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I used to work with a guy that has since robbed a bank at gun point. Great guy too, one of those that you'd never think of doing something like that.
So I saw this guy on the front page of the paper that was one of our county's 5 most wanted. He looked extremely familiar. Then I remembered who he was. I bought my beater XJ off of him. He apparently beat his girlfriend or something of that nature. They found out where he was and went there and he took off into the woods. They didn't find him but he turned himself in later in the day. I found this hilarious and thought I'd share.

i bought my blue xj off a doctor who used it as a aspare vehicle. the thing was imaculant. they took real good care of it but they sold it because they bought a new tj rubicon as a "spare" vehicle. they told me theyd only sell it to me if i promised to take care of it and not bash it. a year later i was playing dukes of hazzard in the snow by the local park. i missed a turn and put the jeep nose down in a 30 foot sink hole. dinged up the fender and quarter. but just so happen the previous owner pulled up to ask if i needed a hand. after he realized it was his old jeep he quietly drove off. i kinda felt bad.
Time to buy an XJ so you can trec the zj!

In related news, I found a buyer for my 318 when I do my motor swap.

GoSlow 'once again motivated to TREC' GetStuck
Time to buy an XJ so you can trec the zj!

I am really up in the air about what I want to do. But I figure I already have the ZJ, it's halfway there, so maybe with a little more work I'll be ready enough to run it... till it breaks. The sad reality is that unibody vehicles don't hold up well to that kind of abuse, so I have to plan on building a new rig at some point in the future. Watching the race Saturday really got me back into the "Hey, I could do that!" state of mind.

But, I am looking for a 4x4 for winter that's a little smaller than the F-250, so I may have an XJ again soon. And then after the ZJ falls apart, that will become the new rig, and then after that, who knows... it's a vicious cycle.

Edit: Actually, Neal's XJ has been sitting in my driveway for a few days, so maybe I will adopt it.
I remember a youtube video of some guys at a mall parking lot, crawling over curbs and parking stops with an XJ and maybe a TJ, Now I can't find it....does anyone know what I am talking about??? I can see Colon doing something like that.
So I called up the steel shop and ordered up some 2x5 toob for my rockers. Turns out they don't have 3/16". Only 1/8" and 1/4". I opted with the 1/4". You think that's thick enough? :biggrin:
Nice! That was one of those that hit dead on. Sometimes "TWSS" jokes miss...but still maintain a certain level of hilarity.
Its just one after another TWSS jokes at the shop i work at, and i still laugh at every one
While trucking through Hammond,Ind on Indianapolis blvd last night around midnight,I passed a nice looking two door XJ it was muddy,I could'nt tell what color..

Rewster,was that you???

Nope i got a 4 door

cant think of any other members in the area with a 2 door
wish I had a camera yesterday.....plowed a deer with the grain truck doing about 60 mph..it was a mess on the road that resembled a plate of hairy spaghetti.
10 miles in a day was a bit much....got a small blister. Other then that little set back they are far and away the best shoes I have ever bought.

I've been considering buying a pair of those for years now. My sister has them and loves them. Hmmm...

Just got out of the hospital. For those not friends on facebook, my heart monitor finally caught one of my episodes. My heart completely stopped beating for 22 seconds. I have a pacemaker now, and should be able to drive again in about a week!
Yikes, that really sucks :( at least it's "fixed" now. When it happened in the past, could you feel it stop or just felt strange? I can almost always feel my heartbeat without putting my finger on a vein, once in a while I skip a beat or two but I've never lost it for that long.
2x5 rockers are going in tomorrow morning.
Think that the YJ is sold.

I never listed it or registered it in my name.

I used it for a couple months put a little bit of money into it.

Had a buddy say that his dad was looking for a Jeep to pull behind his motorhome. Shot him a price a couple of weeks ago. A price that was what I would sell it for even tho it wasn't for sale.

He's supposed to drop the money off this afternoon.

I'll get my furnace paid off and a couple other bills!!!

mac 'everything is forsale for the right price' gyvr