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It's legal to confiscate firearms from people with CCW's?

It is illegial full stop to carry weapons/firearms in a public place in Australia.
Now i know you do it differently in America, but seriously, why would an individual who is not associated with law enforcement or a security role need to carry a gun on their person ?. I know its in your constitution and is a "right" to bare arms, but what for ?.

In Australia if you are believed or seen to be handling or carring a fire arm, good chances are that the police will shoot first. There have even been a few circumstances of teenagers with replica weapons who have been shot at by police. As far as most Australians are concerned guns = death.

All said and done i do hold a gun licence but only for hunting + paintball, and at all times our weapons must be out of sight and heavily secured.
Im not trying to stir up the whole gun debate thing, but just a point of view from the other side of the world where we do things differently, and gun crime is very minimal.
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It is illegial full stop to carry weapons/firearms in a pupblic place in Australia.
Now i know you do it differently in America, but seriously, why would an individual who is not associated with law enforcement or a security role need to carry a gun on their person ?. I know its in your constitution and is a "right" to bare arms, but what for ?.
In Australia if you are believed or seen to be handling or carring a fire arm, good chances are that the police will shoot first. There have even been a few circumstances of teenages with replica weapons who have been shot at by police. As far as most Australians are concerned guns = death. All said and done i do hold a gun licence but only for hunting + paintball, and at all times our weapons must be out of sight and heavily secured.
Im not trying to stir up the whole gun debate thing, but just a point of view from the other side of the world where we do things differently, and gun crime is very minimal.

There are literally MILLIONS of crimes every year either deterred or stopped by CIVILIANS presenting or using privately owned firearms.
The right to keep and bear arms is not given, but confirmed by our constitution.
The reasons are multiple, but the two primary are for individual protection agains violent crime, and also to reserve the FINAL vote to the people against a government going against the wishes of the populous.
Australia had a different beginning as a country then the U.S. did, so I would not expect you to understand, BUT, I do expect you to respect the rights of the U.S. population within the United States.

It is illegial full stop to carry weapons/firearms in a public place in Australia.
Now i know you do it differently in America, but seriously, why would an individual who is not associated with law enforcement or a security role need to carry a gun on their person ?. I know its in your constitution and is a "right" to bare arms, but what for ?.

In Australia if you are believed or seen to be handling or carring a fire arm, good chances are that the police will shoot first. There have even been a few circumstances of teenagers with replica weapons who have been shot at by police. As far as most Australians are concerned guns = death.

All said and done i do hold a gun licence but only for hunting + paintball, and at all times our weapons must be out of sight and heavily secured.
Im not trying to stir up the whole gun debate thing, but just a point of view from the other side of the world where we do things differently, and gun crime is very minimal.

Why guns on my person? I live 45 minutes from the sheriff's office. There are Coyotes, bears, wild dogs, mountain lions nearby. Meth addicts are prevalent in these parts. I always have a gun on me.

Why guns on my person before I moved here? I lived 5 minutes from a sheriff nicknamed "Barney Fife". I lived down the street from drug dealers, the cops knew, and if you reported that someone was dealing drugs on the corner "they're always doing that there " is the local LEO response.

Why guns on my person when I'm away from my home? You never know who you will encounter, I've not encountered anyone I needed to shoot ever. Ever been to New Orleans? Houston? Opelousas? If I were to find myself in a circumstance where I needed a firearm, and could have carried one but didn't because I felt "why would anyone carry a firearm here" I would kick my own ass all the way to hell.

Not debating, just letting you know my reasons.
There are literally MILLIONS of crimes every year either deterred or stopped by CIVILIANS presenting or using privately owned firearms.
The right to keep and bear arms is not given, but confirmed by our constitution.
The reasons are multiple, but the two primary are for individual protection agains violent crime, and also to reserve the FINAL vote to the people against a government going against the wishes of the populous.
Australia had a different beginning as a country then the U.S. did, so I would not expect you to understand, BUT, I do expect you to respect the rights of the U.S. population within the United States.


Indeed i do respect and understand the rights, rules and laws of the U.S.
Was just putting out a different point of vew thats all.
Why guns on my person? I live 45 minutes from the sheriff's office. There are Coyotes, bears, wild dogs, mountain lions nearby. Meth addicts are prevalent in these parts. I always have a gun on me.

Why guns on my person before I moved here? I lived 5 minutes from a sheriff nicknamed "Barney Fife". I lived down the street from drug dealers, the cops knew, and if you reported that someone was dealing drugs on the corner "they're always doing that there " is the local LEO response.

Why guns on my person when I'm away from my home? You never know who you will encounter, I've not encountered anyone I needed to shoot ever. Ever been to New Orleans? Houston? Opelousas? If I were to find myself in a circumstance where I needed a firearm, and could have carried one but didn't because I felt "why would anyone carry a firearm here" I would kick my own ass all the way to hell.

Not debating, just letting you know my reasons.

I appreciate the need for people in the U.S. to bare arms but at the same time its still all a bit of a conundrum to me at times, i could chime in a bit more but ..... ill leave it at that :D. All said and done (on my part ne ways) i think (my opinion only) that im very lucky to live in Australia. Edit: also blessed to be driving and modding an American vehicle :).
Indeed i do respect and understand the rights, rules and laws of the U.S.
Was just putting out a different point of vew thats all.

Ha, Gotta watch it, A lot of guys get pretty tore up when you go asking them questions about carrying guns and giving a different view about it. I for one do not carry yet as I am waiting on my permit to come. I am sure you are permitted to carry in the Bush, Right? As with there, many people do live in rural areas and can't simply wait for a police officer to arrive. The problem in the US is all the criminals here. They don't seem to have any cares for another life when they are strung out on drugs. I plan to carry because I am physically handicapped and can't defend my self as well as most others. So, I like having the upperhand in most situations. I am of course not going to just whip it out for no good reason but It lets me know I have the option to protect myself if needed.
Now i know you do it differently in America, but seriously, why would an individual who is not associated with law enforcement or a security role need to carry a gun on their person ?. I know its in your constitution and is a "right" to bare arms, but what for ?

Why? Because the police can't be everywhere and a cop is too heavy to carry around. Ironically, many of us carry because of a high regard for the preservation of life. ;)
Didn't know we were vying for right and wrong here - just throwing out some food for thought...

Criminal act, or threat to public safety? Viewed as a criminal act, I would agree with you - it is sad that some people view it as such.

Unfortunately, the situation is similar to many others:

A few people make bad choices and it affects the views of the general public - religion, politics, sports, etc... then factor in the media and movies!

As this whole discussion relates to the article, we only have one side of the story. Who knows what the past experiences of the officer are. Suppose he has encountered the same thing in the past where the threat was real? Suppose someone walked into the courthouse dressed like he was and made threats or killed? Was the gun holstered, or just shoved in the guys waistband? There are so many variables that it is hard to determine why he reacted the way he did, but ultimately his main concern was for his safety and the safety of the general public - otherwise he would have kept driving or eating his donut.

I've pointed my gun at people for much less - it is all based on the circumstances, training, and experience.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm curious to know what these lesser circumstances are that have caused you to point your gun at someone. If you're whippin your gun out just for the hell of it, you're part of why everyone's trying to take our guns away.

Also, did no one else notice that Aussiexj96 said he has a license for hunting and paintball? :)
Why? Because the police can't be everywhere and a cop is too heavy to carry around. Ironically, many of us carry because of a high regard for the preservation of life. ;)

Man we need a :shakehead: smilie!
If you're whippin your gun out just for the hell of it, you're part of why everyone's trying to take our guns away.

Thank you! :cheers:
I am sure you are permitted to carry in the Bush, Right? As with there, many people do live in rural areas and can't simply wait for a police officer to arrive.

The only reason for carring a firearm in the bush in Australia (a/b licence - rifles/shotguns only, pistols are not permited) Is if you have a hunting licence and written permission from the land owner, or you own the block of land. The smallest allocated block of land that allows you to apply for a licence is 40 acres, and if you are hunting you of course need your A/B licence (have to join a sport shooting club), Hunting licence (can only be applied for with a letter / form filled out by the property owner) + there are a plethera of other rules and regulations we must abide by to hold and keep out licence current. One other thing, it may just be a misconception but most of us Aussies live in built up residential areas with in close proximity to the major city's. We dont all live on farms and live of the bush :). We would hope that the majority of us are civilised but we also have problems with drug dealers and the other associated skum of society. Perhaps not as "focused" as in America as our population is only 25 million.
Why? Because the police can't be everywhere and a cop is too heavy to carry around. Ironically, many of us carry because of a high regard for the preservation of life. ;)

I know its in your constitution and is a "right" to bare arms, but what for ?.
I take advantage of my right to bare arms because I greatly enjoy a good farmer's tan. But that's just me...
In Australia if you are believed or seen to be handling or carring a fire arm, good chances are that the police will shoot first. There have even been a few circumstances of teenagers with replica weapons who have been shot at by police. As far as most Australians are concerned guns = death.
And that's a problem...At least here, the officer will stop you with gun drawn before shooting you. I would have a serious problem with the idea that a cop might just shoot for walking down the street with something resembling a gun on my person.
Also, did no one else notice that Aussiexj96 said he has a license for hunting and paintball? :)

Yup :D, we need to hold a special licence for owning a paintball marker, (i play indoor speed ball). The markers are classed as a .68 calliber air rifle in australia :(. Just shows how full on our laws are.
Oh if you think our gun laws are pretty tuff down under, you should hear some of the laws about vehicle modification in QLD !, the highest your allowed to lift the suspension on your vehicle is 2 inch ! and tire size may be increased by half an inch in diameter, lol but that doesnt stop the majority of us ;).
We would hope that the majority of us are civilised but we also have problems with drug dealers and the other associated skum of society. Perhaps not as "focused" as in America as our population is only 25 million.

I am aware that most of you live near the cities. You may be right but when you have 300 million people as opposed to 25 million things are on a much bigger scale here. I feel very safe in the city I live in but you never know when that one crazy guy is gonna show up. I would like to be prepared for that guy just as I try to be prepared for most situations when I am wheeling. My tools are just a bit different for that Job! :D I like having your point of view around as Not all of us are aware of what people from other countries think of us. Not all Americans are like the ones that represent us in the media! :doh:
I'd still love to visit Australia someday, but wow, a wee bit strict...:D
I have my license and the officer that stop me for a traffic stop knew it, how I do 't know. He was curtious and let the fact that I a hogsticker by my driver's seat go with a warning. That was after he asked me to the back of the car for his safety and mine but let me know another officer would likely not be so understanding. Their's good and bad in their profession, but giving snotnoses out of college with no real world experiences a badge and a gun these kind of things can happen. I'd much rather deal with an older officer as I'm much older than most on patrol. The one thing I have a problem with as a greyheaded old man when will I NOT be questioned as to wethered I have drugs in my vehicle? Weapon's yes- better to have and not need than to need and not have!!
Maybe it's just me, but I'm curious to know what these lesser circumstances are that have caused you to point your gun at someone. If you're whippin your gun out just for the hell of it, you're part of why everyone's trying to take our guns away.

Read the second half of the sentence again...

If they took my gun away, I'd have to change my screen name to "Bobby". ;)
Police have not "devolved" into automatically assuming anyone armed is a criminal.

Police training has evolved and a couple of key factors have emerged:

1) A police officer's contact with an armed subject is always reactionary. An officer's actions are based on the actions of the subject, and an officer is always going to be behind in their actions (not matter how fast their decision making process is, it is a split second behind). Because it is uncertain what the subject is actually thinking and what actions they will take, an officer needs to try to be at an advantage as much as possible.

2) A police officer has different rules of engagement and is held to a higher standard because of their training and position. Bad guys have no rules.

If a police officer saw an armed person and did not contact them, I firmly believe that would be negligence. Especially if said person walked into the nearest shopping center and killed a loved one.

Suspect? Engagement? Bad Guy? Killing Spree? WTF!!!?

Nowhere in the story is there any mention of criminal intent on the part of the Lawyer. He was not brandishing a weapon, had not removed it from it's holster, and was not a "Suspect" in any crime.

By all accounts, the Officer observed a gun under the fellows shirt and escalated the situation to a red zone incident. The last time I checked, Citizens in this country have rights. It was the Officers job to protect those rights, and not infringe on them.

What makes the "Good Guys" different from the "Bad Guys" are those rules which you would so lightly toss away in the name of "Officer Safety".

I don't have the stats but I believe in the last 10 years when the Australian Govt enforced the gun laws the took away about 500 million dollars worth of guns. and in The UK, where I was born and grew up and am still a citizen, of that gun crime is up. even although they took away almost all the guns. I am now a US citizen as well and the 1st AND 2nd amendments are what allow us the freedoms we have. I respect everyones right to an opinion but I have the right to protect my self and family. A LEO friend once told me 'we can't be everywhere all the time", and a police officers job responsibility is to the community or society, not the individual. ps my wife was an exchange student to Townsville many years ago and we would love to come back. But The US is our Home.
