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There's some medication that will help with that, man...

Back to the grind all but Friday this week. Hardware and O/S upgrades on 3 major servers tomorrow, something better than a quarter of a million dollars getting stuffed in the chassis. And these are development, not even production machines.
yup...I guess I am back to the grind...never really got away from it though...only took a few hours off on Chrsitmas Day and I had to haul corn that afternoon...kind of glad to come back o my M-F job to get a break from the farm. I need a vacation that does not have anything to do with corn or snow....
There's some medication that will help with that, man...

Back to the grind all but Friday this week. Hardware and O/S upgrades on 3 major servers tomorrow, something better than a quarter of a million dollars getting stuffed in the chassis. And these are development, not even production machines.

I wish I wrote software where you worked. It's like pulling teeth to get extra hardware for testing around here. VMware only goes so far.
I dont feel like searching.............

For the axles will motorcrap 75w140 work?
how many quarts for a d30 and cry8.25?
lsd is when both wheels spin the same way when the truck is in the air right?

tanks everybody :D
Man, 10 hours.

Is everyone back to the daily grind today?

I've got duty, so I'll be here for the next 24 hours posting, antagonizing, posting, rinse, repeat

seven more hours and I am gone til next Monday.
took the Comanche to work today....damn, I love the little fawker.

Well, then I just love the Colts! :gag: Overall I'm a Vikes fan, but I follow the Titans closely since they moved to Nashville when I lived in the Bowling Green area (Scottsville) and I like the Pats a bit too.

God, I know you're being sarcastic and all about loving the Colts, but I feel someone who puts "I just love the Colts!" and "I like the Pats a bit too." should be strung up by the toes and beat with my 56* wedge. I bleed blue and since everyone knows how much a$$ the Colts kick, I don't have to ask "Who dey?"!!!
I wish I wrote software where you worked. It's like pulling teeth to get extra hardware for testing around here. VMware only goes so far.
Umm..... no, you don't. Really. I have very little respect for most of the development staff & management here, and reserve hatred for the contractor staff.

Ultimately, the upgraded machines will be supporting a $3b/year business unit.
seven more hours and I am gone til next Monday.
took the Comanche to work today....damn, I love the little fawker.


An hour and 45 minutes and I am out of here for a few months! Hopefully business picks up after WF so I can upgrade my Jeep again!
God, I know you're being sarcastic and all about loving the Colts, but I feel someone who puts "I just love the Colts!" and "I like the Pats a bit too." should be strung up by the toes and beat with my 56* wedge. I bleed blue and since everyone knows how much a$$ the Colts kick, I don't have to ask "Who dey?"!!!

And how many rings does Brady have over Manning? Two. End of discussion.:wave:
And how many rings does Brady have over Manning? Two. End of discussion.:wave:

Pick a team genius. You can't root for 3 teams in the AFC. You certainly look like an idiot when you root for 3 playoff teams from the last decade. Did you pick them out of the newspaper when they made headlines?

And you live in Kentucky? Why not be a Cinci fan too? They're within 1000 miles of where you live, so you must qualify.

To answer your statement:

Defensive pressure is the key to any defense performing well. If ole Brett needs 7 seconds to read the defense and throw the ball, he needs to hang it up. You're going to have days when your O-line isn't as good as their D-line. That still doesn't excuse coughing the ball up like a 9 year old schoolgirl.

Peterson is a fumbler. Defenses know that. Why is it that a running back fumbles and there's no credit for the defense? Do you think the vikings are going to play chump teams in the playoffs?

Take a look at their losses. AP gets 94 yards once and doesn't get over 60 yards the other times, but Favre gets his 250+ everytime.

Defensive coordinators have 15 weeks of game film to look at. It's been figured out. Run blitz, force the pass, watch the implosion. Same as the Jets.
And how many rings does Brady have over Manning? Two. End of discussion.:wave:

Jesus! I love how Pats fans always throw up the fact about the rings...For some reason, records fall on deaf ears when dealing with Pats fans. Do any of you guys remember a small time quarter back with a butt load of records and no rings by the name of Dan Marino?! Not to boast on the Dolphins, but his caliber was more than Super Bowl quality, and the record books will show that. I'm not going to tell you that pretty boy Tom Brady isn't a quality quarterback, he is. And, season in and out he has (dare I say it) a great team and staff full of knowledge and experience. But, when it comes down to brass tacks, Peyton Manning is the $#!+! Besides, with Tom's last couple years and their embarrassing 4th quarter play against The Bills, of all crap teams, his luster is looking a little tarnished. We'll see who moves out and around. End of discussion.
Jesus! I love how Pats fans always throw up the fact about the rings...For some reason, records fall on deaf ears when dealing with Pats fans. Do any of you guys remember a small time quarter back with a butt load of records and no rings by the name of Dan Marino?! Not to boast on the Dolphins, but his caliber was more than Super Bowl quality, and the record books will show that. I'm not going to tell you that pretty boy Tom Brady isn't a quality quarterback, he is. And, season in and out he has (dare I say it) a great team and staff full of knowledge and experience. But, when it comes down to brass tacks, Peyton Manning is the $#!+! Besides, with Tom's last couple years and their embarrassing 4th quarter play against The Bills, of all crap teams, his luster is looking a little tarnished. We'll see who moves out and around. End of discussion.

Well, at least He....... well, soon to be me has a nice Jeep for a good price! I will probably buy it even though he likes to ride on Brady Bandwagon! :laugh3:
This is fun!!
Well, at least He....... well, soon to be me has a nice Jeep for a good price! I will probably buy it even though he likes to ride on Brady Bandwagon! :laugh3:

Do you think someone is in the wrong chapter?
I'm amazed........what a difference a different ISP makes.