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HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm back to the world of technology. I finally got highspeed internet. Now my 1 yr old can go unsupervised while I surf NAXJA.

Oh yeah Tyler I got those shackles and they will work perfect. Now if only I could find a set of dodge van springs I could start that project.

when I go wheelin I don't usually take many pictures, especially of my rig.
I am headed to the Badlands this weekend.
I think I may take some pictures and enter the ROM Contest.


I wish there was a picture of you chasing your jeep after leaving it in gear! :D

With just one meal you can get your minimum monthly requirement of calories.
A real time saver.
Sitting in the hotel in Clear Lake, IA drinking some Fat Tire. Going home tomorrow and picking up the tow rig, (it had some real issues, but is a lot better now) from the shop. I may actually wheel the Jeep on labor day weekend!!!!:shocked:
Tip a few for me Brian, I am one week sober today. Purely out of laziness, I have not made time to go to the booze store :D
I'll tip...... working on the cream ale, as dispensed out of the converted chest freezer behind me. :D 2 other taps have a dunkelweizen and an Irish red as well. Haven't made anything for the 4th tap yet.

On a side note, the water in this house is nowhere near as hard as it was where my g/f & I were renting. It's made a difference in brewing.
I can tip one more, maybe.

Had a couple of my hopped up American lagers, and killed the keg. That came as a total surprise, I didn't think I'd been drinking that much of it.

I had kegged my Houblonmonstre Tripel IPA yesterday so I threw that in the fridge and poured a glass. Didn't do an OG reading but the FG was 1.011, so this stuff is at least 9%, but doesn't taste like it at all. One of those brews that are hard to stop drinking, even uncarbonated :cheers:
That's both good and bad news on the Houblonmonstre. Hope it's a 10 gallon batch.

I've only been brewing from extract kits. I've pretty much stopping checking specific gravity. If I go grain, I'll definitely want to start again.
This is still extract. I'm getting close to going all grain though, I actually have a St Paul Porter all grain kit to keep me motivated to finish re-working Beezil's old brew tree. Got the new burners in, just need gas piping and to finish the keg conversions.

I've been thinking about brew sculptures again, and I really shouldn't be. Too much other crap to spend money on.

Those are KAB5 burners?
Sitting in the hotel in Clear Lake, IA drinking some Fat Tire. Going home tomorrow and picking up the tow rig, (it had some real issues, but is a lot better now) from the shop. I may actually wheel the Jeep on labor day weekend!!!!:shocked:

I can't believe you are 10 minutes from me & couldn't give me shout out.
I've been thinking about brew sculptures again, and I really shouldn't be. Too much other crap to spend money on.

Those are KAB5 burners?


But I sure as hell didn't pay that much!

I think I paid around $30 each for them, last year.

I should be able to do 10 gallon batches for around $2/gallon. Beezil claims he can get as low as $1/gallon, buying grains by the sack, hops by the pound, and re-using yeast. And his beers are killer!

But I sure as hell didn't pay that much!

I think I paid around $30 each for them, last year.

I should be able to do 10 gallon batches for around $2/gallon. Beezil claims he can get as low as $1/gallon, buying grains by the sack, hops by the pound, and re-using yeast. And his beers are killer!

Wish I knew what you were talking about :D
On a side note. Drove the jeep today. As long as ive been driveing it, when the headlights were on dim the Bright blue light thats in the center of the dash had been on a lil dim. When I would turn on the brights it would go full blue then dim again on when i had my brights off.
My right front headlight was also always dim. Changed the bulb and it didnt change. I figured it was a ground issue cause the left one was always bright.
Well today while driving i was playing with the tilt wheel. When all the way up and all the way down with the tilt.
Now Both my Headlights are bright and my Lil blue bulb went off :yelclap:
I love it when stuff fixes itself.
West bound and down, eighteen wheels a'rollin'
I'm gonna do what they say can't be done...

Well, eight wheels anyway. And there's no beer in Texarkana, either.

But there is one hell of a nice parts rig in Peoria, so Illinois here I come!


Well, home again.

Sure didn't set any time records, but the drive went well and the jeep does seem to be as-advertised.

More detail to come...
