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OH, we have the 360 also but nor MW2 or Xbox Live.
If you watch the net, you can get 12mo. of Xbox LIVE for $28. That's what I paid. MW2 is a great game. It's about all I ever play anymore

For used games, check out www.glyde.com. It takes a while to get your game but, the prices are very reasonable. I've had really good luck with it.
There's a "good" quality MW2 on there right now for $27.
To bad I play on a PC....would be nice to sweep the floor with you. Currently playing CoD with the Modern Weapons mod, like the best of CoD and MW2 all rolled into one. I play the same server every weekend.

You ought to get an Xbox Rev. If you like the PC stuff, I bet you'd really love the xBox.........once you got accustomed to it. It wouldn't be hard to pack along, especially the new "slim" models.

We could start a MWC clan.
Nooooooooooo. one at a time, r/r, l/r, r/f, l/f in that order, but you still need to have someone to step down & hold the pedel to get all the air out. But one at a time.

This aint my first Rodeoh. :wave:
I know how to bleed brakes. Two person bleeding works good. Gravity works too. Open the resivior open all the bleeders fluid flows pulling air out with it. Mighty vac works well too.

Jeep had been sitting for a long time and the MC has nasty looking fluid in it. Ive pulled as much fluid as i could out with a syringe when I got it runnin and have had the system open a time or two. The nasty fluid is still there. Jeep stops fine just seemed to have a lil bit of air in the system from the extended lines I put on.
Im gunna have to replace the MC eventually.
Thanks for the help tho.
I'm personally a fan of speed bleeders.

As for the gunk in the reservoir/MC, when I installed my WJ booster on the MJ it had that in it. I ended up taking it off, half-filling the reservoir with clean fluid, and shaking the hell out of it, then pouring the gross crap out and repeating. It ended up fairly close to clean, so I flushed some through it and then bled it.

Hell, I'm sitting at a desk writing code and watching tests run right now... at the company that most likely made the processor in your computer. That pretty much requires me to be a nerd of some sort :spin1:
I'm personally a fan of speed bleeders.

As for the gunk in the reservoir/MC, when I installed my WJ booster on the MJ it had that in it. I ended up taking it off, half-filling the reservoir with clean fluid, and shaking the hell out of it, then pouring the gross crap out and repeating. It ended up fairly close to clean, so I flushed some through it and then bled it.

Yeah Ive always wanted to try speed bleeders just never forked over the cash.

Thought about pullin the MC n cleaning it but then thought why go through all that trouble pulling cleaning and puting it back on and bleed it when I could put a new one on and only have to do it once.

I never really got into playing xbox or computer games. I have played them but im not any good at them so I quit messing with em.
I never thought in a million years that I'd be interested in games and such. I never played at all until 2 years ago. My brother showed me Call of Duty 4 on his 360. I played.....then I was hooked. Been playing ever since. I don't play much other than Call of Duty titles. I'd much rather play with friends or other people than do single player story line stuff.
Everything else just doesn't do anything for me. I bought Red Dead Redemption and I've played it only a handful of times. Couldn't get interesed in FableII or Forza3 either.
I used to laugh at the kids playing with all of the Star Wars action figures.
"Hey, when we are done we can play Dungeons and Dragons!"

I was jumping my bicycle over their giant "Mellinum Falcon" toy trying to break the clear plastic bubble window off of the top.
"Lets go see if my dad has any more Canadian Club hidden in the garage!"
Roomates at college had a game on xbox where you battled zombies. Cant remember the title.
I got bored and started watching them play it. Then I started playin it. Noticed that the drunker I got the better I got. Thought about getin an xbox just to kill some time but I would never wana fork out the cash for games.

I do watch a lot of movies though.
Got a call the other day and it said number withheld. I answered it and it was an audimated recording from family video in Vincennes. Said they missed me and if I rent from them again within two weeks ill get a free rental and on my deathbed I would recieve total concienseness. So I got that goin for me
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Roomates at college had a game on xbox where you battled zombies. Cant remember the title.
I got bored and started watching them play it. Then I started playin it. Noticed that the drunker I got the better I got. Thought about getin an xbox just to kill some time but I would never wana fork out the cash for games.

I do watch a lot of movies though.
Got a call the other day and it said number withheld. I answered it and it was an audimated recording from family video in Vincennes. Said they missed me and if I rent from them again within two weeks ill get a free rental and on my deathbed I would recieve total concienseness. So I got that goin for me

That was likely Call of Duty as well that your roommates were playing. It's kind of a game within a game. I don't do zombies.
. I don't do zombies.

LIAR!! I have seen the video...and that one time we dressed the sheep up to look like little fluffy wooly zombies..now THAT was a great time....and there was this one time, at FFA camp....
I would need a better TV to use Xbox.

I'll stick with the PC....

Austin....you can find me weekend nights at the UGC Modern Weapons server...you already know my game handle.

Hmmm For the FPS type games the PC is the way to go in my book. Mouse and WASD rock. I played soldier of fortune religiously at one point. Never cared too much for a FPS on the console. I like God of War and Madden, love playing football with the kids. Yes we do play outside too, but when it is too hot or raining we will play inside.