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Jeep 2500 Parts... I found them here...

Well I got the stuff! I'm including a few pictures that I took of the items. If anyone needs any specifics let me know and I'll take a picture. I'll be back in a few days and will be able to start shipping the stuff out to you guys. The header panels got banged around a bit and they have some scratches and scrapes but nothing to major. They are a lot beefier then the US spec ones :) Everything else looks good, but I didn't really get a chance to pick into every box because of time.... Headlights and taillights were packed very nicely but the boxes for the other items looked like the took a beating. But the stuff in them was in good shape.













I forgot to get a picture of the flares.... so I'll post it in the morning.

End Update......
GOOD GRIEF I just read all 27 pages of this and I can't wait to see how this works out. I've been out of the NAXJA world for a bit and I'm finaly getting time to play again and just bought a 95 2wd that might look realy goo with a 2500 front end. I wish I could come up with the capital to work some of this stuff out since I have a large shop to receive and store stuff. but lets face being on the east coast it will cost a little more. If there is more interest in this I would have no problem working this out. Heck I would consider creating a subsidiary to my business set to dealing with importing this stuff or working with a few company s that I work with that do import stuff from china. But I want to see how how all the parts work out.
Ya know it just dawned on me(to some your say naw realy) when you see alot of baisaly oem xj parts on ebay that they are proble just getting the eom crap from china. I figured it was made over seas but it just dawned on me that they are still make it for the newer jeeps over there.
Yeah I had that sick feeling when the guy was forking it out to the truck to be loaded. But it looks like all the parts made the trip ok. Now I have to figure out a way to wrap up the header panels so they make it out to you guys with out getting beat up.
The Customs part went really well and they didn't even want to check the stuff out.... I don't know if it was because of the little quantity or that we had a government truck. :) But we were only in the Customs office for about 5 minutes. Then we had to drive down to Auburn, WA because the parts were in a warehouse. There we had to pay a little fee to Mercer for the storage and now here we are.
I guess in the end if I had to do it over again I would have got more stuff but at least now I know the company is legit and were really good to work with.... yeah the shipping took longer than expected but in the end Alex Parts was not in control of that. But I do wish the stuff was packaged better but as they told me they have never shipped any of this stuff to the US before and I bet this stuff never strays too far from China.


**Start thinking about how you want to get the stuff to you guys, its up to you or if you don't want to mess with it I can let you know the cost before I ship it out UPS.
:D Eye candy...............mmmmm.............:greensmok

Hey Chris :thumbup: Thank You 4 the pixs. :thumbup:
Great effin'.... Job Man!!! :clap:

Shipping wise :I'll go UPS.
Pm'd ya the shp address.:thumbup:


:rtm: Yo . By Next week I'll be making my 2nd foreign HSBC:cool: So when ur back home;
Let me know the status of ur " WaterProof":thumbup:

:cheers: Congrats to all.:peace:
Let me know if you are going to do another order. After all was done, how much did It cost per person?
xjcody said:
Let me know if you are going to do another order. After all was done, how much did It cost per person?
That's what I'd like to know, believe I read somewhere in the 400 posts about the $400 range?
If round two comes around i'll be wanting to order those tail lights... do they use the same bulbs and harnesses? I have been reading and waiting for this for a while and glad every thing came in ok.
LOL at "radio shack" R:

Stuff looks good, I look forward to seeing it!

And also, does that connector look like the older US connectors for the cooling fan?
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Muad'Dib said:
Yes, and the IAT or MAT sensor's plug. CTS also?

thats good, make our lives a little easier.

ohhhhh, looks like the headlight "buckets" in the header penetrate pretty far back.........wonder what other bits of trimming we will need to do........

Hey Chris, could you take a picture of the headers from the side view for us? I want to see how far back into the body the headlight buckets penetrate.
Here is the rear view of the taillight... for whom ever asked to see it.

