the ones i know :D )
Cupcake is....ALIVE! :laugh3:

Happy holidays to everyone...and Derek.
Be safe all and see you in the new year on the trails~
Merry Xmas Everyone it is about time i started posting here again

kevin "cupcake"
i hope the lord has blessed you all with the bounty of the season, Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year.

and happy winter gift exchange day to those that dont believe.
Merry Christmas to all from Nicole, Gianna, and I! hangin here in Chicago
Merry Christ mass my friends!
Spent most of today launching model rockets!
Now that will keep a family occupied for a few hours....
now what the heck do I do with all of them? :dunno:
Maybe my boy could take the older ones (teens and early twenties) out to the dez to have a bon fire!
That way the adults can get...um.....warmed up? ;):cheers:

Rick :D