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It has begun -Dial Up Shoot yourself-

CRASH said:
Except with less power, reliability and flex.

Don't give the 305/650DP that much credit. I actually ran that same powertrain in my Nova once because I already had it and didn't want to spend money on a motor, and it was quite disappointing. A worn out, internally-clearanced reduced-friction Renix 4.0 would have given it a run for its money, with twice the fuel economy :D

James knows all about power though. His previous ride had a 455ci motor with 190 HP!

(this isn't a joke)
vetteboy said:
Don't give the 305/650DP that much credit. I actually ran that same powertrain in my Nova once because I already had it and didn't want to spend money on a motor, and it was quite disappointing. A worn out, internally-clearanced reduced-friction Renix 4.0 would have given it a run for its money, with twice the fuel economy :D

James knows all about power though. His previous ride had a 455ci motor with 190 HP!

(this isn't a joke)

WTF do you mean by that. If you know anything about big blocks then you know that they are not monsters of horse power but of torque. Torque is a larger concern than horsepower. And I commend you for typing my name in a search. Pat on the back. :gee:
JamesD said:
WTF do you mean by that. If you know anything about big blocks then you know that they are not monsters of horse power but of torque. Torque is a larger concern than horsepower. And I commend you for typing my name in a search. Pat on the back. :gee:

I know exactly how a big block works, thanks. I've built more than my fair share of motors and many of them have gone into things they had no business being in. :) Honestly that Olds looked like it was a clean ride, which is all the more reason why I'm confused that you're being so careless on this one.

Isn't Google fun? :idea:

All kinds of entertaining things come up for me, too. If you look hard enough you can find some of my first forum posts ever in which I look like a complete newbie tard trying to convince someone that my XJ had a D44 front axle from the factory. You can also find some REALLY old posts in which I put up my first welding project ever (rock rails) for review, and people said the welds looked cold, and I said they were fine, and then they cracked on the first rock impact. So much for listening to advice from people who knew what they were talking about.

I apologize for the somewhat humorous direction this thread has gone, but really, we're taking it just as seriously as you seem to be taking the planning and execution of your project. Perhaps if you really took the advice offered here, or at least showed it some consideration, people would take you a little more seriously as well.

The people who blindly post up the "don't listen, just do it, live your dreams!" sort of posts are the ones who really annoy me on the trail. Not because I ever see them, but invariably the person that chose to follow their advice instead of the actual tech being offered is the guy stuck and broken on the next obstacle whose axle has decided to remove itself from the vehicle. I know this because I lead trail groups of all sizes from time to time and I've seen some wonderful examples of misguided fabrication.

Just show some regard for the advice offered here, and if you think your idea is better, enlighten everybody by showing us how. That's all that's really being asked of you here.

Good luck with the build!
WOW. Thank you, seriously. I will try to get the rear mocked up this weekend and I will let you all know how it turns out.
vetteboy said:
The people who blindly post up the "don't listen, just do it, live your dreams!"
QUOTE]wow all i said was "...build your vision..keep it on a budget..and make good welds"...now i can fab and my heep has made it 2 yrs from last build..over knuckle 1 1/2 dom tubing w/hiems..longarm set up...relocate trac bar..not to mention geting a xj 7in. takes a little more things done here and there,trust me i know....hell i did all the install work of the arb and tjm bumbers by myself...i think that might be the only bolt on junk i bought pre built..besides this said rig James speaks of i expect nothing less but it being trailored w/parts tools and a welder once taking of to the areas he does his wheeling,so when his heep does lose that vision axle he can get it back together and a hour or so and go back to the trails...and i believe i have seen your heep vetteboy<tubed xj?> what i remember its a nice rig..that all being said i most push the submit reply web wheeing botton..thank you
dallas xjs said:
wow all i said was "...build your vision..keep it on a budget..and make good welds"...now i can fab and my heep has made it 2 yrs from last build..over knuckle 1 1/2 dom tubing w/hiems..longarm set up...relocate trac bar..not to mention geting a xj 7in. takes a little more things done here and there,trust me i know....hell i did all the install work of the arb and tjm bumbers by myself...i think that might be the only bolt on junk i bought pre built..besides this said rig James speaks of i expect nothing less but it being trailored w/parts tools and a welder once taking of to the areas he does his wheeling,so when his heep does lose that vision axle he can get it back together and a hour or so and go back to the trails...and i believe i have seen your heep vetteboy<tubed xj?> what i remember its a nice rig..that all being said i most push the submit reply web wheeing botton..thank you

Crap - sorry dude. I wasn't callin you out by any means, nor questioning your abilities, nor even referring to any specific posts. My apologies if it seemed that way. It's the posts that imply "don't listen to all the haters" when the so-called "haters" are the people actually offering valid technical advice that annoy me.

And yeah, you may have seen mine floating around here, there's a few random shots here and there. Not really tubed but full cage and chopped rear etc. It's done an excellent job of making sure my jackstands don't run away for the last 7 months.
This thread has brought a tear to my eye...

it's priceless...

mission accomplished boys.
JamesD said:
Well we do alot of riding down here along with the Superlift park and we have alot of guys running alot bigger than 44's and when we are hittin the trails 35 won't cut it.

Ive taken my XJ on 35s on every 1,2,3,and 4 in that park and attempted a couple 5's (one with success). With the right driver at the wheel and some kahuna's, theres no reason you cant do 95% of the trails at superlift in a properly built cherokee on 35's. 44's are not necessary, especially on a cherokee. But, its your build, and im dying to see my old xj with 44's under it. I just want to see it done the right way.
Guess what? There are assholes on the internet. Try posting this on Pirate and see what happens.

Most people are criticizing your design for your benefit and the SAFETY of others.

Another reason you are a target is that you seem to be trying to jump over the learning curve. Just as vetteboy says: "you can find some of my first forum posts ever in which I look like a complete newbie tard." When I am reminded of some of my first projects, I thank god that I wasn't messing with any EXTREMELY CRITICAL parts. I learned from my mistakes (aka "experience") and now can build some pretty decent stuff. Good luck!
I have read this entire thread....interesting and funny at times....but in the end, the same old same old....an inexperienced guy tries something that in the end is going to fail or at best fall short of the intention.

Very experienced guys offer good advice and get snobbed...bad move...lack of understanding of basic human nature...those with experience are used to telling someone how to do it right, and receiving the respect and co-operation they have earned from experience.....the inexperienced, working with not much more than a desire to accomplish their vision (however flawed that vision may be) are incensed that someone is telling them what to do (push their own vision on the inexperienced guy) no matter how good the advice is. Ego and testosterone unfortunately often overrule good advice and sound judgement...

If someone wants to reinvent the wheel all by himself, I say good luck. All it takes is money, time, and a place to scrap all the broken parts. When it breaks, the "Rutan theory" comes into play (Burt Rutan, Google that name) "I just eliminated another wrong way to do this"...of course Rutan is an incredible mind.

Besides, history shows that a lot of innovations were blundered into by accident, who knows???

As far as 44's on a XJ go...I have seen several....but they are Mud Trucks..vastly different from the normal "trail Rigs" and would flip over and play dead cockroach at the first sign of a tall rocky obstical.
olivedrabcj7 said:
Glad to see the old jeep go to a good home.
Care to take a mulligan on that statement? :gag:
not at all rocklander...speaking about james post..his going round and round..and i thinks age and exp has ever thing to do with it..sorry about the misunderstanging "dude"...lol
vetteboy said:
.....James knows all about power though. His previous ride had a 455ci motor with 190 HP!......(this isn't a joke)

That's impossible. The guy that built that Buick would never throw together some booger-welded, booty fabbed pile like the pics posted here.........could he???????

Seriously, if you take that much pride in your ride to build a nice bagged cruiser like that, why would you build some half ass sh1t for your Jeep? Your work will be WAYYYY more visible on a lifted rig, and frankly I'd shoot myself if I did work like what you've shown here.

I dont mean to be an ass, everyone's gotta start somewhere but jeezus man take some pride in what you build. You obviously did in your other ride. Research the project before jumping into it headlong & just welding crap together & posting it on the interweb.

In other words, R&R that junk, SEARCH and then start building. Nothing you want to do is unique so search for it, take in other's ideas and ONLY THEN start building. And stop being a hack. :spin1:

Good luck.
vintagespeed said:
The guy that built that Buick would never throw together some booger-welded, booty fabbed pile like the pics posted here.........could he???????

And you'd think a guy with the name 'vintagespeed' could tell the difference between a Buick and an Oldsmobile. :doh: :)

That's what I was saying though, from the Cardomain page for that ride, it looked really well done. Adjustable height and everything. I recognize that in our sport looks aren't everything (in fact, they're rarely anything) but even the ugliest projects need a solid foundation in order to get anywhere.

JamesD said:
WOW. Thank you, seriously. I will try to get the rear mocked up this weekend and I will let you all know how it turns out.

So how'd it turn out? Inquiring minds want to know! :scared:

seriously, I really would like to see how you're progressing on it, all sarcasm and humor aside. Mine's suffering from a severe lack of progress as of late so I might as well build vicariously through other people.