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LUVMYJP Plate Tour 2006

I assure you, there is nothing fishy.
I think it's appropriate, however, this all began as a stolen plate and now it's been stolen from one of the suspects.
and took my plate as a hostage
This pic hasn't gotten in here yet?

We were honored by it's presence!
Now how come you could'nt hold on to it?
My plate was bolted on and it still got stolen.. That and I removed it every night or if the jeep sat to long unattended, I guess my stomach got the best of me
I go on vacation and this is what happens?........I guess the tour goes on, planned or not.....
Rev Den said:
Who the heck uses tywraps to hold a plate on?


The same hoosier who runs a spool in the front and an open rear. He made the quarry 2-step look hard. Methinks 37's are making up for something.

still on at the beginning of saturday...

little zoom in on the full size -
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So...... When's someone gonna do sumpthin' FUNNY or INTERESTING with the plate again? That's how this thread originally started off.... Get it back to the funnay. When's it goin' to the strip club fer cryin' out loud!

Although, that's probably the most 'wheeling that plate has seen in it's existance.... that's not the dirtiest it's ever been. Does it still smell like Midwest piss? :D
Your taunghting me arent you
I believe he is. JIM.
Nice call Troy, I've got a list of folks, begging to take the plate to exotic, tropical and foreign locations in the next 60 days......and it's shoved into someone's toolbox in the Midwest somewhere?

The goal of the tour is for the plate to visit as many states and countries as possible, posing in unique, adventuresome and INTERESTING settings......now it's been kidnapped by the Midwest clan, ya'll need to step up and WOW the crowd!

Nice call Troy, I've got a list of folks, begging to take the plate to exotic, tropical and foreign locations in the next 60 days......and it's shoved into someone's toolbox in the Midwest somewhere?

The goal of the tour is for the plate to visit as many states and countries as possible, posing in unique, adventuresome and INTERESTING settings......now it's been kidnapped by the Midwest clan, ya'll need to step up and WOW the crowd!


Yeah what he said!!!!
The wife and I are heading for Puerto Vallarta soon...

Will the plate(s) be with us??? :dunno:
I need some cash for the weekend.
I plan on hitting a 7-11 tonight.
can I use the plate? :anon:

Hey this is a cool idea, Im going to vegas, can I have the plate?